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Debugging in the IDE

In this chapter:


One of the most frequently used tools in the traditional design-develop-debug cycle is the source-level debugger. In the IDE, this powerful tool provides an intuitive debugging environment that's completely integrated with the other workbench tools, giving you the flexibility you need to best address the problems at hand.

Have you ever had to debug several programs simultaneously? Did you have to use separate tools when the programs were written in different languages or for different processors? The IDE's source debugger provides a unified environment for multiprocess and multithreaded debugging of programs written in C, C++, Embedded C++, or Java. You can debug such programs concurrently on one or multiple remote target systems.

In order to use the full power of the Debug perspective, you must use executables compiled for debugging. These executables contain additional debug information that lets the debugger make direct associations between the source code and the binaries generated from that original source. In the IDE, you'll see different icons: a arrowhead icon for executables that weren't compiled for debugging, or a bug for those that were.

The IDE debugger uses GDB as the underlying debug engine. It translates each GUI action into a sequence of GDB commands, and then processes the output from GDB to show the current state of the program being debugged.

The IDE updates the views in the Debug perspective only when the program is suspended.

Note: Editing your source after compiling causes the line numbering to be out of step because the debug information is tied directly to the source. Similarly, debugging an optimized binary can also cause unexpected jumps in the execution trace.

Debugging your program

Building an executable for debugging

Although you can debug a regular executable, you'll get much more information and control by building debug variants of the executables. To build an executable with debugging information, you must pass the -g option to the compiler. If you're using a QNX Make project, the filename for the debug variant has _g appended to it.

To specify the -g option from the project options:

  1. In the C/C++ Projects view (or the Navigator view), right-click the project and select Properties.
  2. In the left pane, select QNX C/C++ Project.
  3. In the right pane, select the Build Variants tab.
  4. Under your selected build variants, make sure Debug is enabled:

    Properties dialog; Build Variants tab

  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Rebuild your project (unless you're using the IDE's autobuild feature).

For more information about setting project options, see the Common Wizards Reference chapter.

Debugging a child process

On most systems, GDB has no special support for debugging programs that create additional processes using the fork() function. By default, when a program forks, GDB continues to debug the parent process, while the child process runs unimpeded. If you set a breakpoint in any code that the child then executes, the child will get a SIGTRAP signal that causes it to terminate (unless it catches the signal).

To debug the child process, include a call to sleep() in the code that the child process executes after the fork(). It may be useful to sleep only if a certain environment variable is set, or a certain file exists, so that the delay doesn't occur when you don't want to run GDB on the child. While the child is sleeping, use the ps program to get its process ID, and then instruct GDB to attach to the child process (use a new invocation of GDB if you're also debugging the parent process). From that point on, you can debug the child process like any other process that you attach to.

The modes available are:

set follow-fork-mode mode
Set the debugger response to a program call of fork() or vfork(). A call to fork() or vfork() creates a new process. If you want to follow the child process instead of the parent process, use this command. The type can be one of the following:

parent — The original process is debugged after a fork(). The child process runs unimpeded. This type is the default.

child — The new process is debugged after a fork(). The parent process runs unimpeded.

ask — The debugger will prompt you for either parent or child.

show follow-fork-mode
Display the current debugger response to a fork() or vfork() call.

If you ask to debug a child process and a vfork() is followed by an exec(), GDB executes the new target up to the first breakpoint encountered in the new target. If there's a breakpoint set on main() in your original program, the breakpoint will also be set on the main() function for the child process.

When a child process is spawned by vfork(), you can't debug the child or parent until an exec() call completes.

If you issue a run command to GDB after an exec() call executes, the new target restarts. To restart the parent process, use the file command with the parent executable name as its argument.

You can use the catch command to make GDB stop whenever a fork(), vfork(), or exec() call is made.

For additional information about catchpoints, see Adding event breakpoints.”

Launching your program

Note: For more information about starting your programs and the launch configuration options, see the Launch Configurations Reference chapter.

After building a debug-enabled executable, your next step is to create a launch configuration for that executable so you can run and debug it:

  1. From the main menu, select Run-->Debug… (alternatively, you can select Run-->Debug Configurations… to open the dialog directly). You'll be prompted to select a configuration type for new projects.

    The launch configuration dialog appears.

    Debug launch configurations

  2. Create a launch configuration as you normally would, but don't click OK.
  3. Select the Debugger tab.

    Debugger tab

  4. Enable the Stop on startup at option for main if it's not currently selected.
  5. Optional: For GDB, select Verbose console mode to see all of the commands sent to GDB, and all of the responses returned from GDB.
  6. Optional: Set Use full path to set breakpoints to set breakpoints if you have many files with the same base name in the project. When file names are identical but their paths are different, setting this option ensures that breakpoints are set for the appropriate file, as expected.

    Note: This feature works only when you use gcc 4.3 or higher and gdb 6.8.

  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click Debug.

The IDE changes to the Debug perspective.

Debug perspective for HellowWorld project

The default view of the Debug perspective for a simple HelloWorld QNX C++ project.

If launching a debugging session doesn't work when connected to the target with qconn, ensure that pdebug is on the target, and it is located in one of the directories in the PATH that qconn uses (typically /usr/bin).

Note: By default:
  • For serial debugging on a Windows host, the specification for the serial port has changed. When specifying a device name, you have to set COM1 instead of /dev/com1; otherwise, you'll receive an error similar to the following:
    Debug session is not started - error:
    Failed Launching Serial Debugger
    Error initializing: /dev/com1: No such file or directory.


    The device name /dev/com1 would no longer be considered a valid name for a device. You would instead set COM1 in the Serial Port option in Debug Launch Configuration dialog.

  • The IDE automatically changes to the Debug perspective when you debug a program. If the default is no longer set, or if you wish to change to a different perspective when you debug, see the “Setting execution options” section in the Launch Configurations Reference chapter.
  • The IDE removes terminated debugging sessions from the Debug view when you launch a new session. This frees resources on your development host and your debugging target. You can retain the completed debug sessions by deselecting the Remove terminated launches when a new launch is created box in the Run/Debug-->Launching pane of the Preferences dialog.

Controlling your debug session

Note: The contents of all views in the Debug perspective are driven by the selections you make in the Debug view.

The Debug view shows the target debugging information in a tree hierarchy.

Debug view

The Debug view lets you manage the debugging or running of a program in the workbench. This view shows the stack frame for the suspended threads for each target you're debugging. Each thread in your program appears as a node in the tree. The view shows the process for each program you're running:

Debug view

The Debug view shows the stack frame for the suspended threads.

The number that appears after a thread label is a reference counter, not a thread identification number (TID).

The IDE shows stack frames as child elements, and it includes the reason for the suspension beside the thread, (for example, the end of the stepping range was reached, a breakpoint was encountered, or a signal was received). When a program exits, the IDE also shows the exit code.

The Debug view shows the launch, debugger, and thread instance, as well as the stack frame, application, and controls for each target you're debugging.

Debug view

Overview of the Debug view.

Note: The number beside the thread label is a reference counter for the IDE, not a thread ID (TID) number.

The label includes the thread's state. In the example above, the thread was suspended because the program hit a breakpoint. You can't suspend only one thread in a process; suspension affects all threads.

The Debug view also drives the C/C++ editor; as you step through your program, the C/C++ editor highlights the location of the execution pointer.

Debug view icons

The Debug view shows the target information in a tree hierarchy as follows (shown here with a sample of the possible icons):

Session item Description Possible icons
Launch instance Launch configuration name and type (e.g. Stack Builder [C/C++ QNX QConn (IP)]) Icon: Debug  launch instance
Debugger instance Debugger name and state (e.g. QNX GDB Debugger (Breakpoint hit)) Icon: Debugger
Thread instance Thread number and state (e.g. Thread[1] (Suspended)) Icon: Thread; suspended Icon: Thread; running Icon: Thread; stopped
Stack frame instance Stack frame number, function, filename, and line number Icon: Stackframe Icon: Stack frame; running

Using the controls

After you start the debugger, it stops (by default) in main() and waits for your input. (For information about changing this setting, see “Debugger tab” in the Launch Configurations Reference chapter.)

The debugging controls appear in the following places (but not all together in any one place):

The controls are overridden by breakpoints. For example, if you ask the program to step over a function (i.e. run until it finishes that function) and the program hits a breakpoint, the program pauses on that breakpoint, even though it hasn't finished the function.

You can control your debug session in various ways:

Toolbar icons

Note: The icons and menu items are context-sensitive. For example, you can use the Terminate action to kill a process, but not a stack frame.

The icons available from the Toolbar are:

Action Icon Hotkey Description
Remove All Terminated Launches Icon: Resume F8 Clear the Debug view of all terminated launches.
Restart Icon: Restart   Rerun the process from the beginning.
Resume Icon: Resume F8 Run the process freely from the current point.
Suspend Icon: Suspend   Regain control of the running process.
Terminate Icon: Terminate   Kill the process.
Disconnect Icon: Resume without signal   Terminate the connection between the debugger and the remote debug target.
Step Into Icon: Step Into F5 Step forward one line, going into the function calls.
Step Over Icon: Step Over F6 Step forward one line without going into the function calls. Note that the remaining code that was skipped by stepping is still executed.
Step return Icon: Step Return F7 Return from the function that was stepped into. Note that the remaining code that was skipped by returning is still executed.
Drop To Frame Icon: Resume at line   Re-enter the current stack frame in the Debug view.
Instruction Stepping Mode Toggle Instruction Stepping   Toggle whether the operators work on machine instructions, or source code only.
Use Step Filters Toggle Instruction Stepping   Change to use step filters to filter out types that you don't want to see and/or step through while debugging in the current Debug View.

From the Debug view

You'll probably use the Debug view primarily to control your program flow.

To control your debug execution:

  1. In the Debug view, select the thread you wish to control.
  2. Click one of the stepping icons (e.g. Step Into) in the Debug view's toolbar. Repeat as desired.
  3. Finish the debug session by choosing one of the debug launch controls (e.g. Disconnect). For details, see the section “Debug launch controls” in this chapter.

Using hotkeys

Even if you're running your debug session without the Debug view showing, you can use the hotkeys (or the Run menu) to step through your program. You can enable the debug hotkeys in any perspective.

To see a list of the currently active hotkeys, press Ctrl-Shift-L or choose Help-->Key Assist. To customize the debug hotkeys:

  1. Choose Window-->Preferences from the menu. The IDE shows the Preferences dialog.
  2. Choose General-->Keys in the list on the left.
  3. Select a command from the list and click Edit.
  4. To assign this command to a new hotkey, click in the Name field in the Key Sequence area of the Keys pane, and then press the key(s) for your new hotkey.
  5. Click the Add button to assign the newly created hotkey to the selected command.
  6. Click OK to activate your new hotkeys.

From the C/C++ editor

You can control your debug session using the C/C++ editor by having the program run until it hits the line your cursor is sitting on. If the program never hits that line, the program runs until it finishes or hits another breakpoint.

You can also use the C/C++ editor's context menu to resume execution at a specific line, or to add a watch expression.

To use the C/C++ editor to debug a program:

  1. In the editor, select a file associated with the process being debugged.
  2. Left-click to insert the cursor where you want to interrupt the execution.
  3. Right-click near the cursor and select Run To Line, Resume at line or Add watch expression.

Note: Note that Run To Line works only in the current stack frame. That is, you can use Run to Line only within the currently executing function.

Debug launch controls

In addition to controlling the individual stepping of your programs, you can also control the debug session itself (e.g. terminate the session, stop the program, and so on) using the debug launch controls available in the Debug view (or in the view's right-click menu).

As with the other debug controls, these are context-sensitive; some are disabled depending on whether you've selected a thread, a process, and so on, in the Debug view.

Action Icon Description
Terminate Icon: Terminate Kill the selected process.
Terminate & Remove Icon: Terminate and Remove Kill the selected process and remove it from the Debug view.
Terminate All Icon: Terminate All Kill all active processes in the Debug view.
Disconnect Icon: Disconnect Detach the debugger (i.e. gdb) from the selected process (useful for debugging attached processes).
Remove All Terminated Launches Icon: Remove All Terminated Clear all the killed processes from the Debug view.
Restart Icon: Restart Restart the process.

Note: The debugger keeps the project's files open while the program is running. Be sure to terminate the debug session before you try to rebuild the project; otherwise, the build will fail.

Disassembly mode

You can also examine your program as it steps into functions that you don't have source code for, such as printf(). Normally, the debugger steps over these functions, even when you click Step Into. When the instruction pointer enters functions for which it doesn't have the source, the IDE shows the function in the Disassembly view.

To show the Disassembly view:
From the menu, choose Window-->Show View-->Disassembly.

The workbench adds the Disassembly view to the Debug perspective:

Disassembly view

The Disassembly view lets you examine your program as it steps into functions.

If you click in this view or use the Toggle Instruction Stepping icon (Toggle Instruction Stepping) to give focus to this view, the operators (e.g. Run to Line) operate on machine instructions instead of the source code.

Jumping to a memory address in the Disassembly view

In the Disassembly view, you can jump to any memory address to view the section of disassembly, starting at a specified memory address (a hexadecimal or decimal value. The IDE then queries the debugger for the disassembly for that memory address, and refreshes the view to show a section of disassembly starting with that address.

To jump to a memory address:

  1. From the Disassembly view dropdown menu, select Go To Address.

    Disassembly view: jumping to a memory address

    The Enter Address dialog appears.

    Disassembly view: jumping to a memory address

  2. Type a decimal or hexadecimal value of the memory address that you want to jump to, and click OK.

    This action takes the memory address and creates a new Disassembly (Go To Address) view with a section of disassembly starting with the specified address.

    Disassembly (Got To Address) view

To use this feature, you'll need to do the following:

More debugging features

Besides the Debug view, you'll find several other useful views in the Debug perspective:

To: Use this view:
Inspect variables Variables
Use breakpoints and watchpoints Breakpoints
Evaluate expressions Expressions
Inspect registers Registers
Inspect a process's memory Memory
Inspect shared library usage Modules
Monitor signal handling Signals
View your output Console
Interact with GDB Console

Inspecting variables

The Variables view shows information about the variables in the currently selected stack frame:

Variables view

At the bottom of the view, the Detail pane shows the value of the selected variable.

Note: If you happen to have multiple variables of the same name, the one most in scope is evaluated.

When the execution stops, the changed values are highlighted in yellow (by default). Like the other debug-related views, the Variables view doesn't try to keep up with the execution of a running program; it updates the display only when execution stops.

You can decide whether or not to show the variable type (e.g. int) by clicking the Show Type Names toggle button (Icon: Show Type Names). The Show Type Names button is unavailable when columns are visible.

You can also control whether or not the IDE tracks all your program's variables. See the “Debugger tab” section in the Launch Configurations Reference chapter.

Note: Tracking all the variables can reduce your program's performance.

Inspecting global variables

By default, global variables aren't shown in the Variables view. To add global variables to the view:

  1. In the Variables view, click the Add Global Variables button (Add Global Variables).
  2. Select one or more symbols in the Global Variables dialog.

    Global Variables

  3. Click OK to add the selected global variables to the Variables view.

Changing variable values

While debugging a program, you may wish to manually change the value of a variable to test how your program handles the setting or to speed through a loop.

To change a variable value while debugging:

  1. In the Variables view, right-click the variable and select the Change Value… item.

    Changing a variable's value

  2. Enter the new value in the field.

Note: You can also change a variable's value in the Detail pane at the bottom of the Variables view. Click the value, change it, and then press Ctrl-S to save the new value.

Controlling the display of variables

You can prevent the debugger from reading the value of variables from the target. You might use this feature for variables that are either very sensitive or specified as volatile. This can also improve your program's performance.

To enable or disable a variable:
In the Variables view, right-click the variable and select either Enable or Disable. (You can disable all the variables in your launch configuration. See the “Debugger tab” section in the Launch Configurations Reference chapter.)

To change a variable to a different type:

  1. In the Variables view, right-click the variable.
  2. Select one of the following:
    Cast To Type…
    Cast the variable to the type you specify in the field (e.g. int).

    Casting to another type

    Restore Original Type
    Cancel your Cast To Type command.
    Format, followed by a type
    Show the variable in a different format (e.g. hexadecimal).
    Display As Array
    Show the variable as an array with a length and start index that you specify. This option is available only for pointers.

Viewing variables in memory

To view a variable in memory:
In the Variables view, right-click a variable and select View Memory. The variables and their corresponding values are displayed in the Memory view.

For more information about the Memory view, see Inspecting a process's memory.

Using breakpoints and watchpoints

The Breakpoints view lists all the breakpoints and watchpoints you've set in your open projects:

Breakpoints view

The Breakpoints view shows you existing breakpoints and watchpoints that are currently set.

A breakpoint makes your program stop whenever a certain point in the program is reached. For each breakpoint, you can add conditions to better control whether or not your program stops.

A watchpoint is a special breakpoint that stops the program's execution whenever the value of an expression changes, without specifying where this may happen. Unlike breakpoints, which are line-specific, watchpoints are event-specific and take effect whenever a specified condition is true, regardless of when or where it occurred.

An event breakpoint is similar to breakpoint that's set on a specific event rather than a specific line of source code.

Object Icon
Breakpoint Icon: Breakpoint
Watchpoint (read) Icon: Watchpoint; read
Watchpoint (write) Icon: Watchpoint; write
Watchpoint (read and write) Icon: Watchpoint; read and write

Note: If the breakpoint or watchpoint is for a connected target, the IDE places a check mark on the icon. For example:

Icon with an overlaid check mark

The rest of this section describes how to:

Adding breakpoints

You set breakpoints on an executable line of a program. When you debug the program, the execution is suspended before that line of code is executed.

To add a breakpoint:

  1. In the editor area, open the file that you want to add the breakpoint to.
  2. Notice that the left edge of the C/C++ editor has a blank space called a marker bar.
  3. With your pointer, hover over the marker bar beside the exact line of code where you want to add a breakpoint. Right-click the marker bar and select Toggle Breakpoint.

    A dot appears, indicating the breakpoint:

    Breakpoints view: breakpoint added

    A corresponding dot also appears in the Breakpoints view, along with the name of the file in which you set the breakpoint.

To add a breakpoint at the entry of a function:
In either the Outline or C/C++ Projects view, right-click a function and select Toggle Breakpoint.

Setting an action for the breakpoint

You can define one or more actions to attach to any breakpoint. When the debugger encounters a breakpoint, the appropriate action is executed.

To set an action for a breakpoint:

You can also set the breakpoint actions directly from the Breakpoint view:

Adding watchpoints

Note: Watchpoints are allowed only on global variables.

To add a watchpoint:

  1. Right-click on the global variable in the Variables view and select Add Watchpoint (C/C++).

    Breakpoints view; adding watchpoints

  2. Enter an expression in the field. When a variable is highlighted in the view, it will be automatically added to the field in this dialog.

    The expression may be anything that can be evaluated inside an if statement (e.g. y==1).

  3. To stop the program when it reads the watch expression, select Read; to stop the program when it writes the expression, select Write.
  4. Click OK. The watchpoint is highlighted in the Breakpoints view list.

    Breakpoints view; highlighted watchpoint

Adding event breakpoints

You can set event breakpoints for these types of events: exception caught and exception thrown.

Note: Currently, you can't set event breakpoints for these types of events: signal caught, stop on fork, stop on vfork, stop on exec, process exit, process start, end, library load and unload, and thread start, end, and join.

To add an event breakpoint:

  1. In the Breakpoints view of the Debug perspective, from the toolbar menu, select Add Event Breakpoint (C/C++).

    Breakpoints view: Add event breakpoint

  2. Select an event type from the dropdown list.
  3. Click OK.

Setting properties of breakpoints and watchpoints

After you've set your breakpoint or watchpoint, the IDE unconditionally halts the program when:

To set the properties for a breakpoint or watchpoint:

  1. In the Breakpoints view, right-click the breakpoint or watchpoint and select the Properties… item. (For breakpoints only, in the C/C++ editor, right-click the breakpoint and select Breakpoint Properties….)
  2. Use the Common panel to modify the watchpoint's behavior.

    Common Breakpoint properties

    In the Condition field, enter the Boolean expression to evaluate. The expression may be anything that can be evaluated inside an if statement (e.g. x > y). The default is TRUE.

    In the Ignore Count field, enter the number of times the breakpoint or watchpoint may be hit before it begins to take effect (not the number of times the condition is true). The default is 0.

  3. To restrict the breakpoint to specific threads, make sure they're selected in the Filtering panel:

    Breakpoints view; setting breakpoint properties

  4. Click OK. When in debug mode, your program stops when it meets the conditions you've set for the breakpoint or watchpoint.

Disabling/enabling breakpoints and watchpoints

You may wish to temporarily deactivate a breakpoint or watchpoint without losing the information it contains.

To disable or enable a breakpoint or watchpoint:
In the Breakpoints view, right-click the breakpoint or watchpoint and select Disable or Enable. Clicking the check box in the Breakpoints view (so the breakpoint is no longer selected) also disables the breakpoint.

For breakpoints only, right-click the breakpoint in the editor area and select Disable Breakpoint or Enable Breakpoint.

To disable or enable multiple breakpoints or watchpoints:

  1. In the Breakpoints view, use any of the following methods to select the breakpoints:
  2. Right-click the highlighted breakpoints/watchpoints and select Disable or Enable.

Removing breakpoints and watchpoints

To remove one or more breakpoints/watchpoints:
Select the breakpoint or watchpoint, right-click, and then select Remove or Remove All.

Evaluating your expressions

The Expressions view lets you evaluate and examine the value of expressions. To show this view, choose Windows-->Show View-->Expressions.

Expressions view

Note: The Expressions view is similar to the Variables view; for more information, see the “Inspecting variables” section in this chapter.

To evaluate an expression:

  1. Right-click the Expressions view, and then choose Add Watch Expression.

    Expressions view; add expressions

  2. Enter the expression you want to evaluate (e.g. (x-5)*3 ).
  3. Click OK. The expression and its value appear in the Expressions view. When the debugger suspends the program's execution, it reevaluates all expressions and highlights the changed values.

Inspecting your registers

The Registers view shows information about the registers in the currently selected stack frame. When the execution stops, the changed values are highlighted. To show this view, choose Windows-->Show View-->Registers.

Note: The Registers view is similar to the Variables view; for more information, see the “Inspecting variables” section in this chapter.

Registers view

The Registers view shows the registers for the selected stack frame.

You can also customize the colors in the Registers view and change the default value of the Show Type Names option.

Toolbar icons

The Register View toolbar icons are:

Icon Description
Show Type Nams Shows the type beside each register value (i.e. int.)
Show Logical Structure Changes to toggle the display of the logical structures shown in the view.
Collapse All Collapses all of the currently expanded registers.
Menu Layout Provides various layout options for the Breakpoints view.

Menu commands

The Registers view context menu commands include:

Command Description
Add Register Group Opens the Register Group dialog, which lets you define a register group that is shown in the Registers view.
Assign Value Assigns a value to the selected register.
Cast To Type Opens the Cast To Type dialog to change the selected instance to a different datatype.
Change Value Opens the Set Value dialog to change the value of the selected register.
Content Assist Opens a content assist dialog at the current cursor location.
Copy Copies the currently selected text (or element) to the clipboard.
Copy Registers Copies the register names and contents to the clipboard.
Create Watch Expression Converts the selected register into a watch expression.
Cut Copies the currently selected text (or element) to the clipboard, and removes the element.
Disable Disables the selected register.
Display As Array Opens the Display As Array dialog, which lets you specify the start and length of the array.
Edit Register Group Opens the Register Group dialog to edit the selected register group.
Enable Enables the selected register.
Find Opens the Find dialog, which lets you find specific elements within the view.
Find/Replace Opens the Find/Replace dialog.
Format Select a format type: Binary, Decimal, Natural, or hexadecimal.
Max Length Opens the Configure Details Pane dialog, which lets you set the maximum number of characters to display.
Paste Pastes the current clipboard content as text.
Remove Register Group Removes the currently selected register group.
Restore Default Register Groups Restores the original register groups.
Restore Original Type Returns the selected register to the original type.
Select All Selects all the content of the editor.
Wrap Text Activate to wrap the text content within the visible area of the Details pane of the Registers view.

Modifying registers

You can modify the registers in the Registers view by changing their value and switching their number system.

To modify registers:

  1. In the Registers view, right-click a register and click Change Value.
  2. Type a new value, and then click OK.

    Once changed, the register value is highlighted in yellow.

    Note: Regardless of whether the value was changed, if you click OK, the register value is highlighted in yellow.

To change the number system used to show the register values:

  1. In the Registers view, right-click a register, and then select Format.
  2. Select one of the following:

Inspecting a process's memory

The Memory view lets you inspect and change your process's memory. To show this view, choose Windows-->Show View-->Memory. The view is initially empty, but after you've added an item to monitor and specified the output format, this view will look something like this:

Memory view

The Memory view.

Note: QNX Neutrino uses a virtual-addressing model wherein each process has its own range of valid virtual addresses. This means that the address you enter into the Memory view must be a virtual address that's valid for the process you're debugging (e.g. the address of any variable). For more about QNX Neutrino's memory management, see the Process Manager chapter in the System Architecture guide.

Viewing memory

To view memory:
In the Variables view, right-click a variable and select View Memory. The variables and their corresponding values show in the Memory view.

Viewing variables in memory

Viewing variables in memory.

The Memory view lets you monitor and modify your process memory, shown as a list of memory monitors that are represented as a section of memory specified by its location, then referred as a base address. Each memory monitor can be shown in different predefined data formats, called memory renderings. The debugger supports the following rendering types: hexadecimal (default), ASCII, signed integer, and unsigned integer. The default rendering is displayed automatically on the monitor creation.

The left pane of the Memory view is the Memory Monitors pane, which contains the list of memory monitors added to the debug session currently selected in the Debug view. The right pane of the Memory view is the Memory Renderings pane, and its content is controlled by your selection in the Memory Monitors pane. It consists of the tabs that show renderings.

The Go To Address field lets you enter a memory address to locate the source line or assembly code for the symbol.

Looking up an address in memory


For Windows host only, if the following error is displayed in the Memory view:

Target request failed: Unable to read memory.

turn off the automatic buffering option that causes the IDE to read memory beyond the accessible area:

  • Open the Memory view menu (triangle).
  • Select Table Renderings Preferences…, and then select Manual.
  • Click OK.

Inspecting memory

The Memory view supports the same addressing as the C language. You can address memory using expressions such as 0x0847d3c, (&y)+1024, and *ptr.

To inspect the memory of a process:

  1. In the Debug view, select a process. Selecting a thread automatically selects its associated process.
  2. In the Memory view's Monitors pane, click the Add Memory Monitor button (Icon: Add Memory Monitor).
  3. In the Enter address or expression to monitor field, type the address or expression, and then select OK.

Configuring output format

You can show memory in hexadecimal or ASCII, or as signed or unsigned integers:

  1. In the Memory view's Renderings pane, click the Add Rendering(s) button (Icon: Add Memory Rendering). The Add Memory Rendering dialog appears:

    Memory Rendering view: Add Memory Rendering

  2. From the dropdown menu, select the memory or expression you wish to add a new memory rendering for, or click Add New… to create a new memory or expression monitor.
  3. Click, Shift-click, or Ctrl-click to choose one or more formats from the Memory Rendering(s) list.
  4. Click OK. Each format you've chosen appears in a separate tab in the Memory view's Renderings pane.

Changing memory

To change a process's memory:

  1. Follow the procedures for inspecting a process's memory and configuring the output format.
  2. In the Memory view's Renderings pane, click in a cell, type the new value for the memory, and then press one of the following:

    The changed memory appears in red.

Caution: Changing a process's memory can make your program crash.

Menu commands

The Memory view toolbar icons include:

Icon Command Description
Icon: New memory View New Memory View Create a new memory view.
Icon: Pin Memory Monitor Pin Memory Monitor Select to pin the memory monitor on top of all other memory monitors.
Icon: Toggle Memory Monitors Pane Toggle Memory Monitors Pane Show/hide the Memory Monitor pane.
Icon: Toggle Split Pane Toggle Split Pane Toggle the Memory Renderings pane split.
Icon: Link memory Rendering Panes Link Memory Rendering Panes Synchronize the selection of two memory renderings.
Icon: Switch memory Monitor Switch Memory Monitor When more than one memory monitor is active, select a different memory monitor to view.
Menu-->Layout Switch the Monitors and Rendering panes display between horizontal and vertical orientation.
Menu-->Preferences Opens the Preferences window allowing you to set options.


Reset Memory Monitor — to set or reset only visible or all renderings when resetting a memory monitor.

Padded String — enter strings to show memory that is not retrievable.

Select Codepages — specify the standard to use to convert memory to ASCII and EBCDIC strings.

Menu-->Table Renderings Preferences Specify the memory loading mode to use when rendering scrolls to the end of the buffer.

Monitors pane menu commands

The Monitors pane context menu commands for the Memory view include:

Command Description
Add Memory Monitor Adds a new memory address or variable to the Memory Monitors pane.
Remove Memory Monitor Removes the selected memory address or variable from the Memory Monitors pane.
Reset Resets the currently selected memory monitor view.

Rendering pane menu commands

The Rendering pane context menu inside the Memory view includes:

Command Description
Add Rendering Add a memory rendering pane to show a memory monitor item at a different address, or in a different format.
Remove Rendering Remove the selected rendering from the Memory view.
Reset To Base Address Reset the Rendering pane to the original base address.
Go To Address Open a text box to specify a memory address. Press Enter to go to that address and show it in the Rendering pane.
Resize to Fit Adjust the size of the columns to fit the size of the data being shown in the Memory view.
Show/Hide Address Column Toggle the display of the Address column in the memory view.
Format Open a dialog to specify column and row format.
Copy To Clipboard Copy the selected portion of the Rendering pane to the clipboard.
Properties Open the properties for the selected item.
Add Watchpoint Open a dialog to set a watchpoint that will stop the program's execution whenever the value of an expression changes. Watchpoints are event-specific and take effect whenever a specified condition is true.

Inspecting shared-library usage

The Modules view shows you information about the shared libraries for the session you select in the Debug view. The view shows the name, base address, and size of each library. To show this view, choose Windows-->Show View-->Modules.

Shared Libraries view

The Modules view: the shared libraries for the selected session.

To load a library's symbols:
Right-click a library and select Load Symbols (or Load Symbols for All for all your libraries).

Monitoring signal handling

The Signals view provides a summary of how your debugger handles signals that are intercepted before they're received by your program. To show this view, choose Window-->Show View-->Signals.

Signals view

The Signals view.

The view contains the following fields:

The name of the signal.
The debugger can filter out signals. If the signal is set to “no”, the debugger prevents it from reaching your program.
Upon receipt of a signal, the debugger can suspend your program as if it reached a breakpoint. Thus, you can step through your code and watch how your program handles the signal.
A brief description of the signal.

To change how the debugger handles a signal:

  1. In the Signals view, select a signal (e.g. SIGINT) in the Name column.
  2. Right-click the signal's name, and then choose Signal Properties… from the menu.

    Signal properties

  3. In the signal's Properties dialog, check Pass this signal to the program to pass the selected signal to the program. Uncheck it to block this signal.

    Check Suspend the program when this signal happens to suspend the program when it receives this signal. Uncheck it to let the program handle the signal as it normally would.

To send a signal to a suspended program:

  1. If the program isn't suspended, click the Suspend button (Icon: Suspend) in the Debug view.
  2. In the Signals view, right-click your desired signal and select Resume With Signal. Your program resumes and the debugger immediately sends the signal to it.

Note: You can see a thread-by-thread summary of how your program handles signals using the Signal Information view. To learn more, see the “Mapping process signals” section in the Getting System Information chapter.

Viewing your output

The Console view shows you the output of the execution of your program and lets you supply input to your program:

Console view

The Console view shows program output execution.

The console shows three different kinds of text, each in a different default color:

Note: If you're connecting to your target via qconn, your process's output all appears in the same color because qconn combines standard output and standard error into one stream.

You can choose different colors for these kinds of text on the preferences pages.

To access the Console view's customization dialog:

  1. From the menu, select Window-->Preferences.
  2. In the left pane, select Run/Debug-->Console.

You can have more than one Console view, which is useful if you're working on more than one application at once:

Remember that you can copy data from the console and paste it elsewhere.

Interacting with GDB

The IDE lets you use a subset of the commands that the gdb utility offers:

Console view; GDB

The Console view: GDB.

To learn more about the gdb utility, see its entry in the Utilities Reference and the Using GDB appendix of the Neutrino Programmer's Guide.

Enabling the QNX GDB Console view

The QNX GDB Console view is part of the regular Console perspective. It appears as soon as the data is sent to it.

To switch to the QNX GDB Console view:

  1. In the Debug view, select a debug session.
  2. Click the arrow beside the Display selected console button (Display selected console).
  3. Choose the console whose name includes gdb. For example:

Choosing the GDB console

The Console view changes to the QNX GDB Console view.

Using the QNX GDB Console view

The QNX GDB Console view lets you bypass the IDE and talk directly to GDB; the IDE is unaware of anything done in the QNX GDB Console view. Items such as breakpoints that you set from the QNX GDB Console view don't appear in the C/C++ editor.

Note: You can't use the Tab key for line completion because the commands are sent to GDB only when you press Enter.

To use the QNX GDB Console view:
In the QNX GDB Console view, enter a command (e.g. nexti to step one instruction):

Console view; GDB; using

The Console view: using with GDB.

Note: To enter commands, you must be on the last line of the Console view.

Using JTAG debugging

JTAG debuggers use pins to write an image directly into RAM, setting the machine to the start address, and then resuming the processor. The launch configurations for a JTAG device let you select which image to use (the supported types are ELF and SRecord).

The QNX Momentics IDE supports the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger, the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger, and the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger. Each of these debuggers (each of which has an associated launch configuration type) writes a QNX Neutrino image directly into RAM in a slightly different way:

Updates to the launch configuration types

These launch configuration types are used for JTAG debugging in the IDE:

Updates to the Debug perspective

In the IDE, the Debug perspective includes buttons to control the processor state through the JTAG device. These buttons start, reset, and halt the device, and link to the corresponding GDB commands for the Abatron and Macraigor devices, and the corresponding PRACTICE command for the Lauterbach Trace32 Debugger.

The Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger plugin don't include a Debug perspective; it launches its own Trace32 software that contains its own buttons for performing actions.

JTAG: Using the Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger with a QNX Neutrino kernel image

The Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger supports various architectures and connector types, as well as providing GDB Remote Protocol support. The BDI2000 device enhances the GNU debugger (GDB), with JTAG debugging for various targets with the IDE.

To use the features of this JTAG Debugger with the IDE, you'll need to go through the process of installing, configuring, and using the Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger with a QNX Neutrino kernel image.

The following topics describe the steps necessary to debug an IPL and startup for a BSP:


Before you begin to install, configure, and use the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger, you'll need to verify that you have the following required hardware and software:

The following Abatron configuration files, register definitions, and supporting documentation files are also available after you log on to Foundry27 at:


Connecting the Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger to your host

The Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger enhances the GNU debugger with JTAG debugging for various targets.

The following illustration shows how the Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger is connected to your host:

Architecture for connecting the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger to your host machine

Architecture for connecting the Abatron BDI Debugger to your host machine.

The BDI2000 box implements the interface between the JTAG pins of the target CPU and the Ethernet connector. Later, you'll install the specific Abatron firmware, and configure the programmable logic of the BDI2000 Debugger device.

To physically connect the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger to your host machine:

  1. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable into the RJ45 jack of the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger, and the other end into a network switch connected to your LAN.
  2. Connect the female end of a serial cable to the serial port of the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger device, and then connect the other end to a COM port on the host machine.

    Note: Don't connect a JTAG debug cable into the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger. The debugger shouldn't be connected to the target until after you've updated the Abatron firmware for that architecture.

  3. Connect the power adapter to the Abatron BDI2000 device, and then plug it in. At this point, the BDI2000 module should visibly power on.

Note: The flash memory of the Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger stores the IP address of the debugger as well as the IP address of the host, along with the configuration file and the name of the configuration file. Every time you turn on the Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger, it reads the configuration file using TFTP (TFTP is included with the software).

Updating the Abatron firmware

After you've received Abatron firmware (or downloaded it from the QNX website), you'll update the internal firmware of the Abatron BDI2000 debugger to deal with the target architecture for your specific requirements.

To update the Abatron firmware:

  1. The Abatron BDI2000 Debugger should include a directory containing a variety of .cfg and .def files, a tftpsrv.exe executable file, and a setup program called B20COPGD.EXE. If not, contact Abatron for a BDI setup kit for your specific target architecture.
  2. Locate and run the setup file called B20COPGD.EXE.

    You'll see this bdiGDB window.

    DBIGDB window

    The Abatron bdiGDB window.

  3. Select Setup-->BDI2000.

    BDI2000 DBIGDB window

    The DBIGDB setup window.

  4. In the Channel section of the Setup dialog, set the Port to the COM port on your host machine, which is connected to the BDI2000.
  5. Set the Speed to the highest allowed value of 115200.
  6. Click Connect. After a few seconds, the status text at the bottom of the dialog should indicate “Connection passed.” If it reads “Cannot connect to the BDI loader!”, ensure that the serial cable is securely connected to the COM port, the BDI2000 is powered on, and that no other application is currently using the serial port.
  7. In the BDI2000 Firmware/Logic section of the dialog, click Update if it is enabled. After a few minutes, the status text at the bottom of the dialog will notify you that the firmware was successfully updated.

    If the Update button wasn't enabled, then the BDI2000 module already contained the latest version of the Abatron firmware for your target architecture.

  8. In the Configuration section of the dialog, set the BDI IP Address field to the IP address assigned to the MAC address of your BDI2000 device. The MAC address is derived from the serial number such that for the MAC: 00-0C-01-xx-xx-xx, you would replace the xx-xx-xx with the 6 left digits of the serial number. Contact your network administrator if you need help with this step.
  9. In the Configuration section of the dialog, fill in the IP address of your host machine in the Config - Host IP Address field. You can use Windows's ipconfig tool or Linux's ifconfig tool to obtain this value.
  10. In the Configuration section of the dialog, fill in the Configuration file field with the full path to the .cfg file in the BDI2000 setup directory corresponding to your particular target hardware architecture.

    For example, for an MPC8349EQS target board, use the full path to the mpc8349e.cfg file. If your target board doesn't have a corresponding .cfg file, contact Abatron to provide you with the latest files for your hardware.

  11. Click Transmit at the bottom of the dialog to store the configuration in the BDI2000 flash memory.

    After a few seconds, you should receive the message “Transmit passed.”

  12. Click OK to exit the BDI2000 setup utility completely.

Connecting the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger to your target

After you upload the firmware to the BDI200 module (previously, you used a serial line communication, which is used only for the initial configuration of the BDI2000 Debugger system, the host is then connected to the BDI20000 through the serial interface (using one of COM1 through COM4).

The following illustration shows how the Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger is connected between the host and the target for debugging purposes:

Architecture for connecting the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger to your target machine

Architecture for connecting the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger to your target machine.

To physically connect the Abatron BDI2000 to your target board:

  1. Unplug the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger module, because it should be powered off before you connect it to the target board.

    Remove the serial cable from the BDI2000 and your host machine; you need it only for the firmware update.

  2. At this point, you can connect a serial cable to your target board.
  3. Connect one end of the JTAG debugger cable into the BDI2000, and the other into the JTAG port of your target machine. The JTAG port may also be labeled COP or RISCWATCH, depending on the hardware.
  4. Run the tftpsrv.exe file in the BDI setup directory prior to plugging the BDI2000 back in. The TFTP server is responsible for passing the register definition files (.def) to the BDI2000 every time it powers on.
  5. Plug the BDI2000 back in.
  6. Open a terminal window and type telnet BDI_IP_ADDRESS, where BDI_IP_ADDRESS is the IP address assigned to the device during the previous step. You should be greeted with a listing of all the possible monitor commands.
  7. If you chose to connect a serial board to your target hardware previously, you can now open a console connection to your hardware and type reset run into the telnet session with the BDI2000 Debugger. You should see your target board booting up on the console.

Building a system image

Next, you can use the QNX Momentics IDE to build an image file that can be loaded onto the target board, and debugged by the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger.

To build a system image:

  1. Download a BSP (Board Support Package) corresponding to your target hardware. You can find BSPs for a wide variety of architectures from the QNX Foundry27 BSP Directory (after you log on) at:

    Ensure that you download a version of the BSP installer appropriate for your host machine as well.

  2. Install the BSP downloaded in the previous step.
  3. Launch the QNX Momentics IDE and switch to the System Builder perspective.
  4. In the System Builder Projects view, right-click and select Import.
  5. Select QNX-->QNX Board Support Package as an import source.

    Importing a BSP

  6. Click Next.
  7. Select a BSP package to import, and click Finish. If you're prompted with the message, “Build the projects from the imported package?”, click Yes. Wait for the build to finish before proceeding. Note that the import process may take several minutes, depending on the BSP you selected.
  8. Open the project.bld file from the System Builder Projects view, and from the new view that appears, select the image that corresponds to your board.

    Note that a .srec or .elf image file will be uploaded straight to the target board's RAM through the JTAG pins.

  9. In the Properties view on the right, ensure that the Create startup sym file? property is set to Yes, and that the Boot file type is “set to elf” or set to a supported type such as “elf”. Also, make note of the Image Address value, as you'll need it later.
  10. Open the C/C++ Projects view.
  11. Right-click on the project whose name ends with _libstartup, and select Properties.
  12. From the menu on the left, select QNX C/C++ Project, and click the Compiler tab.
  13. In the Code generation section, ensure that the Optimization level is set to No optimize, and add -g to the end of the Other Options field to build with no optimization and the debug variant.

    Occasionally, you might have to specify a -O0 in the Other Options field in order to overwrite the macros defined, which could contain optimization. Click OK, and when prompted to rebuild the C++ project, click Yes and wait for the build to finish.

  14. Return to the System Builder Projects view and rebuild the image by right-clicking on the project and selecting Build Project.
  15. In the Console view, you'll observe some output. For example, scroll up to locate a line that looks similar to this:
    400280   d188   403960      --- startup-bios.sym

    Or something like this:

    200280  10188   202244      --- startup-mpc8349e-qs.sym

    Note: The exact numerical values and filename will differ; however, you want to focus on the line ending with .sym. Take note of the first and third numerical values on this line, as you'll need them later.

Now, in the System Builder Projects view, if you expand the Images directory, it should contain an .elf file and a .sym file. This is the Neutrino image that is ready to be uploaded and debugged. However, before you can continue with the debugging process, you'll need to create a launch configuration.

Creating a launch configuration

To begin debugging using the Abatron BDI2000 JTAG Debugger, you'll need to create a debug configuration in the QNX Momentics IDE to upload an image into the target board's RAM, and debug it through the JTAG pins.

To create a launch configuration for the Abatron BDI2000 Debugger:

  1. In the Images directory in the System Builder Projects view, right-click on the .elf file and select Debug As-->Debug Configurations….
  2. Create a new instance of the GDB Hardware Debugging debug configuration.
  3. On the Main tab, specify the name of your project, and select the .elf file as the C/C++ Application. You want to select the .srec or .elf image file that will be uploaded straight to the target board's RAM through the JTAG pins.
  4. Click the Debugger tab.

    Launch configuration window - Debug tab

  5. Change the GDB Command field to the path of a gdb debugger appropriate for your target architecture (e.g. ntoppc-gdb.exe).
  6. In the Remote Target area, select the Use remote target checkbox, ensure that the JTAG Device combo box is set to Abatron BDI2000. From this list, you can select which of the supported types of JTAG devices you want to use.
  7. Verify that the Host name or IP address field is the IP address assigned to the BDI2000 Debugger device. Unless otherwise specified on the Debugger tab, the port number to use is 2001.
  8. Click the Startup tab.

    Launch configuration window - Startup tab

  9. Select the Reset and Delay (seconds) checkbox, and type an integer representing the number of seconds to wait between resetting the target board and halting it to send the image. You should allow enough time to bring up all the hardware.

    Since just about every board loaded with a U-Boot, IPL, or a ROM Monitor needs to wait a few seconds for the prompt before halting the processor to send the image, a delay of 3 seconds is sufficient for waiting between resetting the board and starting to load the image.

  10. Select the Halt checkbox to stop the target in order to start sending the image.
  11. If there are any monitor commands you would like to execute before sending the image to the target, type those commands in the Halt field, separated those commands by newlines, making sure to prefix them with the keyword “monitor” and a space. You dn't need to add commands to restart or halt the board here, as that is done automatically.
  12. Check the Load image checkbox, and browse to the location of the image file (i.e..elf). You want to select the .srec or .elf image file that will be uploaded straight to the target board's RAM through the JTAG pins.
  13. In the Image Offset (hex) field, type the number previously noted in the Properties view of the System Builder project.
  14. Select the Load symbols checkbox, and browse to the location of the Symbols file name .sym file in the textbox below.

    The symbols file provides symbols for source-level debugging. For most BSPs, the symbol file has the same filename as the image file, except for the file extension (.sym). Note that the IDE would issue a warning message if you didn't build the image with debug symbols. Leaving this textbox blank would result in no debug symbols being loaded, resulting in assembly-level debugging only.

    Each of these two textboxes (the Symbols file name and the Symbols offset (hex))is paired with a Symbol offset field. In the case of .elf files, the offset for the image can be parsed from the binary itself; you'll need to manually specify the offset by looking at the BSP-provided value.

  15. In the Symbol offset (hex) field, type the value in the first column in the console output, noted earlier.
  16. Select the Set program counter at (hex) checkbox and type the value in the third column of the console output noted earlier.
  17. Select the Set breakpoint at checkbox and type the name of the function you want to set the initial break point, for example _main.
  18. Select the Resume checkbox.
  19. In the Run Commands field, type any GDB commands that you would like to have automatically executed after the image and symbols have been successfully uploaded to the target. For example, you can type the si command at the end of this box in order to start stepping.
  20. Click Apply.
  21. Click Debug and begin debugging.

Debugging the startup binary

Using the Debug perspective from the QNX Momentics IDE, you can debug the startup binary of the Neutrino image.

To debug the startup binary:

  1. Change to the Debug perspective if it is not currently open.

    The first thing you will notice is that the target board has been automatically restarted. After waiting a certain number of seconds as specified in the Reset and Delay (seconds) checkbox on the Startup tab of the Debug launch configuration, the QNX Momentics IDE will begin uploading the image to the target through the JTAG pins.

    After the image has been successfully uploaded, startup will commence until it hits a breakpoint.

    Once the IDE encounters a breakpoint, you will see several things at once. In the top-left portion of the Debug perspective, you will see a stack trace for the current location of the code.

    Debug perspective

    In your debug results, it might appear to be more shallow than the stack traces that you would typically see because the code is not running in a complicated environment, but rather directly on the hardware.

    You can use the Registers view to expand and show all of the processor registers on your target board, and their contents over time. While stepping through, register rows will change color to indicate a changed value.

    You can also select the Variables tab to view the value of local and global variables for which symbols exist, and you'll see the Code view and Disassembly view. The Disassembly view will incorporate the source code into its display, allowing you to easily see which machine instructions correspond to which lines of code.

  2. In either the Code view or the Disassembly view, you can set and remove breakpoints by double-clicking on the margin. You can use the Step and Continue tools at the top of the screen to resume execution.

Once you've finished your debugging session, you should remove all breakpoints and click Continue to let startup finish booting up. A quick look at the serial console will show a fully-booted Neutrino image.

JTAG: Using the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger with a QNX Neutrino kernel image

The following topics discuss the process of installing, configuring, and using the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger with a QNX Neutrino kernel image, as well as describing the steps necessary to debug using the Debugger:


Currently, the Lauterbach TRACE In-Circuit Debugger doesn't integrate with gdb.

The JTAG integration in the IDE is limited to source-level debugging of the source code only.

Since the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger doesn't support Linux or Neutrino hosts, your host must run with Microsoft Windows.

The proper powering-up/down sequence is to power up the debugger first, and then the target, and the powering-down sequence is to power down the target, and then the debugger.

When prompted to specify a directory location, if you don't want to use the default directory specified, we recommended that you not use the system directory itself.

The IDE contains built-in support for the Abatron BDI2000 and Macraigor USB2Demon JTAG devices, with other device support through self-defined hardware-specific command sets.

The JTAG debug launch configuration supports GDB Hardware Debug through the JTAG interface.

For more information about the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger, see the Lauterbach documentation and refer specifically to the ICD Debugger User's Guide, ICE User's Guide, and ICE User's Guide. Descriptions for all of the general commands are found in the IDE Reference Guide and General Reference Guide.


Before you begin to install, configure, and use the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger, you'll need to verify that you have the following required hardware and software:

Installing the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger software

Once you've verified that you have the correct hardware and software, you're ready to install the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger software onto your host development machine.

To install the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger software:

  1. Insert the Lauterbach Trace32 installation CD into the CD drive of the host development machine.
  2. The InstallShield should have automatically started once you inserted the CD. If it did not start, open Windows Explorer, navigate to the CD drive (typically D:\) and then select AutoPlay from the right-click menu.
  3. Follow the steps in the installer to complete the installation of the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger software on the host development machine. However, for these steps, you want to make the following selections:
    1. For the Product Type, select the ICD In-Circuit Debugger, and then click Next.

      Specifying a product type

    2. For the In-Circuit Debugger interface type, select the interface type ICD with PODBUS ETHERNET INTERFACE, and then click Next.

      Specifying an interface type

    3. QNX Neutrino isn't one of the host operating systems supported by the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger, but you can use it as your target. You'll need to select one of the supported host operating systems from the list, and then click Next.

      Specifying an operating system

    4. Select the CPU items that you want installed that are specific for your architecture, and then click Next.

      Specifying an interface type

  4. Continue with the remaining steps of the installation process, and install any other components that you require. Ensure that you install the API when prompted.
  5. When prompted, specify another location for the PRACTICE script directory.

Now, you are ready to continue with installing the Lauterbach Trace32 Eclipse plug-in software.

Installing the Lauterbach Trace32 Eclipse plug-in software

The Lauterbach Trace32 Eclipse plug-in software links the IDE and the Trace32 Debugger; it provides the connection between both development environments. The plugin adds a launch configuration to the IDE that you can use to start existing Trace32 installations; however, it doesn't let you use Trace32 debug functionality from within the IDE, such as using watch variable values, or using the step and go functionality.

To install the Lauterbach Trace32 Eclipse plug-in software:

  1. Launch the QNX Momentics IDE on the host development machine.
  2. Select Help-->software Updates-->Find and Install.
  3. Select Search for new features to install, and then click Next.
  4. Click New Remote Site.
  5. In the Name field, type a name for the update site.
  6. In the URL field, type the URL http://www.Lauterbach.com/eclipse, and then click OK.

    Specifying an URL for the update

  7. Verify that the newly added site is selected, and then click Finish.

    Verifying the newly added update site is selected

  8. From the remote site, install the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger Integration feature. Follow the instructions and, if required, restart the IDE for the changes to take effect.

Now, the Lauterbach Trace32 Debugger appears in the list of configuration types.

Lauterbach Trace32 Debugger launch configuration type

The Lauterbach Trace32 Debugger launch configuration type.

In addition, the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger icon is added to the Toolbar. You can use this icon to conveniently launch the Lauterbach CMM PRACTICE script from the latest open launch configuration dialog.

Lauterbach Trace32 CMM icon

The Lauterbach Trace32 CMM icon.

Connecting the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger

Now, you want to physically connect the Debugger to the target hardware.

The Lauterbach architecture

The Lauterbach architecture.

To connect the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger to the target hardware:

  1. Locate your PODBUS Ethernet Controller and the Power Debug Interface hardware for the debugger.

    The Ethernet Controller should have a PODBUS OUT female port, and the Debug Interface should have a PODBUS In male port. Connect these two hardware components together through this port.

  2. Connect one end of your ethernet cable to the RJ45 jack of the PODBUS Ethernet Controller, and the other end to your local network's switch.
  3. Connect the parallel connector to the Debug Cable port of the Power Debug Interface. Connect the other end to the JTAG or COP port of your target hardware.
  4. Connect the power supply to the PODBUS Ethernet interface.
  5. Connect the 7.5V AC adapter to the power socket on the PODBUS Ethernet Controller and plug it in.

Configuring the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger

Next, you want to configure the target hardware for the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger for use with QNX Momentics IDE.

To configure the target hardware:

  1. Choose an IP address (from your local network DHCP server) for the JTAG debugger. Contact your system Administrator if you require assistance. Later, you'll also need to specify this IP address in the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger configuration file.
  2. Add the IP address obtained from step 1 to the Window's ARP cache. To perform this step, open a command prompt and type arp -s ip_addr mac_addr


  3. Open the configuration file called config.t32 located in (by default) C:\T32\. If you specified another installation location, this location will be different.
  4. Edit the line NODE=ip-addr and replace ip-addr with your IP address.
  5. Add the following lines to the end of the config.t32 file:

    Note: Ensure that you include a blank line before the first line, after the last line, and in between each of the lines.

Now, your Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger is connected to the target hardware. Next, you are ready to create a launch configuration.

Creating a launch configuration for the target hardware

Earlier, you installed the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit plugin to start the Trace32 Powerview using the QNX Momentics IDE launch configurations. To create a launch configuration:

  1. Launch configurations are set up in the usual Launch Configurations dialog (accessible from Debug As-->Debug Configurations…).
  2. In the opening dialog select Lauterbach TRACE32 Debugger and add a new configuration.

    Note: It is mandatory to have a project to use the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger plugin. Breakpoint synchronization and edit-source functionality work only with files contained in a project; otherwise, the plugin doesn't know which Trace32 instance it belongs to.

    The Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger launch configuration type contains these tabs: the Trace32 Debugger, Edit Configuration File, and Common.

    The Lauterbach Launch Configuration type- Trace32 Debugger tab

  3. In the T32 executable field, type the path to the Trace32 application that you want to associate with this launch configuration.

    By default, the Trace32 installation process will have located the executable in the folder c:\T32; however, the executable depends on your target architecture (e.g. T32MARM.EXE for ARM, T32MPPC.EXE for PPC).

  4. In the Configuration File field, type the name of the Trace32 configuration file to use with the executable.

    After specifying the configuration file, you may conveniently edit this file on the Edit configuration File tab.

  5. If not already present, add the following lines to your configuration file, including the empty lines at the beginning and end of the block:
    <- mandatory empty line
    Eclipse Plugin for Coupling with TRACE32 6 Creation of Launch Configurations
    <- mandatory empty line

    This configures Trace32 to accept commands via the built-in socket API which is a prerequisite for connecting with the plugin. Note that the port number used in the example (20006) is rather arbitrary, but must be unique among all concurrently active connections between Trace32 and the IDE and must not be used by other programs on the host. You don't need to configure the plugin; it will parse the chosen configuration file and extract the relevant parameters.

  6. To start the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit Debugger, click Debug.

    Next, you'll want to create a launch configuration for the target hardware. The following steps describe how to create a launch configuration for a C++ Project written for the target hardware.

    To create a launch configuration:

    1. Open the C/C++ Projects view and select a project that you want to debug.
    2. Right-click on the project icon, and select Debug As-->Debug Configurations….

      Lauterbach Trace32 Debugger launch configuration type

    3. Create a new instance of the Lauterbach Trace32 Debug Configuration. Give it an appropriate name, and ensure that the Project field is correctly set to the project you're debugging.

      Lauterbach Trace32 Debugger launch configuration

    4. Under Debugger Setting, select the T32 executable option, browse to the Trace32 installation directory, and select the appropriate executable for your target hardware architecture. For example, choose t32mppc.exe for a PowerPC target.
    5. Set the Configuration File to the name of your Trace32 configuration. Unless you have created your own, this file will usually be named config.t32 and will be located in the root of your TRACE32 installation directory.
    6. Click Apply to save the configuration, and then click Close to exit the debug dialog.

Creating a startup script for the Lauterbach Trace32 In-Circuit software

You can create a startup script for the Trace32 Debugger software, which can bring up the target hardware and load the image into RAM.

To create a startup script:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Locate the enddo line of the file. Usually, this is the last nonempty line. All of the extra lines appear directly before this line.
  3. Add a line:

    sys.cpu _CPU_


    where _CPU_ is your architecture. For example, sys.cpu MPC8349.

  4. Add the following lines, in this order, directly after the previous one:

    wait 5000.ms
  5. Locate the image file you want to load onto the target on your hard drive. It should be in either .srec, .elf, or .ifs format.
  6. Add the line:
    data.load._FORMAT_ _IMAGE



  7. Add the following lines, in order:
    Register /SpotLight
  8. Either click Apply if you edited the file within the IDE; otherwise, save and close the file T32.cmm.

Creating multicore launch configurations

For each of your cores, you'll need to create a separate project in the IDE because each core will execute its own specific application. For handling multicore systems, the launch configuration lets you select a master project from the Master Launch field on the Trace32 Debugger tab.

Whenever the master project starts, the associated slave projects are also launched to ensure the correct start order. The type of a launch configuration (master vs slave) is indicated in the top left corner of the launch configuration dialogue.

For information about creating more complicated launch configuration and using Trace32Start, see the Lauterbach documentation included with the software.

Using the debugger

A typical use case is to implement a new feature inside the IDE and build the executable file. After the Trace32 launch configuration starts, through the use of a PRACTICE script, it automatically downloads the modified binary to the target.

The program is then started and debugged inside the Trace32 Debugger. When an error is detected and its location identified, you can right-click inside any window with source code and select Edit source to return to the IDE. The IDE will open the requested file and position the cursor on the correct line.

After you correct the error, you can set a breakpoint at the same location from within IDE (see Using breakpoints and watchpoints). The breakpoint is communicated to the TRACE32 Debugger. After rebuilding and reloading the program, you can restart it again; the processor will stop at the breakpoint you set earlier.

As is common for IDE-based projects, all source code needs to be organized within projects. If a source file isn't part of a project, the plugin can't communicate breakpoints, or provide the required functionality.

If you need to change the IP address, add a static arp entry on the Windows host:

arp -s ip-addr 00-C0-8A-80-42-23

And edit the NODE=ip-addr line in c:\t32\config.t32 before running t32w95.exe.

To obtain basic access:


Programming flash example

FLASH.Create 1. 0xFF800000--0xFF80FFFF 0x02000 AM29LV100B Byte
FLASH.Create 1. 0xFF810000--0xFFFEFFFF 0x10000 AM29LV100B Byte
FLASH.Create 1. 0xFFFF0000--0xFFFFFFFF 0x02000 AM29LV100B Byte

flash.erase 0xfff00000--0xfff1ffff
flash.program 1.
data.load h:\ipl.bin   # SREC Format

PRACTICE startup scripts

The Trace32 debugger software uses a simple startup script in the Lauterbach scripting language called PRACTICE. The software includes a few PRACTICE scripts to boot some boards in common use at QNX. The file called T32.CMM is available from:

;Default startup program for TRACE32
;This startup program can be modified according to your needs.

;choose hex mode for input
 radix hex

;Add some extra buttons to the toolbar

   toolitem "Source/List" "list" "Data.List"
   toolitem "Memory Dump" "dump" "Data.dump"
   toolitem "Register" "reg" "Register /SpotLight"
   toolitem "Watch" ":var" "Var.Watch"
   toolitem "Stack" ":varframe" "Var.Frame /l /c"
   toolitem "Automatic Watch" ":varref" "Var.Ref"
   toolitem "List Breakpoints" "break" "Break.List"
   toolitem "List Symbols" "symbols" "sYmbol.Browse"

;Recall and Define History File
 autostore , history


JTAG: Using the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger with a QNX Neutrino kernel image

The Macraigor JTAG debugger allows a host computer to control and debug an embedded target processor. Through the process of installing, configuring, and using the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger with a QNX Neutrino kernel image, you'll be able to write the image directly into RAM

The following topics discuss the process of installing, configuring, and using the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger with a QNX Neutrino kernel image, as well as describing the steps necessary for debugging using the Macraigor debugger:


Before you begin to install, configure, and use the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger, you'll need to verify that you have the following required hardware and software:

Installing the Macraigor hardware support package

To install the hardware support package:

  1. Download the Macraigor hw_support package containing the OCDremote utility and run the file hw_support_2.25.exe.

    Custom Setup dialog

  2. Click Install, and when it's completed, you'll click Finish. You'll be prompted to restart your system for the changes to take effect.

For detailed information about using the Macraigor JTAG/BDM devices and GNU Tools, see Using Macraigor JTAG/BDM Devices with Eclipse and the Macraigor GNU Tools Suite on Windows and Linux Hosts.

Connecting the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger to your host

Now, you want to physically connect the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger to your host machine.

Connect one end of the provided USB cable into the Usb2Demon device, and the other end into a USB port on your host machine. If all of the required software has already been installed, Windows should recognize it as a Macraigor device, and the green LED on the Usb2Demon should come on.

Connecting the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger to your target

Connect the JTAG cable into the JTAG port of your target machine. The JTAG port may also be labeled COP or RISCWATCH, depending on the hardware.


After you've connected the device to the board and to your host machine, you have to install the Macraigor USB driver when Windows recognizes a new USB device.

To verify that the Macraigor device is recognized by the Windows host, run the UsbDemon Finder utility included with the software. This utility is available by double-clicking the following icon on your desktop:

UsbDemon Finder utility icon

In addition, run the JTAG Scan Chain Analyzer utility. This utility is available by double-clicking the following icon on your desktop:

The JTAG SCAN Chain Analyzer utility icon

Select Usb2Demon from the dropdown list, click the Analyze Scan Chain button. You'll see the output for the JTAG ID and probable CPU type.

Starting the OCDremote

After connecting the device to the board and to your host machine, you need to start OCDremote listening on a local port for incoming GDB client connections. OCDremote is a server that translates incoming gdb commands into instructions understood by the JTAG device.

To start the OCD remote, obtain the appropriate flags for your JTAG device, USB port, and target board. A complete reference can be found in Appendix A of the Using Macraigor JTAG/BDM Devices with Eclipse and the Macraigor GNU Tools Suite on Windows Hosts documentation from Macraigor.

For example, you can start the OCDremote utility at the command prompt for the Power PC by using the following command:

-c ppc405 -d usb -s 2

You'll notice that GDB is bound to port 8888.

As an external tool, or from the command line, start OCDremote on a local port.

Building a system image

Next, you can use the QNX Momentics IDE to build an image file that can be loaded onto the target board, and be debugged by the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger.

To build a system image:

  1. Download a BSP (Board Support Package) corresponding to your target hardware. You can find BSPs for a wide variety of architectures from the QNX Foundry27 BSP Directory at:

    Ensure that you download a version of the BSP installer appropriate for your host machine.

  2. Install the BSP downloaded in the previous step.
  3. Launch the QNX Momentics IDE and switch to the System Builder perspective.
  4. In the System Builder Projects view, right-click and select Import.
  5. Select QNX-->QNX Board Support Package as an import source.

    Importing a BSP

  6. Click Next.
  7. Select a BSP package to import, and click Finish. If you're prompted with the message, “Build the projects from the imported package?”, click Yes. Wait for the build to finish before proceeding. Note that the import process may take several minutes, depending on the BSP you selected.
  8. Open the project.bld file from the System Builder Projects view, and from the new view that appears, select the image that corresponds to your board. In the Properties view on the right, ensure that the Create startup sym file? property is set to Yes, and that the Boot file type is set to elf. Also, make note of the Image Address value, as you'll need it later.
  9. Open the C/C++ Projects view.
  10. Right-click on the project whose name ends with _libstartup, and select Properties.
  11. From the menu on the left, select QNX C/C++ Project, and then click the Compiler tab.
  12. In the Code generation section, ensure that the Optimization level is set to No optimize, and add -g to the end of the Other Options field.

    Occasionally, you might have to specify a -O0 in the Other Options field in order to overwrite the macros defined, which could contain optimization. Click OK, and when prompted to rebuild the C++ project, click Yes and wait for the build to finish.

  13. Return to the System Builder Projects view and rebuild the image by right-clicking on the project and selecting Build Project.
  14. In the Console view, you will observe some output. Scroll up to locate a line that looks similar to this, for example:
    400280   d188   403960      --- startup-bios.sym


    200280  10188   202244      --- startup-mpc8349e-qs.sym

    Note: The exact numerical values and filename will differ, but it will be the only line ending with .sym. Take note of the first and third numerical values on this line, as you'll need them later.

Now, in the System Builder Projects view, expand the Images directory; it should contain an .elf file and a .sym file. This is the Neutrino image that is ready to be uploaded and debugged. However, before you can continue with the debugging process, you'll need to create a launch configuration.

Creating a launch configuration

To begin debugging using the Macraigor Usb2Demon Debugger, you need to create a debug configuration in the QNX Momentics IDE to upload an image into the target board's RAM, and debug it through the JTAG pins.

To create a launch configuration:

  1. In the Images directory in the System Builder Projects view, right-click on the .elf file, and then select Debug As-->Debug Configurations….
  2. Create a new instance of the GDB Hardware Debugging debug configuration.
  3. On the Main tab, specify the name of your project, and select the .elf file as the C/C++ Application.
  4. Click the Debugger tab.

    Launch configuration window - Debug tab

  5. Change the GDB Command field to the path of a gdb debugger appropriate for your target architecture (e.g. ntoppc-gdb.exe).
  6. Select the Use remote target checkbox, and ensure that the JTAG Device combo box is set to Macraigor USB2Demon. From this list, you can select which of the supported types of JTAG devices you want to use.
  7. Verify that the Host name or IP address field is the IP address assigned to the USB2Demon Debugger device. It's usually localhost if you run OCD Remote at the same machine from where you launch the debugging. The port number, unless you have manually changed it, is 8888.
  8. Click the Startup tab.

    Launch Configuration window - Startup tab

  9. Select the Reset and Delay (seconds) checkbox, and type an integer representing the number of seconds to wait between resetting the target board and halting it to send the image. You should allow enough time to bring up all the hardware.

    Since just about every board loaded with a U-Boot, IPL, or a ROM Monitor needs to wait a few seconds for the prompt before halting the processor to send the image, a delay of 3 seconds is sufficient for waiting between resetting the board and starting to load the image.

  10. Select the Halt checkbox to stop the target in order to start sending the image.
  11. If there are any monitor commands youl'd like to execute before sending the image to the target, type those commands in the Halt field, separated them by newlines, making sure to prefix them with the keyword monitor and a space. You don't need to add commands to restart or halt the board here, as that's done automatically.
  12. Check the Load image checkbox, and browse to the location of the image file (i.e..elf). Select the .srec or .elf image file that will be uploaded straight to the target board's RAM through the JTAG pins.
  13. In the Image Offset (hex) field, type the number previously noted in the Properties view of the System Builder project.
  14. Select the Load symbols checkbox, and browse to the location of the Symbols file name .sym file in the textbox below.

    The symbols file provides symbols for source-level debugging. For most BSPs, the symbol file has the same filename as the image file, except for the file extension (.sym). Note that the IDE would have issued a warning message if you didn't build the image with debug symbols. Leaving this textbox blank would result in no debug symbols being loaded, resulting in assembly-level debugging only.

    Each of these two textboxes (the Symbols file name and the Symbols offset (hex) is paired with a Symbol offset field. In the case of .elf files, the offset for the image can be parsed from the binary itself; you'll need to manually specify the offset by looking at the BSP-provided value.

  15. In the Symbol offset (hex) field, type the value in the first column in the console output, described earlier.
  16. Select the Set program counter at (hex) checkbox and type the value in the third column of the console output noted earlier.
  17. Select the Set breakpoint at checkbox and type the name of the function you want to set the initial break point, for example _main.
  18. Select the Resume checkbox.
  19. In the Run Commands field, type any GDB commands that you'd like to have automatically executed after the image and symbols have been successfully uploaded to the target. For example, you can type the si command at the end of this box in order to start stepping.
  20. Click Apply and begin debugging.

Debugging a startup binary

Using the Debug perspective from the QNX Momentics IDE, you can debug the startup binary of the Neutrino image created earlier.

To debug the startup binary:

  1. Change to the Debug perspective if it isn't currently open.

    The first thing you'll notice is that the target board has been automatically restarted. After waiting a certain number of seconds as specified in the Reset and Delay (seconds) checkbox on the Startup tab of the Debug launch configuration, the QNX Momentics IDE will begin to upload the image to the target through the JTAG pins.

    After the image has been successfully uploaded, startup will commence until it hits a breakpoint.

    Once the IDE encounters a breakpoint, you'll see several things at once. In the top-left portion of the Debug perspective, you will see a stack trace for the current location of the code.

    Debug perspective

    In your debug results, it might appear to be more shallow than the stack traces that you would typically see because the code isn't running in a complicated environment, but directly on the hardware.

  2. You can also select the Variables tab to view the value of local and global variables for which symbols exist, and you'll see the Code view and Disassembly view. The Disassembly view will incorporate the source code into its display, allowing you to easily see which machine instructions correspond to which lines of code.
  3. In either the Code view or the Disassembly view, you can set and remove breakpoints by double-clicking on the margin. You can use the Step and Continue tools at the top of the screen to resume execution.

Once you've finished your debugging session, you should remove all breakpoints and click Continue to let startup finish booting up. A quick look at the serial console will show a fully-booted Neutrino image.

Using Mudflap

Mudflap provides runtime pointer checking capability to the GNU C/C++ compiler (gcc). It adds runtime error checking for pointers that are typically the cause for many programming errors in C and C++. Since Mudflap is included with the compiler, it doesn't require any additional tools in the tool chain, and it can be easily added to a build by specifying the necessary GCC options (see Configuring Mudflap to find errors.)”

Mudflap instruments all of the risky pointer and array dereferencing operations, some standard library string/heap functions, and some other associated constructs with range and validity tests. Instrumented modules will detect buffer overflows, invalid heap use, and some other classes of C/C++ programming errors. The instrumentation relies on a separate runtime library (libmudflap), which will be linked into a program when the compile option (-fmudflap) and linker option (-lmudflap) are provided for the build.


The use of Mudflap requires GCC with Mudflap support (GCC 4.x with the Mudflap enabled flag and appropriate configuration settings (see Configuring Mudflap in the IDE.) Once configured, the IDE adds options to the Makefile: -lmudflap to LD_SEARCH_FLAGS and -fmudflap to CFLAGS1.

Note: Since Mudflap slows down your application, ensure that you disable Mudflap during your final compilation.

Why use Mudflap?

Many runtime errors in C and C++ are caused by pointer errors. The most common reason for this type of error is that you've incorrectly initialized or calculated a pointer value and attempted to use this invalid pointer to reference some data. Since all pointer errors might not be identified and dealt with at runtime, you might encounter a situation where you go over by one byte (off-by-one error), which might run over some stack space, or write into the memory space of another variable. You don't always detect these types of errors because in your testing, they don't typically cause anything to crash, or they don't overwrite anything significant. An off-by-one error might become an off-by-1000 error, and could result in a buffer overflow or a bad pointer dereference, which may crash your program, or provide a window of opportunity for code injection.

How Mudflap works in the IDE

Mudflap adds another pass to GCCs compiler sequence to add instrumentation code to the resulting binary that encapsulates potentially dangerous pointer operations. In addition, Mudflap keeps a database of memory objects to evaluate any pointer operation against a known list of valid objects. At runtime, if any of these instrumented pointer operations is invalid or causes a failure, then a violation is emitted to the stderr output for the process. The violation specifies where the error occurred in the code, as well as what objects where involved.


You don't have to use Telnet or a serial terminal window to obtain output from Mudflap. Although it is available from the Command line, you can choose to monitor the stdout or use it directly from within the IDE.

The IDE also includes a build integration that let's you select Mudflap as one of build variant build options.

The IDE includes a QNX launch tool that enables you to parse Mudflap errors (such as buffer overflow on the stack or heap, or of a pointer, all the way to the target), and the errors display similar to that of the Memory Analysis Tool. For example, during the Mudflap launch, the IDE creates a Mudflap session, and then you can select an item to view the errors in the source code.

For example, if you specify the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int a[10];
int b[10];

int main(void)  {
   return a[11];

In this example, the compiler will allocate memory for a and b, and consequently the access to a[11] will most likely read the value of b[1]. This type of access won't fail; however, the code isn't correct and will fail with Mudflap enabled, and generate the following output in the Console:

[Console output redirected to file:C:\ide-4.6-workspace\AQNXCProject\output.mudflap]
mudflap violation 1 (check/read): time=1238531869.688193 ptr=0x80cbb20 size=48
pc=0xb8207da3 location=`C:/ide-4.6-workspace/AQNXCProject/AQNXCProject.c:9:4 (main)' thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mfu_check+0x456) [0xb8207c02]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_check+0x3e) [0xb8207d9e]
      AQNXCProject(main+0x67) [0x8049103]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__wrap_main+0x41) [0xb8207659]
Nearby object 1: checked region begins 0B into and ends 8B after
mudflap object 0x80d5500: name=`C:/ide-4.6-workspace/AQNXCProject/AQNXCProject.c:5:5 a'
bounds=[0x80cbb20,0x80cbb47] size=40 area=static check=3r/0w liveness=3
alloc time=1238531869.688193 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
number of nearby objects: 1
Leaked object 1:
mudflap object 0x80d5290: name=`malloc region'
bounds=[0x80d5248,0x80d525b] size=20 area=heap check=0r/0w liveness=0
alloc time=1238531869.686193 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_register+0x3e) [0xb820758e]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__real_malloc+0xba) [0xb8208b6a]
      libc.so.3(atexit+0x19) [0xb032ac99]
      libc.so.3(_init_libc+0x33) [0xb03641b3]
Leaked object 2:
mudflap object 0x80d5360: name=`malloc region'
bounds=[0x80d5318,0x80d532b] size=20 area=heap check=0r/0w liveness=0
alloc time=1238531869.687193 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_register+0x3e) [0xb820758e]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__real_malloc+0xba) [0xb8208b6a]
      libc.so.3(atexit+0x19) [0xb032ac99]
      AQNXCProject(_start+0x42) [0x8048fda]
Leaked object 3:
mudflap object 0x80d5430: name=`malloc region'
bounds=[0x80d53e8,0x80d53fb] size=20 area=heap check=0r/0w liveness=0
alloc time=1238531869.687193 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_register+0x3e) [0xb820758e]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__real_malloc+0xba) [0xb8208b6a]
      libc.so.3(atexit+0x19) [0xb032ac99]
      AQNXCProject(_start+0x61) [0x8048ff9]
number of leaked objects: 3

These output results indicate that on line 9 AQNXCProject.c:9:4 in the project file myApplication.c, the code performed an incorrect read access with the variable named a (mudflap object 0x80d5500: name=`C:/ide-4.6-workspace/AQNXCProject/AQNXCProject.c:5:5 a').

The IDE will populate the Mudflap Violations view with the contents of Mudflap log file (specified in the Launch Configuration). It provides you with additional information about the violation(s) that Mudflap detected, from which you can select an item to view the error in the source code.

Options tab - Build with Mudflap

The top level of the main view shows the errors, and if you expand a particular violation, you'll receive information about nearby objects, a backtrace, similar errors, as well as other useful detailed information.

For detailed information about the results generated by Mudflap output, see Mudflap Violations view and Interpreting Mudflap output.”

Configuring Mudflap in the IDE

To use Mudflap in the IDE, you'll need to select Mudflap options to add the -fmudflap option to the compiler command line for your application. There is a runtime library attached to the process called libmudflap that is controlled by runtime options that are set using the environment variable MUDFLAP_OPTIONS. The instrumentation relies on this separate libmudflap runtime library that is linked into a program when the compile option (-fmudflap) and linker option (-lmudflap) are selected for the application.

Note: There are many options available for violation handling, checking and tracing, heuristics, tuning, and introspection (introspection provides insight into the cause of the error). For more details about these options, see that paper located at:

Configuring Mudflap to find errors

To configure Mudflap to help you identify errors in your code:

  1. To instrument a binary with Mudflap, do the following steps:

    Note: If your binary is instrumented with Mudflap, you can't run Memory Analysis on it because there will be a conflict (trying to overload the same functions), and it will cause the program to crash.

  2. To launch the instrumented binary with Mudflap enabled, do these steps:
    1. Right-click on a project and open a Launch Configuration dialog.
    2. Select the Tools tab, and then click Add/Delete Tool.
    3. Select Mudflap from the list.

      The IDE displays a Mudflap options page that lists the options that this Mudflap-enabled application can run with.

      Add/Delete Tool - Mudflap

    4. Select any desired Mudflap options. For detailed information about additional Mudflap options, see Options for Mudflap.”
      Enable Mudflapping
      Sets the Mudflap feature to check for errors. Since Mudflap adds extra code to the compiled program to check for buffer overruns, Mudflap slows a program's performance (at build time, the compiler needs to process the instrumentation code). Consequently, you should only use Mudflap during testing, and turn it off in your production version.
      Output File
      Specify the location for the Mudflap output log file. Click Workspace… to specify a location in your workspace, or Filesystem… to specify a location your filesystem.
      Do not print read access violations
      Read access violations are not recorded. The Mudflap option for this feature is -ignore-reads.
      Print memory leaks at program exit
      When the program shuts down, print a list of memory objects on the heap that have not been deallocated. The Mudflap option for this feature is -print-leaks.
      Enabled memory violation protection
      Trigger a violation for every main() call. This option is useful as a debugging aid. The Mudflap option for this feature is -mode-violate.
      Perform more expensive internal checking
      Periodically traverse the internal structures to assert the absence of corruption. The Mudflap option for this feature is -internal-checking.
      Detect uninitialized object reads
      Verify that the memory objects on the heap have been written to before they are read. The Mudflap option for this feature is -check-initialization.
      Print report upon SIGUSR1
      Handle signal SIGUSR1 by printing the similar report that will be printed at shutdown. This option is useful for monitoring interactions of a long running program. The Mudflap option for this feature is -sigusr1-report.
      Wipe stack objects at unwind
      Clear each tracked stack object when it goes out of scope. This options is useful as a security or debugging measure. The Mudflap option for this feature is -wipe-stack.
      Wipe heap objects at free
      Clear each tracked heap object being deallocated when it goes out of scope. This option is useful as a security or debugging measure. The Mudflap option for this feature is -wipe-heap.
      Action when violation found
      Select a specific action for Mudflap to take when it encounters a violation.

      violations do not change program execution — Violations don't change the program execution. This means that this option will do nothing and the program may continue with the erroneous access; however, this action may corrupt its own state, or the state of libmudflap. The Mudflap option for this feature is -viol-nop.

      violations cause a call to abort() — A call is made to the abort() function when a violation is encountered, which then requests a core dump and exit. The Mudflap option for this feature is -viol-abort.

      violations are promoted to SIGSEGV signals — Generate a SIGSEGV, which a program may choose to catch. The Mudflap option for this feature is -viol-segv.

      Keep an N-level stack trace of each call context
      Record N levels of tack backtrace information for each allocation, deallocation, and violation. The Mudflap option for this feature is -backtrace=N.
      Other Mudflap options (space separated)
      A field where you can specify additional Mudflap options. For information about these options, see Options for Mudflap.”
    5. Launch the application.

    The Mudflap session opens and shows the Mudflap Violation view that contains any errors that it encountered (the errors are recorded in the Mudflap output log file).

  3. Select an error from the list to navigate to the location of that error in the source code.

Options for Mudflap

For Mudflap, you can set the following additional options:

Mudflap Violations view

The Mudflap Violations view is populated based on the contents of Mudflap log file that you specified during the Launch Configuration setup. If the Mudflap log file is updated, the Mudflap Violation view automatically refreshes to reflect the modified data.

Options tab - Build with Mudflap

The Mudflap Violations view displaying data collected in the Mudflap log file.

Since Mudflap provides pointer debugging functionality, including buffer overflow detection, leak detection, and reads to uninitialized objects, the Mudflap Violations view will contain a comprehensive list of these errors (data from the output log). You can double-click an error to locate its corresponding source code.


The Mudflap Violations view has the following icons:

Icon Name Description
Icon: Open Log Open Log If a session view is not currently open, open or import a log file from the system or remote target.
Icon: Scroll Lock Scroll Lock Prevent the view from refreshing the data currently displayed.
Icon: Refresh Refresh Perform a manual refresh to update the data in the view.
Icon: Mudflap Violations view menu Menu The menu options for setting preferences for the Mudflap Violations view (Preferences), opening a Mudflap log file (Opening Mudflap Log…), and locating a specific error or object.


If you double-click on an item in the view, you'll obtain the source navigation for that item.

If you cick a column heading, the data in the list is sorted according to the column you selected.

The main view shows the unique errors, and if you expand a particular violation, you'll receive information about nearby objects, a backtrace, similar errors, as well as other detailed information.

For a description about the errors returned by Mudflap, see Descriptions of Mudflap results.”

Searching using Find

You can perform a search in the Mudflap Violations view to search the output log for specific data.

Find feature for Mudflap Violations view

Searching feature (Menu icon-->Find) in the Mudflap Violations view.

The icons for the Find area are:

Icon Name Description
Icon: Open Log Previous Begin search (find backwards) from the current cursor location and go backward. To find the previous occurrence of the same text in the current view of the output log file, select the Previous icon again. The previous occurrence of the text is then selected in the view. Repeat to continue finding the previous occurrences of the text you specified.
Icon: Scroll Lock Next Begin search (find forwards) from the current cursor location and go forward. To find the next occurrence of the same text in the current view of the output log file, select the Next icon again. The next occurrence of the text is then selected in the view. Repeat to continue finding the next occurrences of the text you specified.
Icon: Refresh Match case Search returns results that precisely match the capitalization specified in the search string.
Icon: Mudflap Violations view menu Whole word Search returns results that match the whole word specified in the search string as a single unit.
Icon: Mudflap Violations view menu Wrap around The search continues from the end of the file to the beginning of the file for the specified search text.

Interpreting Mudflap output

The type of errors that Mudflap detects includes overflow/underflow (running off the ends of buffers and strings) and memory leaks.

For example, the following Mudflap output results are the result of an illegal deallocation of memory, which is illustrated by the following code segment:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char ** argv){
  char * str = "";
  if (argc>1) {
     str = malloc(10);
     // ...
  printf("Str: %s\n",str);
  return 0;

Sample output results from the Mudflap log file

Sample Mudflap outputs results in the Mudflap Violations view.

The object name includes the name identified by Mudflap (i.e. if it's a local variable); otherwise, it can include the area, size and/or reference number (a pointer).

The output from the Console for this example looks like this:

[Console output redirected to file:C:\ide-4.6-workspace\AQNXCProject\output.mudflap]
mudflap violation 1 (unregister): time=1238449399.353085 ptr=0x804a4b0 size=0
pc=0xb8207109 thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mfu_unregister+0xa8) [0xb8206d2c]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_unregister+0x3c) [0xb8207104]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__real_free+0xad) [0xb82091c9]
      AQNXCProject(main+0x41) [0x804902d]
Nearby object 1: checked region begins 0B into and ends 0B into
mudflap object 0x8055500: name=`string literal'
bounds=[0x804a4b0,0x804a4b0] size=1 area=static check=0r/0w liveness=0
alloc time=1238449399.352085 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
number of nearby objects: 1
Leaked object 1:
mudflap object 0x8055290: name=`malloc region'
bounds=[0x8055248,0x805525b] size=20 area=heap check=0r/0w liveness=0
alloc time=1238449399.350085 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_register+0x3e) [0xb820758e]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__real_malloc+0xba) [0xb8208b6a]
      libc.so.3(atexit+0x19) [0xb032ac99]
      libc.so.3(_init_libc+0x33) [0xb03641b3]
Leaked object 2:
mudflap object 0x8055360: name=`malloc region'
bounds=[0x8055318,0x805532b] size=20 area=heap check=0r/0w liveness=0
alloc time=1238449399.351085 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_register+0x3e) [0xb820758e]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__real_malloc+0xba) [0xb8208b6a]
      libc.so.3(atexit+0x19) [0xb032ac99]
      AQNXCProject(_start+0x42) [0x8048f2a]
Leaked object 3:
mudflap object 0x8055430: name=`malloc region'
bounds=[0x80553e8,0x80553fb] size=20 area=heap check=0r/0w liveness=0
alloc time=1238449399.351085 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_register+0x3e) [0xb820758e]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__real_malloc+0xba) [0xb8208b6a]
      libc.so.3(atexit+0x19) [0xb032ac99]
      AQNXCProject(_start+0x61) [0x8048f49]
Leaked object 4:
mudflap object 0x80576a0: name=`malloc region'
bounds=[0x805a098,0x805a09f] size=8 area=heap check=0r/0w liveness=0
alloc time=1238449399.352085 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_register+0x3e) [0xb820758e]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__real_malloc+0xba) [0xb8208b6a]
      libc.so.3(_Initlocks+0x4c) [0xb0357aac]
      libc.so.3(__pthread_once+0x92) [0xb0320e32]
Leaked object 5:
mudflap object 0x8057708: name=`malloc region'
bounds=[0x8063bd8,0x8063fd7] size=1024 area=heap check=0r/0w liveness=0
alloc time=1238449399.353085 pc=0xb8207593 thread=1
      libmudflapth.so.0(__mf_register+0x3e) [0xb820758e]
      libmudflapth.so.0(__real_malloc+0xba) [0xb8208b6a]
      libc.so.3(_Fbuf+0x4a) [0xb0352dea]
      libc.so.3(_Fwprep+0x73) [0xb0353433]
number of leaked objects: 5

And this information from the console for the example above can be explained as follows:

To summarize a conclusion for the information above, some code in the main() function for the project called AQNXCProject contains an illegal deallocation of memory because an operation is being performed on a pointer that doesn't point to an appropriate heap memory segment (a heap-allocated block that has not yet been properly deallocated). This situation is detected by the -internal-checking option.

Descriptions of Mudflap results

In the Mudflap Violations view, you might see errors similar to the following:

Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/ide_en/user_guide/debug.html on line 4698

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/ide_en/user_guide/debug.html on line 4698