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Resize an image to the specified size
PhImage_t *PiResizeImage( PhImage_t *image,
PhRect_t const *bounds,
short w,
short h,
int flags )
- image
- A pointer to a PhImage_t structure that defines the image to be resized.
- bounds
- A pointer to a PhRect_t structure specifying a rectangle within image to resize, effectively cropping the image before resizing. Pass as NULL to resize the whole image.
- w, h
- The width and height of the new image.
- flags
- Flags that dictate special behavior of the resizing process and can take on the following values:
- Free the original image if the resizing succeeds.
- Store the newly created image data in shared memory. This is useful
if fast rendering of the image is required.
- Don't the calculate CRC tag. If this flag bit isn't set, the image's image_tag is filled in with a CRC calculated by PtCRC().
- Use the original image's color palette. If this flag bit isn't set, the function calculates a new, optimized palette.
This function resizes a Photon image, making it larger or smaller. It allocates space for the resulting image, leaving the original image untouched. If you set the Pi_FREE flag bit, the function frees the old image by setting all its release flags and calling PhReleaseImage() on it.
A pointer to the new, resized image on success, or NULL if an
error occurred.
For an example that uses this function, see PiConvertImage().
Safety: | |
Interrupt handler |
No |
Signal handler |
No |
Thread |
No |
in the Raw Drawing and Animation chapter of the
Photon Programmer's Guide
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