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Disable a control surface
void PtDisableSurface( PtWidget_t *widget,
PtSurface_t *surface,
unsigned long flags );
void PtDisableSurfaceById( PtWidget_t *widget,
unsigned char surface_id,
unsigned long flags );
These functions disable a control surface belonging to the given widget.
- PtDisableSurface()
- Uses the surface argument, which points to a
PtSurface_t structure that describes the control surface.
This pointer must not be NULL.
- PtDisableSurfaceById()
- Searches the control surfaces belonging to the widget for the one
with an ID of surface_id.
Disabled surfaces are drawn, but they don't respond to events.
They do or don't consume events to which they're sensitive, depending on
the setting of their Pt_SURFACE_CONSUME_EVENTS flag.
If this bit is set, the surface effectively blocks events to which it's
The flags argument specifies additional action to take, and
may include the following values:
- Damage the surface if its state changes. This is useful if a surface
draws differently depending on its enabled/disabled state.
Safety: | |
Interrupt handler |
No |
Signal handler |
No |
Thread |
No |
Control Surfaces
chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide
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