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Set the current video mode


int PgSetVideoMode( PgDisplaySettings_t *settings );




This function sets the current video mode to the settings given in the the PgDisplaySettings_t structure pointed to by settings, which includes at least the following:

unsigned mode
The number of the current mode for the video card.
int refresh
The refresh rate, in Hz. A refresh rate of 0 requests the default rate for this mode (usually 60Hz).
unsigned flags
There are currently no flags defined.

Note: You must target this function at a specific card by calling PdSetTargetDevice(). PgSetVideoMode() blocks until the operation is complete.


An error occurred. PgSetVideoMode() returns an error if more than one layer is currently active via the Pg Layer family of calls. By default, io-graphics utilizes one layer.



Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

See also:

PgGetGraphicsHWCaps(), PgGetVideoMode(), PgGetVideoModeInfo(), PgGetVideoModeList()

Video modes in the Raw Drawing and Animation chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide

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