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Photon message database editor


phabmsg [filename] [-h height[%]] [--Si|m|n]
        [-s server_name] [-w width[%]] [-x position[%][r]]
        [-y position[%][r]]

Runs on:



The path and name of a message database to open.
-h height[%]
The height of the window, in pixels, or as a percentage of the screen height if % is specified.
The initial state of the main window (iconified, maximized, or normal).
-s server_name
The name of the Photon server:
If server_name is: This server is used:
node_path node_path/dev/photon
fullpath fullpath
relative_path /dev/relative_path
-w width[%]
The width of the window, in pixels, or as a percentage of the screen width if % is specified.
-x position[%][r]
The x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window, in pixels, or as a percentage of screen width if % is specified. If r is specified, the coordinate is relative to the current console.
-y position[%][r]
The y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window, in pixels, or as a percentage of screen height if % is specified. If r is specified, the coordinate is relative to the current console.


The phabmsg utility starts a graphical Photon editor for managing message databases. Message databases are convenient places to keep strings for one or more applications, and they provide multi-language support for PhAB applications. You must be running Photon in order to run phabmsg.

phabmsg example

To create a new message database:

  1. Select File-->New.
  2. Add items by adding a tag, description, and value, then clicking Insert item. You can add multiple-value items by toggling between Multi and Single.
  3. Select File-->Save As to save the new message database.

To change an existing database, use File-->Open to open the database, then select items, change the contents, and click Modify current.

Once a message database is populated with values, you can use the PhAB translation editor to create translate the database into different languages. You can launch the PhAB translation editor phablang for the current message database open in phabmsg by selecting File-->Launch Translation Editor.

For more information, see the International Language Support chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.


Run phabmsg using the Photon server on node my_node:

phabmsg -s/net/my_node/dev/photon

Run at initial position (10,10):

phabmsg -x10 -y10

Open the message database /tmp/all.mdb

phabmsg /tmp/all.mdb

See also:

ApLoadMessageDB(), ApCloseMessageDB(), ApGetMessage(), phablang, the International Language Support chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.

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