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A structure that defines a video format
See below.
This structure defines a video format. It contains at least the following members:
- uint32_t width
- The width of the video image, in pixels.
- uint32_t height
- The height of the video image, in pixels.
- uint32_t depth
- The color depth (number of bits per pixel).
- int32_t frame_rate
- The scaled frame rate. This value is divided by scale for
the actual frame rate.
- int32_t scale
- A scaling value for the frame rate. This value is required if the frame rate isn't an integer. For example, if the frame rate is 29.97, set frame_rate to 2997 and scale to 100.
- int32_t duration
- The duration of the video, in frames. Set to 0 if unknown.
QNX Neutrino
ImageFormat_t, AudioFormat_t, MediaFormat_t
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