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Get the return status for an asynchronous I/O operation


#include <aio.h>

ssize_t aio_return( struct aiocb * aiocbptr );


A pointer to an asynchronous I/O control block of type aiocb whose return status you want to get.



Use the -l c option to qcc to link against this library. This library is usually included automatically.


The aio_return() function returns the return status associated with the aiocb structure referenced by the aiocbptr argument. The return status for an asynchronous I/O operation is the value that's returned by the corresponding read(), write(), or fsync() operation.

You can call aio_return() exactly once to retrieve the return status of a given asynchronous operation; if you use the same aiocb structure for the same operation in a call to aio_return() or aio_error(), an error may be returned.


The value that's returned by the corresponding read(), write(), or fsync() operation.


The aiocbptr argument doesn't refer to an asynchronous operation whose return status hasn't yet been retrieved.


POSIX 1003.1 AIO

Cancellation point No
Interrupt handler No
Signal handler Yes
Thread Yes


The first time you call an aio_* function, a thread pool is created, making your process multithreaded if it isn't already. The thread pool isn't destroyed until your process ends.

See also:

aio_cancel(), aio_error(), aio_fsync(), aio_read(), aio_suspend(), aio_write(), aiocb, fsync(), read(), write(),

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