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Universal Photon input manager for keyboards and mice


devi-hid        [general_opts] 
                protocol* [protocol_opts]*
                filter* [filter_opts]*

Runs on:



Any supported platform that has io-hid running.


General options:

Prevent the use of the Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Backspace keychord to exit Photon (permitted by default).
-d device
Device (default: /dev/photon or the $PHOTON environment variable).
-g input_group
Input group (default: 1).
List the internal modules. Modules are listed in the following format where class may be P (protocol) or F (filter):
module name | date last compiled | revision | class
Disable Photon interface. The default is to start the Photon interface.
Start resource manager interface (only use if not using Photon).
Verbose output. More v characters cause more verbosity.

The protocol modules and their options are:

The filter modules and their options are:


This manager is a universal Photon input daemon for keyboards and mice. It is a client of io-hid, the HID server.

Usually, inputtrap starts devi-hid during the Photon startup procedure; for test and other purposes, you may also start this manager in text mode as a resource manager.

Note: The io-hid resource manager must be running before devi-hid can start.

This manager doesn't need information about the physical interfaces of real devices: it relies on service from the io-hid resource manager and supplementary input modules. The devi-hid daemon takes data in the form of HID reports, transforms the data into Photon events, and then emits these events to Photon. It provides multi-language support for keyboard input.

If you specify the verbosity option, activity messages are sent to the console screen and to the system log. Data is normally sent to Photon, alternatively, in resource manager mode (-r option), data can be sent to devices (by default, /dev/devi/keyboard0 and /dev/devi/mouse0).


Typical command line to start the keyboard and mouse manager:

devi-hid kbd mouse


Normally in /usr/photon/bin.
Used by devi-hid


If an error occurs in starting devi-hid, the keyboard or mouse will not work in Photon and Photon won't be able to start. If you specify at least one v option, activity details will be reported on the console screen and will be appended to the system log; for more detail, increase the verbosity level.

See also:

inputtrap, mkkbd.

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