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Driver module information
#include <graphics/display.h>
typedef struct disp_module_info {
uint8_t ddk_version_major;
uint8_t ddk_version_minor;
uint8_t ddk_rev;
uint8_t driver_rev;
char *description;
unsigned reserved[16];
} disp_module_info_t;
The disp_module_info_t structure stores module information
about your driver.
Your driver must fill in this structure when the graphics framework calls the
module_info() function that your driver defines in these
The members of the disp_module_info_t structure include:
- ddk_version_major
- The major version number of the Graphics DDK that you used to
build your driver.
- ddk_version_minor
- The minor version number of the DDK; set it to
- ddk_rev
- The revision number of the DDK; set it to DDK_REVISION.
- driver_rev
- The revision of the driver; use this member as you see fit.
- description
- A string that describes the driver module.
The recommended format is the driver name, followed by a space, a hyphen,
another space, and then a generic description of the hardware that the driver
should support.
For example, vga - driver for VGA-compatible devices.
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