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Deallocate a block of memory


#include <audio_driver.h>

void ado_free( void *ptr );


A pointer to the block of memory to be freed.


The ado_free() macro deallocates the given block of memory that you allocated by calling ado_calloc(), ado_malloc(), ado_realloc(), or ado_strdup().

The ado_free() macro is defined as ado_free_debug(), or free(), if ADO_DEBUG is defined; see Debugging an audio driver in the Organization of a Driver chapter.

The advantage of using the debug variants of the memory functions is that they track the memory allocated; see ado_memory_dump(). The debug variant of ado_free() stops this tracking for the given block.


QNX Neutrino

Cancellation point No
Interrupt handler No
Signal handler No
Thread Yes

See also:

ado_calloc(), ado_malloc(), ado_memory_dump(), ado_realloc(), ado_strdup()

free() in the QNX Library Reference

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