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Display USB device configuration

Note: You must be root to run this utility.


usb [-b busno -d devno -N name] [-t] [-V] [-v]

Runs on:



-b busno
Display devices on specific busno only.
-d devno
Display device devno only.
-N name
Name of the USB manager to query. The default is /dev/io-usb/io-usb.
Use a “tree-like” output format.
Display vendor-unique descriptors (at given verbosity level).
Be verbose. The level of detail increases as you add v's.


The usb utility displays USB device configuration. As you repeat the number of -v (verbose) options, you'll get more levels of detail.


Here's some sample output from the command usb -vvv. Note that two USB devices (an Ethernet card and a printer) are installed in this case.

USB (UHCI) v1.10, v1.00 DDK
    Control, Interrupt, Bulk, Isoch, Low, High

Device Address             : 1
Vendor                     : 0x0506 (3COM)
Product                    : 0x03e8 (3COM USB Network Interface (3C19250))
Device Release             : r0.02
USB Spec Release           : v1.00
Serial Number              : 009004BB78F9
Class                      : 0x00 (Independent per interface)
Max PacketSize0            : 8
Languages                  : 0x0409 (English)
Configurations             : 1
  Configuration            : 1
    Attributes             : 0x80 (Bus-powered)
    Max Power              : 110 mA
    Interfaces             : 1
      Interface            : 0 / 0
        Class              : 0x00 (Unknown)
        Subclass           : 0x00
        Protocol           : 0x00
        Endpoints          : 3 + Control
          Endpoint         : 0
            Attributes     : Control
            Max Packet Size: 8
          Endpoint         : 1
            Attributes     : Bulk/IN
            Max Packet Size: 64
          Endpoint         : 2
            Attributes     : Bulk/OUT
            Max Packet Size: 64
          Endpoint         : 3
            Attributes     : Interrupt/IN
            Max Packet Size: 8
            Interval       : 1 ms

Device Address             : 2
Vendor                     : 0x04a9 (Canon)
Product                    : 0x1055 (BJC-85)
Device Release             : r0.70
USB Spec Release           : v1.10
Serial Number              : 44OFBr
Class                      : 0x00 (Independent per interface)
Max PacketSize0            : 8
Languages                  : 0x0409 (English)
Configurations             : 1
  Configuration            : 1
    Attributes             : 0x40 (Self-powered)
    Max Power              : 2 mA
    Interfaces             : 1
      Interface            : 0 / 0
        Class              : 0x07 (Printer)
        Subclass           : 0x01
        Protocol           : 0x02
        Endpoints          : 2 + Control
          Endpoint         : 0
            Attributes     : Control
            Max Packet Size: 8
          Endpoint         : 1
            Attributes     : Bulk/OUT
            Max Packet Size: 64
          Endpoint         : 2
            Attributes     : Bulk/IN
            Max Packet Size: 64

See also:

devu-ehci.so, devu-ohci.so, devu-uhci.so, io-usb

Connecting Hardware in the Neutrino User's Guide

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