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About This Guide

This chapter includes:

What you'll find in this guide

The Adaptive Partitioning User's Guide will help you set up and use adaptive partitioning to divide system resources in a flexible way between competing processes.

This guide is intended for software developers of individual applications, as well as for developers who are responsible for the overall time or throughput behavior of the entire system. In general, you need to consider the entire system when you set partition budgets, window sizes, memory allocation, and other parameters.

The following table may help you find information quickly in this guide:

For information on: Go to:
Adaptive partitioning in general What is Adaptive Partitioning?
Using the adaptive partitioning architecture to solve different facets of the problem of controlling the consumption of resources in a system Controlling Resources Using the Thread Scheduler
Getting started with the thread scheduler Quickstart: Adaptive Partitioning Thread Scheduler
How the thread scheduler works Using the Adaptive Partitioning Thread Scheduler
Setting up and using the thread scheduler Setting Up and Using the partitioning Thread Scheduler
Knowing when and how to use the thread scheduler Considerations for The Thread Scheduler
Security considerations when partitioning Security for Scheduler Partitions
Checking for and fixing problems Testing and Debugging
Frequently Asked Questions about the Thread Scheduler FAQ: Adaptive Partitioning Thread Scheduler
Terminology used in this guide Glossary

Typographical conventions

Throughout this manual, we use certain typographical conventions to distinguish technical terms. In general, the conventions we use conform to those found in IEEE POSIX publications. The following table summarizes our conventions:

Reference Example
Code examples if( stream == NULL )
Command options -lR
Commands make
Environment variables PATH
File and pathnames /dev/null
Function names exit()
Keyboard chords Ctrl-Alt-Delete
Keyboard input something you type
Keyboard keys Enter
Program output login:
Programming constants NULL
Programming data types unsigned short
Programming literals 0xFF, "message string"
Variable names stdin
User-interface components Cancel

We use an arrow (→) in directions for accessing menu items, like this:

You'll find the Other... menu item under Perspective-->Show View.

We use notes, cautions, and warnings to highlight important messages:

Note: Notes point out something important or useful.

Caution: Cautions tell you about commands or procedures that may have unwanted or undesirable side effects.

WARNING: Warnings tell you about commands or procedures that could be dangerous to your files, your hardware, or even yourself.

Note to Windows users

In our documentation, we use a forward slash (/) as a delimiter in all pathnames, including those pointing to Windows files.

We also generally follow POSIX/UNIX filesystem conventions.

Navigation buttons

At the top and bottom of our HTML docs, you'll see some or all of these buttons:

Use this button: To move:
Previous To the previous part of the document.
Contents “Up” in the document:
  • In a prose book, this typically takes you to About This Guide.
  • In a reference book, it takes you to the listing of items that start with a given letter. For example, if you're looking at the docs for abs(), this button takes you to the listing of the functions that start with A.
Keyword index To the keyword index.
Next To the next part of the document.

Technical support

To obtain technical support for any QNX product, visit the Support + Services area on our website (www.qnx.com). You'll find a wide range of support options, including community forums.

© 2005–2009, QNX Software Systems GmbH & Co. KG. All rights reserved.

For more information, see the Copyright Notice.

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