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PtSurfaceRemoveData(), PtSurfaceRemoveDataById()

Remove data from a control surface


int PtSurfaceRemoveData( PtWidget_t *widget,
                         PtSurface_t *surface );

int PtSurfaceRemoveDataById( PtWidget_t *widget,
                             unsigned char surface_id );




These functions remove user data from a control surface belonging to the given widget. They differ in the way they identify the control surface:

Uses the surface argument, which points to a PtSurface_t structure that describes the control surface. This pointer must not be NULL.
Searches the control surfaces belonging to the widget for the one with an ID of surface_id.

If, when the data was added, the len argument was nonzero, the copy of the data that was made is automatically freed, otherwise no deallocation takes place.

Note: Data is automatically removed when a control surface is destroyed.


The control surface or data wasn't found.
The data was found and released.
The data was found, the node was released, and the data was taken care of by the remove function.
The node wasn't removed; refused by the remove function.



Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

See also:

PtSurfaceAddData(), PtSurfaceAddDataById(), PtSurfaceGetData(), PtSurfaceGetDataById()

Control Surfaces chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide

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