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Crop an image to the specified boundary


PhImage_t *PiCropImage( PhImage_t *image,
                        PhRect_t const *bounds,
                        int flags );




This function crops a Photon image. It allocates space for the resulting image, leaving the original image untouched.

The image argument is a pointer to a PhImage_t structure that defines the image to be cropped, while the bounds argument points to a PhRect_t structure specifying the rectangle within the image to keep.

The flags argument dictates special behavior of the cropping process and can take on the following values:

Free the original image if the cropping succeeds.
Store the newly created image data in shared memory. This is useful if fast rendering of the image is required.

Note: If you set the Pi_FREE flag, the function will free the old image by setting all its release flags and calling PhReleaseImage() on it.


A pointer to the new image on success, or NULL if an error occurred.



Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

See also:

PhCreateImage(), PhImage_t, PhRect_t, PiConvertImage(), PiDuplicateImage(), PiFlipImage(), PiResizeImage

Images in the Raw Drawing and Animation chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide

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