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PgSetFillTransPat(), PgSetFillTransPatCx()

Set the draw transparency for fills


void PgSetFillTransPat( PgPattern_t pat );

void PgSetFillTransPatCx( PhGC_t *gc,
                          PgPattern_t pat );




These functions set a masking pattern and applies it to fills. You should use them in combination with PgSetFillColor*() or PgSetFillDither*().

PgSetFillTransPat() works on the current graphics context, while you can specify the graphics context gc for PgSetFillTransPatCx().

These functions use the same patterns as PgSetFillDither*(), To disable transparency and draw normally, specify the Pg_PAT_DEFAULT pattern.

Note: Because of speed considerations, some graphics drivers don't draw strokes with a transparency mask and, as a result, ignore the stroke transparency pattern.


// let background show through for half the pixels
PgSetFillTransPat( Pg_PAT_HALF );

// disable transparency mask, draw normally
PgSetFillTransPat( Pg_PAT_DEFAULT );



Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

See also:

PgDefaultFill*(), PgSetDrawMode*(), PgSetFillColor*(), PgSetFillDither*(), PgSetFillXORColor*(), PgSetStrokeTransPat*(), PgSetTextTransPat*()

Drawing attributes and Arcs, ellipses, polygons, and rectangles in the Raw Drawing and Animation chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide

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