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Reset a heartbeat's state to healthy
#include <ha/ham.h>
ham_action_t *ham_action_heartbeat_healthy(
ham_condition_t *chdl,
const char *aname,
unsigned flags)
You use this function to reset the state of a heartbeat to
healthy so that HAM can resume monitoring. Assuming that the
client missed one or more heartbeats (i.e. the condition
CONDHBEATMISSEDLOW|HIGH is true), and that a recovery has been
performed, the ham_action_heartbeat_healthy() call
instructs HAM to monitor the client again.
The following flag is currently defined:
- Indicates that the action is to be automatically rearmed
after the entity that it belongs to is restarted. By
default, this flag is disabled — actions automatically
get pruned across restarts of the entity. Note that if the
condition that this action belongs to is pruned after a
restart, this action will also be removed, regardless of the
value of this flag.
A valid handle to an action to a condition, or NULL if an error
occurred (errno is set).
- Couldn't connect to the HAM.
- This action already exists in the specified condition.
- The name given in aname is invalid (e.g. it
contains the “/” character) or is NULL.
- The name given (in aname) is too long, i.e.
it exceeds _POSIX_PATH_MAX (defined in <limits.h>).
Note that the combined length of an entity/condition/action
name is also limited by _POSIX_PATH_MAX.
- Not enough memory to create a new handle.
In addition to the above errors, the HAM returns any error
it encounters while servicing this request.
QNX Neutrino
Safety: | |
Cancellation point |
No |
Interrupt handler |
No |
Signal handler |
No |
Thread |
Yes |
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