Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/globals.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/widget_ref/pt/ptwindowtoback.html on line 1

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/globals.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/widget_ref/pt/ptwindowtoback.html on line 1

Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/header.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/widget_ref/pt/ptwindowtoback.html on line 8

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/header.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/widget_ref/pt/ptwindowtoback.html on line 8


Move a window to the back of the workspace


void PtWindowToBack( PtWidget_t *widget );


This function moves the specified window widget and all its child windows to the back of the workspace. To do this, the function sends a message to the Window Manager.

Note: There's no way to move a window behind its parent window. If you want to be able to move one window behind another in your application, they must be siblings. For example, to make a window a sibling rather than a child of the base window, set the window's parent to NULL.


PtWidget_t   *my_window;

/* move my window to the back */
PtWindowToBack( my_window );



Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

See also:

PtWindowFocus(), PtWindowToFront()

PtForwardWindowEvent(), PtWidgetToBack(), PtWidgetToFront() in the Photon Library Reference

Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/widget_ref/pt/ptwindowtoback.html on line 108

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/widget_ref/pt/ptwindowtoback.html on line 108