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PgDrawRoundRect(), PgDrawRoundRectCx()

Draw a rounded rectangle


int  PgDrawRoundRect( PhRect_t const *rect,
                      PhPoint_t const *radii,
                      unsigned flags );

int  PgDrawRoundRectCx( void *dc,
                        PhRect_t const *rect,
                        PhPoint_t const *radii,
                        unsigned flags );




These functions build a command in the draw buffer to draw a rounded rectangle. The rect argument is a pointer to a PhRect_t structure that defines the extent of the rectangle. The radii is a pointer to a PhPoint_t structure that defines the roundness of the corners, in pixels.

The flags argument must be one of the following:

Since the value of radii is truncated to the size of the rectangle, you should find this function useful for drawing ellipses within a rectangular area (see example below).

PgDrawRoundRect() works on the current draw context, while you can specify the draw context dc for PgDrawRoundRectCx().


The draw buffer is too small to hold the current draw state and the draw command.


The following example:

DrawStrokeRRect() {
    PhRect_t    rect = { 8, 8, 152, 112 };
    PhPoint_t   radii = { 32, 32 };

    PgSetStrokeColor( Pg_WHITE );
    PgDrawRoundRect( &rect, &radii, Pg_DRAW_STROKE );

will draw:


The following example:

DrawFillRRect() {
    PhRect_t    rect = { 8, 8, 152, 112 };
    PhPoint_t   radii = { 32, 32 };

    PgSetFillColor( Pg_PURPLE );
    PgDrawRoundRect( &rect, &radii, Pg_DRAW_FILL );

will draw:


The following example:

DrawFillStrokeRRect() {
    PhRect_t    rect = { 8, 8, 152, 112 };
    PhPoint_t   radii = { 1000, 1000 };

    PgSetFillColor( Pg_PURPLE );
    PgSetStrokeColor( Pg_WHITE );
    PgDrawRoundRect( &rect, &radii, Pg_DRAW_FILL_STROKE );

will draw:




Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

See also:

PgDrawBeveled*(), PgDrawIRect*(), PgDrawRect*(), PgSetFillColor*(), PgSetFillDither*(), PgSetFillTransPat*(), PhPoint_t, PhRect_t

Arcs, ellipses, polygons, and rectangles in the Raw Drawing and Animation chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide

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Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/lib_ref/pg/pgdrawroundrect.html on line 213