Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/globals.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/wid_build/libs/ptdestroyhotkeycallbacks.html on line 1
Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/globals.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/wid_build/libs/ptdestroyhotkeycallbacks.html on line 1
Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/header.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/wid_build/libs/ptdestroyhotkeycallbacks.html on line 8
Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/header.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/wid_build/libs/ptdestroyhotkeycallbacks.html on line 8
Free the specified hotkey callbacks
void PtDestroyHotkeyCallbacks( PtWidget_t *widget );
- widget
- A pointer to the widget whose hotkey callbacks you want to free.
This function frees all hotkey callbacks connected to widget.
The widget library automatically frees all allocated resources
including lists when a widget is destroyed. |
Safety: | |
Interrupt handler |
No |
Signal handler |
No |
Thread |
No |
Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/wid_build/libs/ptdestroyhotkeycallbacks.html on line 99
Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/wid_build/libs/ptdestroyhotkeycallbacks.html on line 99