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Stop the HAM
#include <ha/ham.h>
int ham_stop( void );
int ham_stop_nd( int nd);
int ham_stop_node( const char *nodename);
The ham_stop() function instructs the HAM to
The ham_stop_nd(), and ham_stop_node()
functions are used to terminate remote HAMs. These are the
only proper ways to stop the HAM.
The nd specified to ham_stop_nd()
is the node identifier of the remote node at the time the
ham_stop_nd() call is made.
Since node identifiers are transient objects, you should obtain the
value for nd immediately before the call, using
or another function that converts nodenames into node identifiers. |
The ham_stop_node() function takes as a parameter
a fully qualified node name (FQNN). The ham_stop_node()
function is used when a nodename is used to specify a remote HAM
instead of a node identifier (nd).
Since the HAM and its “clone” the Guardian
monitor each other, and re-spawn should the other fail, the
HAM must first terminate the Guardian before it terminates itself.
- 0
- Success.
- -1
- An error occurred (errno is set).
- Couldn't connect to the HAM.
In addition to the above, the HAM returns any error
it encounters while servicing the request to terminate.
QNX Neutrino
Safety: | |
Cancellation point |
No |
Interrupt handler |
No |
Signal handler |
No |
Thread |
Yes |
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Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/ham_en/ham/hamapi/ham_stop.html on line 137