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Manage adaptive partitions


Adaptive partitioning options for the ap utility:

ap [-v...] [show] partition_path

ap [-v...] show  [proc/<pid/>partition_path]
         [partition_path ...]

ap [-v...] create [psuedo_partition_path | -p]
   real_partition_path [extra_options...]

ap [-v...] delete partition_path

ap [-v...] spawn partition_path|partition_id executable_name

ap [-v...] modify [-b budget] [-B critical_budget]

ap [-v...] modify [-y bankruptcy_policy ...]
           [-S scheduling_policy...] [-s security_policy ...]
           [-w windowsize_ms]

Options specific to scheduler partitions:

ap [-v...] create -b budget [-B critical_budget] partition_name

ap [-v...] modify real_scheduler_partition_path [options]

ap [-v...] modify [-b budget] [-B critical_budget]

ap [-v...] modify [-y bankruptcy_policy ...]
           [-S scheduling_policy...] [-s security_policy ...]
           [-w windowsize_ms]

ap [-v...] move /partition/sched/from
           /partition/sched/to [pid]

ap [-v...] show [-d delay] [-f shorthand] [-l]
           [partition_name ...]

Runs on:



-B milliseconds
Specify the critical CPU budget, in milliseconds. The default is 0.
-b budget
Specify the CPU budget as a percentage.
-d delay
The delay period, in tenths of a second, when using the -l option. The default is 50.
-f shorthand
Display the information specified by shorthand:

The default is usage.

(“el”) Loop mode; display the information at the interval specified by the -d option.
-S scheduling_policy
Specify the policies for the adaptive partitioning thread scheduler. Each scheduling_policy must be one of:

The default is normal. For more information about the policies, see Scheduling policies for SchedCtl() in the Neutrino Library Reference.

-s security_policy
Specify one or more security policies to add to the partitioned system. Each security_policy must be one of:

The default is none. For more information about the policies, see the description of SCHED_APS_ADD_SECURITY for SchedCtl() in the Neutrino Library Reference.

Note: Once you modify a security policy, they can't be removed.

Be verbose. More v's means more verbosity and details. For example, to display more information with the show command for scheduler partitions:
-w windowsize_ms
Set the size of the averaging window, in milliseconds, for the system. You can set the window size to any value from 8 ms to 400 ms.

Note: For scheduler partitions, if you change the tick size of the system at runtime, do so before defining the adaptive partitioning scheduler's window size. That's because Neutrino converts the window size from milliseconds to clock ticks for internal use.

For more information, see Choosing the window size in the System Considerations chapter of the Adaptive Partitioning User's Guide.
-y bankruptcy_policy
Set the bankruptcy policy for the system to the specified items. For a scheduler partition, each bankruptcy_policy must be one of:

The default is basic. For more information about the policies, see Handling bankruptcy for SchedCtl() in the Neutrino Library Reference.


Use the ap command to create, modify, and query adaptive partitions from the command line, as well as to set the averaging window, and the security and bankruptcy policies for the entire system.

Note: You can't include slashes (/) in a partition name.

To launch an application into a partition, use the -Xaps option to the on command.

Use create to make a new partition.


Use the modify command to modify the attributes of an existing partition. Only real partitions can be modified.

Use the show command to display information about a real scheduler partition. The show command is optional.


Create a partition called Drivers with a budget of 20% and a critical budget of 5 milliseconds:

ap create -b 20 -B 5 Drivers

Change the Drivers partition's budget to 25% and its critical budget to 7 milliseconds:

ap modify -b 25 -B 7 Drivers

Specify a bankruptcy policy of recommended and a security policy of root_makes_partitions for the entire system:

ap modify -y recommended -s root_makes_partitions

Display the amount of the budget and critical budget that the partitions are using, every 2 seconds:

ap show -l -d 20 -f usage

Since usage is the default shorthand for the -f option, the above command is the same as:

ap show -l -d 20

See also:

on, pidin

SchedCtl() in the Neutrino Library Reference

Adaptive Partitioning User's Guide

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