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Arm a Photon pulse for delivery


int PtPulseArm( PtAppContext_t app,
                pid_t pulse,
                struct sigevent *msg );




This function arms a Photon pulse and creates a “pulse message” to be sent to another process. The other process can use the pulse message and MsgDeliverEvent() to send the pulse.

The app argument is the address of the application context, a structure that manages all the data associated with this application. This must be specified as NULL, so that the default context is used.

The pulse argument is a pulse ID returned by PtAppCreatePulse().

The msg argument points a sigevent that's filled in by the function. You'll need to send it to the process that's going to deliver the pulse.


An error occurred.



Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread No

See also:

PtAppCreatePulse(), PtAppDeletePulse(), PtAppPulseTrigger(), PtChannelCreate()

MsgDeliverEvent() in the QNX Neutrino Library Reference

Interprocess Communication in the Photon Programmer's Guide

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