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Entry in a linked list of transport data


typedef struct __phlink PhTransportLink_t;
struct __phlink {
    void              *data;
    int unsigned       size;
    int                niovs;
    iov_t             *iovs;
    PhTransportLink_t *next;


This structure is used to build linked lists of transport data, such as the one found in PhTransportCtrl_t (see PhCreateTransportCtrl()). The members include:

A pointer to the packed transport data; see below.
The size of the data, in bytes.
The number of entries in the iovs array?
An array of buffers used to store the data; see below.
A pointer to the next entry in the linked list.

If the data is copied into the structure, the data points to the copy. If the data isn't copied, the iovs vectors point to the original data.



See also:

PhCreateTransportCtrl(), PhGetNextInlineData(), PhLinkTransportData(), PhReleaseTransportCtrl(), PhTransportCtrl_t, PhTransportFindLink(), PhTransportType()

Drag and Drop chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide

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