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Information about all of the mixer groups


typedef struct snd_mixer_groups_s
    int32_t     groups, groups_size, groups_over;
    uint8_t     zero[4];                    /* alignment -- zero fill */
    snd_mixer_gid_t *pgroups;
    void        *pzero;                     /* align pointers on 64-bits --> point to NULL */
    uint8_t     reserved[128];      /* must be filled with zero */
}       snd_mixer_groups_t;


The snd_mixer_groups_t structure holds information about all of the mixer groups. You can fill this structure by calling snd_mixer_groups().

The members of this structure include:

The number of groups in the mixer.
The size of the pgroups storage location in sizeof( snd_mixer_gid_t ) units (i.e. the number of entries in the array). Set this before calling snd_mixer_groups().
The number of groups that wouldn't fit in the pgroups array.
NULL, or an array of snd_mixer_gid_t structures.

If pgroups isn't NULL, snd_mixer_groups() stores the group IDs in the array.



See also:


Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/neutrino/audio/libs/snd_mixer_groups_t.html on line 107

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