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namespace std { template<class T, class A> class slist; // TEMPLATE FUNCTIONS template<class T, class A> bool operator==( const slist<T, A>& lhs, const slist<T, A>& rhs); template<class T, class A> bool operator!=( const slist<T, A>& lhs, const slist<T, A>& rhs); template<class T, class A> bool operator<( const slist<T, A>& lhs, const slist<T, A>& rhs); template<class T, class A> bool operator>( const slist<T, A>& lhs, const slist<T, A>& rhs); template<class T, class A> bool operator<=( const slist<T, A>& lhs, const slist<T, A>& rhs); template<class T, class A> bool operator>=( const slist<T, A>& lhs, const slist<T, A>& rhs); template<class T, class A> void swap( slist<T, A>& lhs, slist<T, A>& rhs); };
Include the STL
standard header <slist>
to define the
template class slist
and several supporting
template<class T, class A> bool operator!=( const slist <T, A>& lhs, const slist <T, A>& rhs);
The template function returns !(lhs == rhs)
template<class T, class A> bool operator==( const slist <T, A>& lhs, const slist <T, A>& rhs);
The template function overloads operator==
to compare
two objects of template class
. The function returns
lhs.size() == rhs.size() &&
begin(), lhs.
end(), rhs.begin())
template<class T, class A> bool operator<( const slist <T, A>& lhs, const slist <T, A>& rhs);
The template function overloads operator<
to compare
two objects of template class
. The function returns
begin(), lhs.
end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end())
template<class T, class A> bool operator<=( const slist <T, A>& lhs, const slist <T, A>& rhs);
The template function returns !(rhs < lhs)
template<class T, class A> bool operator>( const slist <T, A>& lhs, const slist <T, A>& rhs);
The template function returns rhs < lhs
template<class T, class A> bool operator>=( const slist <T, A>& lhs, const slist <T, A>& rhs);
The template function returns !(lhs < rhs)
· assign
· back
· begin
· clear
· const_iterator
· const_pointer
· const_reference
· difference_type
· empty
· end
· erase
· front
· get_allocator
· insert
· iterator
· slist
· max_size
· merge
· pointer
· pop_back
· pop_front
· previous
· push_back
· push_front
· reference
· remove
· remove_if
· resize
· reverse
· size
· size_type
· sort
· splice
· swap
· unique
· value_type
template<class T, class A = allocator<T> > class slist { public: typedef A allocator_type; typedef typename A::pointer pointer; typedef typename A::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef typename A::reference reference; typedef typename A::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename A::value_type value_type; typedef T0 iterator; typedef T1 const_iterator; typedef T2 size_type; typedef T3 difference_type; slist(); explicit slist(const A& al); explicit slist(size_type n); slist(size_type n, const T& v); slist(size_type n, const T& v, const A& al); slist(const slist& x); template<class InIt> slist(InIt first, InIt last); template<class InIt> slist(InIt first, InIt last, const A& al); iterator begin(); const_iterator begin() const; iterator end(); const_iterator end() const; iterator previous(const_iterator it); const_iterator previous(const_iterator it) const; void resize(size_type n); void resize(size_type n, T x); size_type size() const; size_type max_size() const; bool empty() const; A get_allocator() const; reference front(); const_reference front() const; reference back(); const_reference back() const; void push_front(const T& x); void pop_front(); void push_back(const T& x); void pop_back(); template<class InIt> void assign(InIt first, InIt last); void assign(size_type n, const T& x); iterator insert(iterator it, const T& x); void insert(iterator it, size_type n, const T& x); template<class InIt> void insert(iterator it, InIt first, InIt last); iterator erase(iterator it); iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last); void clear(); void swap(slist& x); void splice(iterator it, slist& x); void splice(iterator it, slist& x, iterator first); void splice(iterator it, slist& x, iterator first, iterator last); void remove(const T& x); templace<class Pred> void remove_if(Pred pr); void unique(); template<class Pred> void unique(Pred pr); void merge(slist& x); template<class Pred> void merge(slist& x, Pred pr); void sort(); template<class Pred> void sort(Pred pr); void reverse(); };
The template class describes an object that controls a
varying-length sequence of elements of type T
The sequence is stored as a singly linked list of elements,
each containing a member of type T
The object allocates and frees storage for the sequence it controls
through a stored allocator object
of class A
. Such an allocator object must have
the same external interface as an object of template class
Note that the stored allocator object is not copied when the container
object is assigned.
List reallocation occurs when a member function must insert, erase or splice elements of the controlled sequence. In all such cases, only the following iterators or references become invalid:
All additions to the controlled sequence occur as if by calls to
, which is the
only member function that calls the constructor
T(const T&)
. If such an expression throws
an exception, the container object inserts no new elements and rethrows
the exception. Thus, an object of template class slist
is left in a known state when such exceptions occur.
typedef A allocator_type;
The type is a synonym for the template parameter A
template<class InIt> void assign(InIt first, InIt last); void assign(size_type n, const T& x);
If InIt
is an integer type, the first member
function behaves the same as assign((size_type)first, (T)last)
Otherwise, the
first member function replaces the sequence
controlled by *this
with the sequence
[first, last)
, which must not overlap
the initial controlled sequence.
The second member function replaces the sequence
controlled by *this
with a repetition of n
elements of value x
reference back(); const_reference back() const;
The member function returns a reference to the last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty.
const_iterator begin() const; iterator begin();
The member function returns a forward iterator that points at the first element of the sequence (or just beyond the end of an empty sequence).
void clear();
The member function calls
typedef T1 const_iterator;
The type describes an object that can serve as a constant
forward iterator for the controlled sequence.
It is described here as a
synonym for the implementation-defined type T1
typedef typename A::const_pointer const_pointer;
The type describes an object that can serve as a constant pointer to an element of the controlled sequence.
typedef typename A::const_reference const_reference;
The type describes an object that can serve as a constant reference to an element of the controlled sequence.
typedef T3 difference_type;
The signed integer type describes an object that can represent the
difference between the addresses of any two elements in the controlled
sequence. It is described here as a
synonym for the implementation-defined type T3
bool empty() const;
The member function returns true for an empty controlled sequence.
const_iterator end() const; iterator end();
The member function returns a forward iterator that points just beyond the end of the sequence.
iterator erase(iterator it); iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
The first member function removes the element of the controlled
sequence pointed to by it
. The second member function
removes the elements of the controlled sequence
in the range [first, last)
Both return an iterator that designates the first element remaining
beyond any elements removed, or
if no such element exists.
Erasing N
elements causes
destructor calls.
Reallocation occurs,
so iterators and references become
invalid for the erased
elements and iterators become invalid for any remaining element
immediately beyond an erased element.
The member functions never throw an exception.
reference front(); const_reference front() const;
The member function returns a reference to the first element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty.
A get_allocator() const;
The member function returns the stored allocator object.
iterator insert(iterator it, const T& x); void insert(iterator it, size_type n, const T& x); template<class InIt> void insert(iterator it, InIt first, InIt last);
Each of the member functions inserts, before the element pointed to
by it
in the controlled sequence, a sequence
specified by the remaining operands.
The first member function inserts
a single element with value x
and returns an iterator
that designates the newly inserted element. The second member function
inserts a repetition of n
elements of value x
If InIt
is an integer type, the last member
function behaves the same as insert(it, (size_type)first, (T)last)
Otherwise, the last member function inserts the sequence
[first, last)
, which must not overlap
the initial controlled sequence.
Inserting N
elements causes N
constructor calls.
Reallocation occurs,
so iterators become
invalid for any element
that was immediately beyond it
If an exception is thrown during the insertion of one or more elements, the container is left unaltered and the exception is rethrown.
typedef T0 iterator;
The type describes an object that can serve as a forward
iterator for the controlled sequence.
It is described here as a
synonym for the implementation-defined type T0
size_type max_size() const;
The member function returns the length of the longest sequence that the object can control.
void merge(slist& x); template<class Pred> void merge(slist& x, Pred pr);
Both member functions remove all elements from the sequence
controlled by x
and insert them in the controlled
sequence. Both sequences must be
ordered by the same predicate,
described below. The resulting sequence is also ordered by that
For the iterators Pi
and Pj
designating elements at positions i
and j
, the first member function imposes the
order !(*Pj < *Pi)
whenever i < j
(The elements are sorted in ascending order.)
The second member function imposes the order
!pr(*Pj, *Pi)
whenever i < j
No pairs of elements in the original controlled sequence
are reversed in the resulting controlled sequence. If a pair
of elements in the resulting controlled sequence compares equal
(!(*Pi < *Pj) && !(*Pj < *Pi)
an element from the original controlled sequence appears before
an element from the sequence controlled by x
An exception occurs only if pr
throws an exception.
In that case, the controlled sequence is left in unspecified order
and the exception is rethrown.
typedef typename A::pointer pointer;
The type describes an object that can serve as a pointer to an element of the controlled sequence.
void pop_back();
The member function removes the last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. This operation takes time proportional to the number of elements in the controlled sequence (linear time complexity).
The member function never throws an exception.
void pop_front();
The member function removes the first element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty.
The member function never throws an exception.
iterator previous(const_iterator it); const_iterator previous(const_iterator it) const;
The member function returns an iterator that designates the element
immediately preceding it
, if possible; otherwise it returns
This operation takes time proportional to the number of elements
in the controlled sequence (linear time complexity).
void push_back(const T& x);
The member function inserts an element with value x
at the end of the controlled sequence.
If an exception is thrown, the container is left unaltered and the exception is rethrown.
void push_front(const T& x);
The member function inserts an element with value x
at the beginning of the controlled sequence.
If an exception is thrown, the container is left unaltered and the exception is rethrown.
typedef typename A::reference reference;
The type describes an object that can serve as a reference to an element of the controlled sequence.
void remove(const T& x);
The member function removes from the controlled sequence
all elements, designated by the iterator P
, for which
*P == x
The member function never throws an exception.
templace<class Pred> void remove_if(Pred pr);
The member function removes from the controlled sequence
all elements, designated by the iterator P
, for which
is true.
An exception occurs only if pr
throws an exception.
In that case, the controlled sequence is left in an unspecified state
and the exception is rethrown.
void resize(size_type n); void resize(size_type n, T x);
The member functions both ensure that
returns n
. If it must make the controlled sequence longer,
the first member function
appends elements with value T()
, while the second member function
appends elements with value x
To make the controlled sequence shorter, both member functions call
erase(begin() + n, end())
void reverse();
The member function reverses the order in which elements appear in the controlled sequence.
size_type size() const;
The member function returns the length of the controlled sequence.
typedef T2 size_type;
The unsigned integer type describes an object that can represent the
length of any controlled sequence. It is described here as a
synonym for the implementation-defined type T2
slist(); explicit slist(const A& al); explicit slist(size_type n); slist(size_type n, const T& v); slist(size_type n, const T& v, const A& al); slist(const slist& x); template<class InIt> slist(InIt first, InIt last); template<class InIt> slist(InIt first, InIt last, const A& al);
All constructors store an
allocator object and
initialize the controlled sequence. The allocator object is the argument
, if present. For the copy constructor, it is
Otherwise, it is A()
The first two constructors specify an
empty initial controlled sequence. The third constructor specifies
a repetition of n
elements of value T()
The fourth and fifth constructors specify
a repetition of n
elements of value x
The sixth constructor specifies a copy of the sequence controlled by
If InIt
is an integer type, the last two constructors
specify a repetition of (size_type)first
elements of value
. Otherwise, the
last two constructors specify the sequence
[first, last)
void sort(); template<class Pred> void sort(Pred pr);
Both member functions order the elements in the controlled sequence by a predicate, described below.
For the iterators Pi
and Pj
designating elements at positions i
and j
, the first member function imposes the
order !(*Pj < *Pi)
whenever i < j
(The elements are sorted in ascending order.)
The member template function imposes the order
!pr(*Pj, *Pi)
whenever i < j
No ordered pairs of elements in the original controlled sequence
are reversed in the resulting controlled sequence.
(The sort is stable.)
An exception occurs only if pr
throws an exception.
In that case, the controlled sequence is left in unspecified order
and the exception is rethrown.
void splice(iterator it, slist& x); void splice(iterator it, slist& x, iterator first); void splice(iterator it, slist& x, iterator first, iterator last);
The first member function inserts the sequence controlled
by x
before the element in the controlled sequence
pointed to by it
. It also removes all elements from
. (&x
must not equal this
The second member function removes the element pointed to by
in the sequence controlled by x
inserts it before the element in the controlled sequence
pointed to by it
. (If it == first || it == ++first
no change occurs.)
The third member function inserts the subrange
designated by [first, last)
from the sequence
controlled by x
before the element in the controlled sequence pointed to by it
It also removes the original subrange from the sequence controlled
by x
. (If &x == this
the range [first, last)
must not include the element
pointed to by it
If the third member function inserts
elements, and &x != this
, an object of class
incremented N
For all splice
member functions, If
== str.get_allocator()
, no exception occurs.
Otherwise, a copy and a destructor call also
occur for each inserted element.
Iterators or references that designate spliced elements, or that designate the first element beyond a sequence of spliced elements, become invalid.
void swap(slist& x);
The member function swaps the controlled sequences between
and x
. If
== x.get_allocator()
, it does so in constant time,
it throws no exceptions, and it invalidates no references, pointers,
or iterators that designate elements in the two controlled sequences.
Otherwise, it performs a number of element assignments and constructor calls
proportional to the number of elements in the two controlled sequences.
void unique(); template<class Pred> void unique(Pred pr);
The first member function removes from the controlled sequence
every element that compares equal to its preceding element.
For the iterators Pi
and Pj
designating elements at positions i
and j
, the second member function removes every
element for which i + 1 == j && pr(*Pi, *Pj)
For a controlled sequence of length N
(> 0), the predicate pr(*Pi, *Pj)
is evaluated N - 1
An exception occurs only if pr
throws an exception.
In that case, the controlled sequence is left in an unspecified state
and the exception is rethrown.
typedef typename A::value_type value_type;
The type is a synonym for the template parameter T
template<class T, class A> void swap( slist <T, A>& lhs, slist <T, A>& rhs);
The template function executes
See also the Table of Contents and the Index.
Copyright © 1999-2002 by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
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