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Display mode information for VESA BIOSes

Note: You must log in as root and be in text mode — not Photon — to run this utility.



Runs on:

Neutrino (x86 only)




The show_vesa utility displays information for VESA BIOSes up to VESA 3. This information includes general information, such as the amount of video RAM, as well as details about each supported video mode. This information is sent to stdout.


Here's a sample of part of the output of show_vesa:

VESA Info Block

VESA Signature : VESA
VESA Version   : 0300
OEM String Ptr : 0080:0100
OEM String     : 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
Capabilities   : 00000001
                 DAC width switchable to 8 bits per primary color
                 Controller VGA compatible
                 Normal RAMDAC operation
                 No Hardware Stereoscopic Signaling support
                 Stereo Signaling supported via external VESA stereo connector
Video Mode Ptr : 0080:0117
Total Memory   : 1000000 (16777216)
VBE Software Revision    : 0100
OEM Vendor Name Ptr      : 0080:015B
OEM Vendor Name String   : Elpin Systems, Inc.
OEM Product Name Ptr     : 0080:016F
OEM Product Name String  : 3Dfx Banshee
OEM Product Rev Ptr      : 0080:017C
OEM Revision String      : Version 1.00
OEM Data                 : 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.

DPMS Services available
Virtual Screen Services available

Total Number Of Video Modes found : 33

Mode : 0x0100 information
Mode Attributes        : 009F
                         Mode Supported in Hardware
                         TTY Output functions supported by BIOS
                         Color Mode
                         Graphics Mode
                         VGA compatible
                         VGA windowed compatible
                         Linear Frame Buffer Available
                         Double Scan Mode Not Available
                         Interlaced Mode Not Available
                         No Hardware Triple Buffer Support
                         No Hardware Stereoscopic Support
                         No Dual Display Start Address Support
Window A Attributes    : 07
                         Relocatable Window(s)
                         Window is Readable
                         Window is Writeable
Window B Attributes    : 00
                         Single-Non Relocatable Window
                         Window is Not Readable
                         Window is Not Writeable
Window Granularity     : 0040
Window Size            : 0040
Window A Start Segment : A000
Window B Start Segment : 0000
Window Function Pointer: C000:2DAA
Bytes Per Scanline     : 0280 (640)
X Resolution           : 0280 (640)
Y Resolution           : 0190 (400)
X Char Size            : 08 (8)
Y Char Size            : 10 (16)
Number Of Planes       : 01 (1)
Bits Per Pixel         : 08 (8)
Number Of Banks        : 01 (1)
Memory Model           : 04 - Packed Pixel
Bank Size              : 00
Number Of Image Pages  : 40 (64) 
Reserved               : 01
Flat Frame Buffer Addr : E2000000
Bytes Per Scan Line (Linear)                 : 0280 (640)
Number of Images for Banked Modes            : 40 (64)
Number of Images for Linear Modes            : 40 (64)
Red Mask Size (Linear)                       : 00 (0)
Red Field Position (Linear)                  : 00 (0)
Green Mask Size (Linear)                     : 00 (0)
Green Field Position (Linear)                : 00 (0)
Blue Mask Size (Linear)                      : 00 (0)
Blue Field Position (Linear)                 : 00 (0)
Reserved Mask Size (Linear)                  : 00 (0)
Reserved Field Position (Linear)             : 00 (0)
Maximum Pixel Clock                          : 09896800 (160000000Hz)

Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/neutrino/utilities/s/showvesa.html on line 174

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/neutrino/utilities/s/showvesa.html on line 174