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Check if a channel is a subchannel of a PCM device


#include <audio_driver.h>

int32_t ado_pcm_subchn_is_channel
  ( ado_pcm_subchn_t *subchn,
    ado_pcm_t *pcm,
    enum pcm_chn_type chn_type );


A pointer to the ado_pcm_subchn_t structure for the subchannel.
A pointer to the ado_pcm_t structure created for the PCM device when you called ado_pcm_create().
The channel type; one of:


The ado_pcm_subchn_is_channel() function is a convenience function for checking if the subchn is a subchannel of the a PCM device. This function is necessary because the subchn structure is a opaque internal structure. This function is handy in the PCM capabilities() callback (see ado_pcm_hw_t) because all the devices can share the same callback, which uses this function to tell them apart.


True if subchn is a subchannel of the PCM device pcm channel of type type.


QNX Neutrino

Cancellation point No
Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread Yes

See also:


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