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Understanding System Limits

This chapter includes:

The limits on describing limits

Neutrino is a microkernel, so many things that might be a core limit in some operating systems, become dependent on the particular manager that implements that service under Neutrino, especially for filesystems, where there are multiple possible filesystems.

Many resources depend on how much memory is available. Other limits depend on your target system. For example, the virtual address space for a process can vary by processor from 32 MB on ARM to 3.5 GB on x86.

Some limits are a complex interaction between many things. To quote the simple/obvious limit is misleading; describing all of the interactions can be complicated. The key thing to remember while reading this chapter is that there can be many factors behind a limit.

Configurable limits

When you're trying to determine your system's limits, you can get the values of configurable limits, special read-only variables that store system information.

Note: Neutrino also supports configuration strings, which are similar to, and frequently used in conjunction with, environment variables. For more information, see the Configuring Your Environment chapter.

You can use the POSIX getconf utility to get the value of a configurable limit or a configuration string. Since getconf is a POSIX utility, scripts that use it instead of hard-coded QNX-specific limits can adapt to other POSIX environments.

Some configurable limits are associated with a path; their names start with _PC_. When you get the value of these limits, you must provide the path (see Filesystem limits,” below). For example, to get the maximum length of the filename, type:

getconf _PC_NAME_MAX pathname

Other limits are associated with the entire system; their names start with _SC_. You don't have to provide a path when you get their values. For example, to get the maximum number of files that a process can have open, type:

getconf _SC_OPEN_MAX

In general, you can't change the value of the configurable limits — they're called “configurable” because the system can set them.

The Neutrino libraries provide various functions that you can use in a program to work with configurable limits:

Get the value of a configurable limit that's associated with a path.
Get the value of a limit for the entire system.
Change the value of certain limits. For example, you can use this function to limit the number of files that a process can open; this limit also depends on the value of the -F option to procnto.

Filesystem limits

Under Neutrino, filesystems aren't part of the kernel or core operating system; they're provided by separately loadable processes or libraries. This means that:

The sections that follow give the limits for the supported filesystems. Note the following:

The filesystems include:

Querying filesystem limits

You can query the path-specific configuration limits to determine some of the properties and limits of a specific filesystem:

Maximum value of a file's link count.
Maximum number of bytes in a terminal's canonical input buffer (edit buffer).
Maximum number of bytes in a terminal's raw input buffer.
Maximum number of bytes in a filename (not including the terminating null).
Maximum number of bytes in a pathname (not including the terminating null).
Maximum number of bytes that can be written atomically when writing to a pipe.
If defined (not -1), indicates that the use of the chown() function is restricted to a process with appropriate privileges, and to changing the group ID of a file to the effective group ID of the process or to one of its supplementary group IDs.
If defined (not -1), indicates that the use of pathname components longer than the value given by _PC_NAME_MAX will generate an error.
If defined (not -1), this is the character value that can be used to individually disable special control characters in the termios control structure.

For more information, see Configurable limits,” above.

QNX 4 filesystem

The limits for QNX 4 filesystems include:

Filename length
48 bytes, or 505 if .longfilenames exists before mounting; see Filenames in the description of the QNX 4 filesystem in Working with Filesystems.
Pathname length
1024 bytes.
File size
2 GB − 1.
Directory size
No practical limit, although the files that the directory uses to manage its contents are limited to 2 G − 1 bytes, which works out to approximately 33 million files in a single directory. You wouldn't want to do that, though, as directory scans are linear: they'd be very slow.
Filesystem size
2 GB × 512; limited by the disk driver.
Disk size
264 bytes; limited by the disk driver.

Power-Safe (fs-qnx6.so) filesystem

The limits for Power-Safe filesystems (supported by fs-qnx6.so) include:

Physical disk sector
32-bit (2 TB), using the devb API.
Logical filesystem block
512, 1024, 2048, or 4096 (set when you initially format the filesystem).
Maximum filename length
510 bytes (UTF-8). If the filename is less than 28 bytes long, it's stored in the directory entry; if it's longer, it's stored in an external file, and the directory entry points to the name.
Maximum file size
64-bit addressing.

With a 1 KB (default) block size, you can fit 256 block pointers in a block, so a file that's 16 × 256 × 1 KB (4 MB) requires 1 level of indirect pointers. If the file is bigger, you need two levels (i.e. 16 blocks of 256 pointers to blocks holding another 256 pointers to blocks), which gives a maximum file size of 1 GB. For three levels of indirect pointers, the maximum file size is 256 GB.

If the block size is 2 KB, then each block holds up to 512 pointers, and everything scales accordingly.

Ext2 filesystem

The limits for Linux Ext2 filesystems include:

Filename length
255 bytes.
Pathname length
1024 bytes.
File size
2 GB − 1.
Directory size
2 GB − 1; directories are files with inode and filename information as data.
Filesystem size
2 GB × 512.
Disk size
264 bytes; limited by the disk driver.

DOS FAT12/16/32 filesystem

The limits for DOS FAT12/16/32 filesystems include:

Filename length
255 characters.
Pathname length
260 characters.
File size
4 GB − 1; uses a 32-bit filesystem format.
Directory size
Depends on the type of filesystem:
Filesystem size
Depends on the FAT format:
Disk size
Limited by the disk driver and io-blk.

These filesystems don't really support permissions, but they can emulate them.

CD-ROM (ISO9660) filesystem

The limits for CD-ROM (ISO9660) filesystems include:

Filename length
32 bytes for basic ISO9660, 128 for Joliet, 255 for Rockridge.
Pathname length
1024 bytes.
Disk size
This filesystem also uses a 32-bit (4 GB − 1) format. We don't allow the creation of anything via fs-cd.so; it's read-only. Any limits would be imposed by the tools used to make the image (which hopefully would be a subset of ISO9660). Disk size is also limited by the disk driver and io-blk.

Note: We've deprecated fs-cd.so in favor of fs-udf.so, which now supports ISO-9660 filesystems in addition to UDF. For information about the limits for UDF, see UDF filesystem,” later in this chapter.

NFS2 and NFS3 filesystem

The limits for NFS2 and NFS3 filesystems include:

Filename length
255 bytes.
Pathname length
1024 bytes.
File size
2 GB − 1; 32-bit filesystem limit.
Directory size, filesystem size, and disk size
Depends on the server; 32-bit filesystem limit.

CIFS filesystem

The limits for CIFS filesystems include:

Filename length
255 bytes.
Pathname length
1024 bytes.
File size
2 GB − 1; 32-bit filesystem limit.
Directory size, filesystem size, and disk size
32-bit filesystem limit.

The CIFS filesystem doesn't support chmod or chown.

Embedded (flash) filesystem

The limits for embedded (flash) filesystems include:

Filename length
255 bytes.
Pathname length
1024 bytes.
File size, filesystem size, and disk size
2 GB − 1.
Directory size
Limited by the available space.

Flash filesystems use a cache to remember the location of extents within files and directories, to reduce the time for random seeking (especially backward).

UDF filesystem

The limits for UDF filesystems include:

Filename length
255 Unicode characters.
Pathname length
1024 bytes.
Disk size
This filesystem uses a 32-bit block address, but the filesystem is 64-bit (> 4 GB). We don't allow the creation of anything via fs-udf.so; it's read-only.

Apple Macintosh HFS and HFS Plus

The limits for the Apple Macintosh HFS (Hierarchical File System) and HFS Plus include:

Filename length
31 MacRoman characters on HFS; 255 bytes (Unicode) on HFS Plus.
Pathname length
1023 bytes.
Disk size
This filesystem uses a 32-bit block address, but the filesystem is 64-bit (> 4 GB). We don't allow the creation of anything via fs-mac.so; it's read-only.

Windows NT filesystem

The limits for Windows NT filesystems include:

Filename length
255 characters.
Pathname length
1024 bytes.
File size
4 GB − 1; uses a 64-bit filesystem format.
Filesystem size
264 - 1 clusters.
Disk size
Limited by the disk driver and io-blk.

This filesystem is read-only.

Other system limits

These limits apply to the entire system:

A maximum of 4095 active at any time, with these exceptions:

On ARM platforms, the limit is actually on the number of separate address spaces; you could have more processes if they happen to be sharing an address space because of vfork(), but that's very unusual.

Prefix space (resource-manager attaches, etc.)
Limited by memory.
Sessions and process groups
4095 (since you need at least one process per session or group).
Physical address space
No limits, except those imposed by the hardware; see the documentation for the chip you're using.

These limits apply to each process:

File descriptors

The total number of file descriptors has a hard limit of 32767 per process, but you're more likely to be constrained by the -F option to procnto or the RLIMIT_NOFILE system resource. The default value is 1000; the minimum is 100.

Note: Sockets, named semaphores, message queues, and connection IDs (coids) all use file descriptors.

To determine the current limit, use the ksh builtin command, ulimit, (see the Utilities Reference), or call getrlimit() (see the Library Reference).

Synchronization primitives

There are no limits on the number of mutexes and condition variables (condvars).

There's no limit on the number of unnamed semaphores, but the number of named semaphores is limited by the number of available file descriptors (see File descriptors,” above).

TCP/IP limits

The number of open connections and sockets is limited only by memory and by the maximum number of file descriptors per process (see File descriptors,” above).

Shared memory

The number of shared memory areas is limited by the allowed virtual address space for a process, which depends on the target architecture. See the RLIMIT_AS and RLIMIT_DATA resources for setrlimit() in the Library Reference.

Message queues

The number of message queues is limited by the number of available file descriptors (see File descriptors,” above).

The default maximum number of entries in a queue, and the default maximum size of a queue entry depend on whether you're using the traditional (mqueue) or alternate (mq) implementation of message queues:

Attribute Traditional Alternate
Number of entries 1024 64
Message size 4096 256

For more information, see mqueue and mq in the Utilities Reference, and mq_open() in the Neutrino Library Reference.

Platform-specific limits

Limit x86 PPC MIPS SH-4 ARMv4 ARMv6
System RAM 64 GB (36-bit addressing) 64 GB (36-bit addressing) 1 TB (40-bit addressing) 512 MB (32-bit addressing)a 4 GB (32-bit addressing) 512 MB (32-bit addressing)a
CPUsb 8 8 8 2 1 1
Virtual address spacec 3.5 GB 3 GB 2 GB 2 GB 32 MB 2 GB

a 32-bit addressing gives 4 GB of space, but not all can be used for system RAM on some platforms. Some space is reserved for devices, and some platforms might impose other restrictions.

b The hardware might further limit the number of CPUs.

c These are the absolute maximum limits for the virtual address space; you can reduce them by setting the RLIMIT_AS resource with setrlimit().

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