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Configure a video overlay scaler channel


int PgConfigScalerChannel(
       PgVideoChannel_t *channel,
       PgScalerProps_t *props );


A pointer to a PgVideoChannel_t structure that specifies the channel you want to configure.
A pointer to a PgScalerProps_t structure that specifies how to configure the channel.




This function configures the video overlay scaler channel specified by channel. It uses the configuration information specified by props to set the state of the overlay hardware.

Once the scaler is properly configured, the structure pointed to by channel contains pointers to offscreen context structures that describe the video data buffers. You can use PdGetOffscreenContextPtr() to retrieve pointers to the video data buffers.

Note: If you specify Pg_SCALER_PROP_DRAW_TARGETABLE in props->flags and the targeted surface isn't RGB, PgConfigScalerChannel() fails and returns -1.


The state of the scaler hardware was successfully changed, and the video data frame buffers haven't changed since the last call to PgConfigScalerChannel().
The state of the scaler hardware was successfully changed, and the offscreen buffer contexts in the channel structure have changed. In this case, information about the video data buffers that was returned by previous calls is no longer valid.
An error occurred.



Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

See also:

PdGetOffscreenContextPtr(), PgCreateVideoChannel(), PgDestroyVideoChannel(), PgGetOverlayChromaColor(), PgGetScalerCapabilities(), PgNextVideoFrame(), PgScalerCaps_t, PgScalerProps_t, PgVideoChannel_t

Video overlay in the Raw Drawing and Animation chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide

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