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Modem dialer
phdialer options
- -a
- If possible, begin dialing immediately.
- -d
- Enable verbose debugging information for
- -D directory
- The location from which to search for/save dialup files.
- -i
- Ignore any other instances of phdialer that are running.
- -m
- Minimize the window when dialing starts.
- -n dialup_name
- Make the dialup with the given name the current one.
- -o
- Don't minimize on successful connection
- -p file
- Load this dialup explicitly.
- -P file
- Similar to the -p option, but load only this dialup.
- -q
- Quit the dialer on cancel or disconnect.
- -r
- Don't expand the dialup window on disconnect.
- -Si|n
- The initial state of the main window (iconified or normal).
- -s server_name
- The name of the Photon server:
If server_name is:
This server is used:
- -x position[%][r]
- The x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window, in pixels,
or as a percentage of screen width if % is specified.
If r is specified, the coordinate is relative to the
current console.
- -y position[%][r]
- The y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window, in pixels,
or as a percentage of screen height if % is specified.
If r is specified, the coordinate is relative to the
current console.
The phdialer command starts Photon's modem dialer
(for example, so you can access your ISP):
The phdialer is meant to be simple and small.
You can change only the bare minimum of dialup settings in its base window
— just enough so you get a dialup started.
If data has been entered it and the Save changes box is checked,
phdialer asks you for a name to save the dialup as.
If you cancel, the changes are lost.
All dialups in your dialup directory are listed in the combobox at the top.
command gives you access to all information about a dialup.
When you click on Edit in phdialer, it spawns phlip
and makes the dialup that was current come up.
In addition to the system device and network settings, phlip
has a dialup tab that lists the user's dialup configurations.
There's one panel and one configuration file per dialup.
These usually reside in the
${HOME}/.ph/dialups directory.
You can copy these files from one user's dialup directory to another, but
the password isn't be preserved and the new user must enter it again
(even root).
If you're not root when you run phlip, the network
and device panels contain read-only information.
You can make changes only to your dialups.
TCP/IP Networking
in the Neutrino User's Guide
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