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Specific callback information


typedef struct Pt_callback_info {
    unsigned long  reason;
    unsigned long  reason_subtype;
    PhEvent_t      *event;
    void           *cbdata;
    } PtCallbackInfo_t;


The PtCallbackInfo_t structure is the third argument passed to all callback functions. You can use this structure to determine why callbacks occurred and to get the specific callback information.

The structure contains at least the following members:

The reason why this callback was invoked. For example, if you cause the widget to invoke its Pt_CB_ACTIVATE callback, reason is Pt_CB_ACTIVATE.
If there are different ways to invoke the callback, this member indicates which one.
A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure that describes the event that caused this callback to be invoked.
A pointer to callback-specific data.

For more information about these fields, see the descriptions of callbacks for each widget.



See also:

PtBalloonCallback_t, PtCallback_t, PtHotkeyCallback_t, PtRawCallback_t

PhEvent_t in the Photon Library Reference

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