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Structure for a tty device
typedef struct ttyinit_entry {
_Paddr64t port;
unsigned port_shift;
unsigned intr;
int baud;
int isize;
int osize;
int csize;
int c_cflag;
int c_iflag;
int c_lflag;
int c_oflag;
int fifo;
int clk;
int div;
char name[TTY_NAME_MAX];
A character driver shares the TTYINIT with the io=char library.
This structure is used to initialize baud rate, input, output, canonical buffer sizes, termios
flags, interrupts, etc.
The members include:
- port
- Contains addresses of device registers.
- port_shift
- Used to provide spacing between registers. For example:
- 0 — is for 8-bit registers
- 1 — is for 16-bit registers
- 2 — is for 32-bit registers
- intr
- The interrupt number associated with the device.
- baud
- The device's baud rate.
- isize
- The input buffer size.
- osize
- The output buffer size.
- csize
- The canonical buffer size.
- c_cflag
- c_iflag
- c_lflag
- c_oflag
- fifo
- clk
- The clock frequency is used with baud rate and divisor in stty.
- div
- The divisor is used with baud rate and clock in stty.
- name
- The name of the device.
QNX Neutrino
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