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Photon “high-runner” input manager


devi-hirun [-bdglPr] [-v[v]...]
           protocol [protocol_opts...]
           [protocol [protocol_opts...]]...
           [device [device_opts...]]...
           [filter [filter_opts...]]...

Runs on:



Note: When you use a devi-* driver for a touchscreen, you need a calibration file. The calibration file is generated from the output produced by the calib utility:
calib > calib_file.txt

For more information, see the calib utility in the Utilities Reference, and Touchscreens in the Neutrino User's Guide.

Prevent the use of the Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Backspace keychord to exit Photon (permitted by default).
-d device
Device (default: /dev/photon or $PHOTON).
-g input_group
Input group (default: 1).
List the internal modules. Modules are listed in the following format:
module name | date last compiled | revision | class
where class is one of: D — Device, P — Protocol, or F — Filter:
Disable the Photon interface (by default, start Photon).
Start the resource manager interface. Use this option only if you're not using Photon.
Verbose output. More v characters cause more verbosity.

protocol [protocol_opts...]

The protocols and their options are:

kbd [options]
Keyboard scan codes (connected to primary keyboard).


-f filename
Create the given file and collect all data passed to the filter level (for debug only).
-k rate[,delay]
Keyboard rate (Hz), delay (ms). The default is 30Hz, 500ms).

Note: The -k option works only in conjunction with the kbddev device module.

-p filename
Create and open the given FIFO file and duplicate all data passed to the filter level (for debug only)
Don't reset the device while resetting the protocol.
Reset the keyboard (the default).
The device driver should supply valid symbols.

Devices supported: fd, kbddev

msoft [-3] [-b baud] [-i][-R]
Microsoft-compatible mouse protocol (serial).


Microsoft 3-button mouse.
-b baud
Baud rate for serial device (default: 1200).
Intellimouse mice with wheels.
Don't reset mouse (default: reset mouse).

Devices supported: fd, uart

msys [-b baud] [-R]
Mouse Systems mouse protocol (used by Logitech).


-b baud
Baud rate for serial device (default: 1200).
Don't reset the mouse (default: reset it).

Devices supported: fd, uart

IBM PS/2 mouse protocol.

Devices supported: mousedev

Note: All serial devices use 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.

device [device_opts...]

The devices and their options are:

fd [-d device] [-s]
Opens a device via open().


-d device
The device to open fd on (default: /dev/ser1).
The processing priority of the input event.
The input interface is serial (i.e. the module can use devctl() commands that are specific to a serial port).
kbddev [options]
PS2 keyboard.


-i irq
IRQ (default: 1).
-f filename
Create the given file and collect all data passed to the protocol level (for debug only).
The processing priority of the keyboard event.
-p ioport,add
The port (default: 0x60) and a value to add to get the status (default: 4).
Reset the keyboard port. This is useful on hardware with no BIOS (e.g. PowerPC, MIPS).
mousedev [options]
PS2 mouse.


-f filename
Create the given file and collect all data passed to the protocol level (for debug only).
-i irq
IRQ (default: 12).
The processing priority of the mouse event.
-p ioport,add
The port (default: 0x60) and a value to add to get the status (default: 4).
Reset the mouse port. This is useful on hardware with no BIOS (e.g. PowerPC, MIPS).

Note: If you specify both kbddev and mousedev options in the command line, and you use non-standard port numbers, you must define the same port number values for each module.

uart [options]
Accesses 8250/16450/16550 UART directly.


Use COM1.
Use COM2.
-i irq
IRQ for serial device (default: 4).
The processing priority of the input event.
-p ioport
Port of serial device (default: 3f8).

filter [filter_opts...]

The filters and their options are:

keyboard [-k kbd_file]
Translate scan codes to Unicode.


-k kbd_file
The file to use to map the keyboard to support international languages or alternate layouts, such as Dvorak. The default location for these files is /usr/photon/keyboard; to create a keyboard mapping, use mkkbd.
rel [options]
Filter and compress relative coordinate “mouse” events.


-a value
The wheel-acceleration parameter (default 10); the higher this value, the faster the mouse wheel acceleration.
-G gain
Motion multiplier (default: 1).
(“el”) Swap the right and left buttons.
-T threshold
Speed-doubling threshold in mickeys (100).
Reverse X.
Reverse Y.


The devi-hirun driver serves as the “high-runner” (i.e. the most likely) input driver for Photon. The inputtrap utility detects drivers and starts devi-hirun.

The devi-hirun driver is responsible for taking data from an input device such as a mouse, or keyboard, interpreting the data, and then “doing” something with it. The default behavior is to package the data as an event and inject it into the Photon event space.

The devi-hirun driver uses a layered approach to driver design:

At each layer, data is interpreted/modified and passed up to the next layer until it's injected as an event into the Photon event space.

For each device devi-hirun talks to, there's a separate path through the three layers called an event bus line. An event bus line consists of modules, one representing each layer, linked together by a software bus. As data is passed up the layers via the bus, the data is manipulated by each module into a format recognizable by the next layer's module and so on.

It's important to note that you can run as many instances of devi-hirun as you want, one for each device. Or you can run one devi-hirun for all the devices. Choosing which scenario to use is mostly a matter of convenience.


If inputtrap detects a serial Microsoft mouse and a keyboard interfaced through the file descriptor provided by opening /dev/kbd, it invokes devi-hirun like this:

devi-hirun kbd fd -d/dev/kbd msoft fd &

If inputtrap detects a PS/2 mouse interfaced through the auxiliary port on the keyboard controller (mousedev) and a keyboard interfaced through the primary keyboard port on the keyboard controller (kbddev), it invokes devi-hirun like this:

devi-hirun kbd kbddev ps2 mousedev &

See also:

devi-*, inputtrap

Connecting Hardware in the Neutrino User's Guide

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