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Get system configuration values (POSIX)


getconf system_var
getconf path_var pathname

Runs on:





This utility gets system configuration values.

The first form writes to standard output the value of the specified system variable. The possible values of system_var are those for sysconf() and confstr() (see the Library Reference):

The name of the instruction set architecture for this node's CPU(s).
The domain name.
The name of this node in the network.

Note: A hostname can consist only of letters, numbers, and hyphens, and must not start or end with a hyphen. For more information, see RFC 952.

The name of the hardware manufacturer.
Serial number associated with the hardware.
A value similar to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable that finds all standard libraries.
The name of the current locale.
This node's hardware type.
A value similar to the PATH environment variable that finds all standard utilities.
The current OS release level.
The contents of the resolv.conf file, excluding the domain name.
The secure RPC domain.
The name of the operating system.
Time zone string (TZ style)
The current OS version number.
Maximum length of arguments for the exec*() functions, in bytes, including environment data.
Maximum number of simultaneous processes per real user ID.
The number of intervals per second used to express the value in type clock_t.
The maximum number of simultaneous supplementary group IDs per process.
Maximum number of files that one process can have open at any given time.
If this variable is defined, then job control is supported.
If this variable is defined, then each process has a saved set-user ID and a saved set-group ID.
The current POSIX version that is currently supported. A value of 198808L indicates the August (08) 1988 standard, as approved by the IEEE Standards Board.

The second form writes to standard output the value of the specified path variable for the given path. The possible values of path_var are those for pathconf() (see the Library Reference):

Maximum value of a file's link count.
Maximum number of bytes in a terminal's canonical input buffer (edit buffer).
Maximum number of bytes in a terminal's raw input buffer.
Maximum number of bytes in a file name (not including the terminating null).
Maximum number of bytes in a pathname (not including the terminating null).
Maximum number of bytes that can be written atomically when writing to a pipe.
If defined (not -1), indicates that the use of the chown function is restricted to a process with root privileges, and to changing the group ID of a file to the effective group ID of the process or to one of its supplementary group IDs.
If defined (not -1), indicates that the use of pathname components longer than the value given by _PC_NAME_MAX will generate an error.
If defined (not -1), this is the character value which can be used to individually disable special control characters in the termios control structure.


$ getconf _CS_PATH
$ getconf _SC_ARG_MAX
$ getconf _PC_LINK_MAX /bin

Environment variables:

The locale to use for the locale categories.

Note: QNX Neutrino currently supports only the POSIX (i.e. C) locale.

Exit status:

Successful completion.
An error occurred.

See also:


confstr(), pathconf(), sysconf() in the Library Reference

Configuration strings in the Configuring Your Environment chapter of the Neutrino User's Guide

Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/neutrino/utilities/g/getconf.html on line 449

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