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File descriptor interface driver


io-pkt-variant -d fd fd=device[,option[,option ...]] ... &

where variant is one of v4, v4-hc, or v6-hc.

Runs on:



Note: Use commas, not spaces, to separate the options.

Read or write packet data in AHDLC frame format.
The device on which to open the file descriptor to read or write packet data. You must specify this option.
The MAC address of the controller. There is no default.
Maximum receive unit. The default is 1514.
Maximum transmission unit. The default (1514) is automatically detected on supported hardware.
Disable multicast support.
Priority of the driver event-thread. The default is 21.
Enable promiscuous mode. The default is off.
Be verbose. Specify num for more verbosity (num can be 1-4, the higher the number, the more detailed the output). The default is 0. The output goes to slogger, invoke sloginfo to view.


The devn-fd.so driver uses file-descriptor based I/O (i.e. open(), read(), write(), and so on) to receive and transmit packets. It provides the Network Manager (io-pkt*) with reliable data transfer over any media supported by a file-descriptor-based server process.

Note: The devn-fd.so driver does not support multicast addresses.

For example, you could use devn-fd.so to connect two machines with a null-modem RS-232 serial cable. By using file-descriptor I/O to the serial devices, devn-fd.so would implicitly use a serial driver and set up a logical network link.

This is a legacy io-net driver; its interface names are in the form enX, where X is an integer.


Start io-pkt-v4-hc using the FD driver:

io-pkt-v4-hc -d fd fd=/dev/ser1,mac=0023456789AB,ahdlc
ifconfig en0 10.0.184


The directory where, by default, drivers and protocol modules add entries. For more information, see the documentation for io-pkt*.


You must specify the fd option when using this driver.

See also:

devn-*, devnp-*, ifconfig, io-pkt*

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