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Editing Resources and Callbacks in PhAB

Once you've created widgets in PhAB, you'll probably need to edit their resources and callbacks. This chapter discusses:

Editing widget resources

A widget typically has many resources that let you change its appearance and behavior. Each type of resource has its own editor.

To open any resource editor:

  1. Select one or more widgets.

    Note: When you select two or more widgets, the Resources control panel displays only the resources that those widgets have in common. Editing any of these resources affects all the selected widgets.

  2. Switch to the Resource control panel, if necessary.

    If a resource's value has been changed from PhAB's default value for it, the resource's label is displayed in bold.

    Note: PhAB's default value for a resource isn't necessarily the default value assigned by the widget itself.

  3. Click on a resource in the control panel. The appropriate resource editor pops up.

Every resource editor provides the following buttons:

Resource editor buttons

Common buttons for resource editors.

When you want to: Use this button:
Restore the resource to the default value (or values if more than one widget is selected) Default
Cancel any changes made since you opened the editor or last clicked on Apply Cancel
Apply any changes and continue editing Apply
Apply any changes and close the editor Done

The editors for different types of resources are described in the sections that follow.

To edit: See this section:
Images Pixmap editor
Colors Color editor
Flags Flag/choice editor
Fonts Font editor
Lists of text items List editor
Numbers Number editor
Single-line or multiline text strings Text editors
Functions Code editor
Layouts Layout editors

Pixmap editor

The pixmap editor lets you customize a widget's pixmap. The editor provides a complete range of tools, so you can draw virtually any pixmap your application might need.

In this section we discuss:

=>> To open the pixmap editor for any widget that can contain an image (for example, PtLabel, PtButton), click on the widget, then click on a Image resource in the Resources control panel.

Pixmap editor

Sample pixmap editor session.

The editor has several drawing modes and tools, which are described in the sections that follow. The default is freehand mode—you simply drag the pointer across the drawing grid.

Setting the pixmap's size

The editor contains fields for the pixmap's height and width, both specified in pixels. To change a dimension, edit the field and press Enter.

Note: If you reduce the size of a pixmap, part of the image may be cut off.

How to draw and erase

The following applies to all drawing tools:

In order to: Use the:
Draw in the current color Left mouse button
Erase a pixel or area (i.e. draw in the background color) Right mouse button

Choosing colors

To choose the draw color:

  1. Click on the following color selector:

    Pixmap color selector

  2. The palette color selector is displayed. Click on the color of your choice. All drawing is done in that color until you select a new color.

Choosing a background color

The background (or erase) color is used when you draw with the right mouse button. To choose the background color:

  1. Click on the following color selector:

    Pixmap color selector

  2. Click on the color of your choice.

For more info, see the Color editor section.

Drawing freehand

The freehand tool lets you draw freeform lines and erase single pixels for quick fix-ups.

To draw in freehand mode:

  1. Click on the freehand tool:

    Freehand tool

  2. Point to where you'd like to start drawing.
  3. Drag the pointer, moving it as if you were drawing with a pencil, then release the mouse button when you're done.

    You can repeat this step as often you'd like.

=>> To erase the pixel under the pointer, click the right mouse button.

Drawing lines, rectangles, and circles

To draw lines, rectangles, or circles, you use one standard method:

  1. Click on the appropriate tool.
  2. Point to where you'd like the object to begin.
  3. Drag the pointer to where you'd like the object to end, then release the mouse button.

    You can repeat this step as often as you'd like.

Filling an enclosed area

To fill any enclosed area (i.e. any area made up of a single color):

  1. Click on the fill tool:

    Fill tool

  2. Move the pointer inside the area you wish to fill, then click.

Note: If an outline area has a break, the fill operation spills out of the hole and might fill the entire pixmap display.

Selecting an area

To use some tools, you first select an area of the pixmap.

To select an area:

  1. Click on the Select tool:

    Select tool

  2. Point to where you'd like the selection to begin.
  3. Drag the pointer to where you'd like the selection to end, then release the mouse button.

    You can now “nudge” the area or perform any of the operations described in Using the Pixmap toolbar,” below.

Nudging an area

To nudge a selected area one pixel at a time:

  1. Select the area you wish to nudge.
  2. Click a nudge arrow or press an arrow key:

    Nudge tools

Some things to note:

Using the Pixmap toolbar

The pixmap editor provides several other tools in its toolbar:

Pixmap Tools

The Pixmap Editor's toolbar.

You can select an area and then use these tools to rotate, flip, cut, copy, clear, or paste the area.

Some things to note:

Other pixmap controls

The pixmap editor also includes the following buttons:

When you want to: Use this control:
Toggle the grid on and off Show Grid
Examine smaller or larger areas of the pixmap Zoom
Delete the pixmap Delete
Import an image (for image-type resources only) Import
Create a new, empty image New

For a description of the standard editor buttons at the bottom of the editor, see the Editing widget resources section.

Color editor

The color editor lets you modify any color resource. Where you click in the Resource control panel determines which color editor you see:

To use the: Click on the color resource's:
Full color editor Name or description
Quick color editor Current value

Full color editor

If you click on the resource name or description (i.e. the left side in the Resource control panel), the full color editor is displayed:

Full color editor

Full color editor.

The full color editor gives you the choice of:

  • Using a transparent fill might introduce flickering and worsen your application's performance, especially if your application modifies the display a lot.
  • The custom palette information is stored in $HOME/.ph/phab/abcpal.cfg. You can copy this file to other users' home directories if you want to share a default custom palette. If this file doesn't exist, PhAB looks for abcpal.cfg in the same directory the PhAB executable ab is running from.

For a description of the standard editor buttons at the bottom of the editor, see the Editing widget resources section.

Quick color editor

If you click on the value of a color resource (i.e. the right side in the Resource control panel), the quick color editor is displayed:

Quick color editor

Quick color editor.

To change the value, move the slider on the left. To change the hue, click or drag in the color patch on the right.

Flag/choice editor

Whenever you click on a flags resource or on a resource that lets you select only one of several preset values, you'll see the flag/choice editor. For example:

Flag/Choice Editor

Flag/Choice editor.

Flag resources

If you click on a flag resource, this editor lets you make multiple selections from the displayed list.

To edit a flag list:

  1. Select (or deselect) the flags you want. Since each flag is a separate toggle, you can select any number of flags or leave them all unselected. Some flags contain groups of mutually exclusive flag bits. Selecting one of these bits de-selects any corresponding mutually exclusive bits.
  2. Apply your changes. The widget changes to reflect the new flags.

Option list resources

If you click on a resource that can have only one value, the flag/choice editor lets you make only one selection from the displayed list.

To choose an option from a list:

  1. Click on the option. The previously selected option is deselected.
  2. Apply your changes. The widget changes to reflect the new option.

For a description of the standard editor buttons at the bottom of the editor, see the Editing widget resources section.

Font editor

Whenever you select any font resource in the Resources control panel you'll see the font editor:

Font Resource Editor

Font editor.

The font editor includes these options:

The typeface of the widget. Choose from the list of typefaces.
The style, if applicable, of the font. Click a button to apply the style, or several buttons to apply a combination of styles (if available).
The size of the font, in points.

Note: If a typeface doesn't support an applied style at a given type size, the corresponding style becomes dimmed or unselectable.

For a description of the standard editor buttons at the bottom of the editor, see the Editing widget resources section.

List editor

Widgets such as PtList provide a list of text-based items. To edit the list, you use PhAB's list editor.

To open the editor and add the first item:

  1. Select the widget, then click on the appropriate resource in the Resources control panel (usually “List of Items”). You'll see the editor:

    List editor

    List editor.

  2. Click on the text field near the bottom of the dialog, then type the text you want.

    Note: If you need to type characters that don't appear on your keyboard, you can use the compose sequences listed in Photon compose sequences in the Unicode Multilingual Support appendix.

  3. Press Enter or click on Insert After.
  4. Click on Apply or Done.

To add more items to the list:

  1. Click on an existing item, then click on Insert After or Insert Before. You'll see a new item added to the list.
  2. Using the text field, edit the new item's text.
  3. Click on Edit, then click on Apply or Done.

Note: You can't create blank lines within the list of items.

Editing existing list items

To edit an existing item:

  1. Click on the item.
  2. Edit the item's text.
  3. Click on Edit, then click on Apply or Done.

Note: For text-editing shortcuts, see Text editors.”

Deleting list items

To delete an item:

  1. Click on the item, then click on Remove.
  2. Click on Apply or Done.

For a description of the standard editor buttons at the bottom of the editor, see the Editing widget resources section.

Number editor

You can edit the value of a numeric resource right in the Resources control panel, or you can click on the resource name to use the number editor:

Number Resource Editor

Number editor.

To change the value that the editor displays, you can:

For a description of the standard editor buttons at the bottom of the editor, see the Editing widget resources section.

Text editors

You can edit a text resource right in the Resources control panel, or you can click on the resource to display a text editor. There are two text editors: one for single-line text, and one for multiline.

Whenever you click on a single-line text resource in the Resources control panel (e.g. the Text String resource for PtText), you'll see the text editor:

text editor

Text editor.

When you select any multiline text resource—such as the Text String resource of a PtLabel or PtMultiText widget—you'll see the multiline text editor:

multiline text editor

Multiline text editor.

The single-line and multiline editors are similar — here are the common operations:

In order to: Do this:
Delete the character before the text cursor Press Backspace
Delete the character after the cursor Press Del
Delete several characters all at once Drag the pointer across the characters, then press Del
Delete the entire line Press Ctrl-U
“Jump” the cursor to any position in the line Click on that position
Move the cursor character by character Press or
Move the cursor to the start or end of the line Press Home or End

For the single-line text editor:

In order to: Do this:
Process a text change Press Enter, or click on Done or Apply

For the multiline text editor:

In order to: Do this:
Enter a new line of text Press Enter
Move the cursor to the start or end of a line Press Home or End
Move the cursor to the start or end of the text string Press Ctrl-Home or Ctrl-End
Apply your changes and dismiss the editor Press Ctrl-Enter

Note: If you need to type characters that don't appear on your keyboard, you can use the compose sequences listed in Photon compose sequences in the Unicode Multilingual Support appendix.

For a description of the standard editor buttons at the bottom of the editor, see the Editing widget resources section.

Code editor

When you select a function resource, such as the Draw Function (Pt_ARG_RAW_DRAW_F) resource of a PtRaw widget, you'll see the Code editor:

Code editor

Code editor.

Note: The widget must have a unique instance name before you can edit its function resources.

Type the name of the function—see Function names and filenames in the Working with Code chapter. If you've already given your application a name by saving it (see Saving an application in the Working with Applications chapter), you can edit the function by clicking the button to the right of the text field.

For a description of the standard editor buttons at the bottom of the editor, see the Editing widget resources section.

Layout editors

When you set the Layout Type resource Pt_ARG_LAYOUT_TYPE of a container widget to something other than the default Pt_ANCHOR_LAYOUT, you can then set the corresponding Layout Info resource. You can also set the corresponding Layout Data resource for widgets within the container widget. Each kind of Layout Info and Layout Data resource has an editor.

For more information about layouts, see Using layouts in the Geometry Management chapter.

Fill layout info editor

Fill layout info editor

Fill layout info editor.

When you set Pt_ARG_LAYOUT_TYPE to Pt_FILL_LAYOUT, you can open this editor by clicking on the Fill Layout Info resource (Pt_ARG_FILL_LAYOUT_INFO). Using this editor you can set the:

Row layout info editor

Row layout info editor

Row layout info editor.

When you set Pt_ARG_LAYOUT_TYPE to Pt_ROW_LAYOUT, you can open this editor by clicking on the Row Layout Info resource ( Pt_ARG_ROW_LAYOUT_INFO. Using this editor you can set:

Grid layout info editor:

Grid layout info editor

Grid layout info editor.

When you set Pt_ARG_LAYOUT_TYPE to Pt_GRID_LAYOUT, you can open this editor by clicking on the Grid Layout Info resource (Pt_ARG_GRID_LAYOUT_INFO. Using this editor you can set:

Row layout data editor

Row layout data editor

Row layout data editor.

When you set Pt_ARG_LAYOUT_TYPE to Pt_ROW_LAYOUT of a container widget, you can open this editor by clicking on the Row Layout Data resource (Pt_ARG_Row_LAYOUT_DATA of any child widget. Using this editor you can set the:

Grid layout data editor

Grid layout data editor

Grid layout data editor.

When you set Pt_ARG_LAYOUT_TYPE to Pt_GRID_LAYOUT of a container widget, you can open this editor by clicking on the Grid Layout Data resource (Pt_ARG_GRID_LAYOUT_DATA of any child widget. Using this editor you can set the:

For a description of the standard editor buttons at the bottom of these editors, see the Editing widget resources section.


Callbacks form the link between your application interface and your application code. For example, let's say you want your application to perform an action when the user selects a certain button. In that case, you would attach a callback function to that button's Activate callback. When the user selects the button, the widget invokes the callback function, and your application takes the appropriate action in the callback code.

Almost all widgets support several types of callbacks. These callbacks can be specific to the widget or inherited from its parent classes. Some of these types (defined in the PtBasic widget) are defined in the following table:

Type Resource Typically invoked when the user:
Activate Pt_CB_ACTIVATE Presses and releases the left mouse button
Arm Pt_CB_ARM Presses the left mouse button
Disarm Pt_CB_DISARM Releases the left mouse button
Repeat Pt_CB_REPEAT Holds down the left mouse button
Menu Pt_CB_MENU Presses the right mouse button

For more information about these callbacks, see the Widget Reference. If you're interested in using Pt_CB_MENU to display a menu module, see the Accessing PhAB Modules from Code chapter.

All Photon widgets inherit two other types of callbacks:

Hotkey callbacks
Attach callback code to a key or keychord. When the application window gets focus, the hotkeys become active. Pressing one invokes the appropriate hotkey link callback.
Event handlers (Raw or Filter callbacks)
Attach callbacks directly to Photon events

In the development environments for some windowing systems, you can attach only callback code functions to a widget's callbacks. But whenever you use PhAB to create a callback, you can go one step further and attach windows, dialogs, menus, and much more. As we mentioned earlier, this extended functionality is provided by PhAB's special form of callback, called the link callback.

Link callbacks also let you add functionality that isn't available when you attach callbacks “by hand.” For example, if you link a dialog to a button widget, you can specify where the dialog appears. You can also specify a setup function that's automatically called before the dialog is realized, after the dialog is realized, or both.

PhAB provides two general categories of link callbacks:

module-type link callbacks
let you attach an application module to any widget callback. PhAB provides the following categories of module-type link callbacks:

For more information, see Module callbacks later in this chapter.

code-type link callbacks
let you run a code function when the widget's callback is invoked. PhAB provides the following categories of code-type link callbacks:

The Done and Cancel types provide an additional feature: they'll automatically close or destroy the widget's parent module after the callback function is called. You'll find these types useful for creating any button that closes a dialog window.

Note: A Done callback in the base window exits the application. A Cancel callback in the base window closes the application's windows but doesn't exit the application.

For more information, see Code callbacks later in this chapter.

Editing callbacks

The callback editor lets you add, change, delete, or view a widget's list of callbacks.

To add a callback to a command item or toggle item in a menu, see Menu modules in the Working with Modules chapter.

Note: If you're adding a link callback to a widget, the widget's instance name must be unique. If PhAB tells you the name isn't unique, use the Resources or Callbacks control panel's Widget Instance Name field to edit the name.

To open the callback editor and edit a widget's list of callbacks:

  1. Select the widget, then switch to the Callbacks control panel, if necessary.
  2. Choose the callback type from the widget's callback list. (For example, to add an Pt_CB_ACTIVATE callback, click on Activate.)

Here's a sample callback-editor session:

Callback-editor session

Callback editor.

  1. To add a new callback, click on <NEW>. To edit an existing callback, click on that callback in the Callbacks list.
  2. If you're adding a new callback, choose the type of callback you want to add. To do this, choose from either “Module Types” or “Code Types.”
  3. Fill in the information in the “Link to Callback/Module Info” section. The fields in this section depend on the type of callback chosen. For more information, see the sections in this chapter on specifying:
  4. After you've added or edited any callback, click on the appropriate button:

Module callbacks

A module-type link callback can be used to connect a widget to a module. For example, selecting a button could create a module.

Note: When you use a module-type link callback to create a module, the module becomes a child of your application's base window, not a child of the module that contains the widget that the link callback is defined for.

If you want the new module's parent to be something other than the base window, you need to use an internal link to create the module in your application's code. For more information about internal links and other cases where you'd use them, see the Accessing PhAB Modules from Code chapter.

Depending on the kind of module-type link callback you're creating, PhAB's callback editor displays some or all of these fields:

Callback editor fields for link callbacks

Callback editor fields for module-type link callbacks.

The name of the module. If you click on the icon next to this field, you'll see a list of existing modules. Either choose from this list or enter the name of a module that doesn't exist (PhAB creates the module for you when you add the callback).
Lets you specify where the module is displayed. By default, a menu module is located below the widget that invokes it. For all other modules, the default location is determined by the Window Manager. For more information, see Positioning a module in the Working with Modules chapter.
Setup Function
Lets you specify a function that can be called at two different times (as specified by the Called field):

You can specify only one setup function—the PhAB API calls the same function for both pre- and postrealization of the module. To distinguish which pass is being invoked, check the PhAB reason code.

Click on the icons beside the Setup Function field to edit the function or select from the existing callbacks.

Hotkey—(hotkey callbacks only)
The keyboard key and modifier (such as Alt or Ctrl) that trigger the callback. See the section “ Specifying hotkey callbacks.”
Event Mask—(event handlers only)
Lets you specify which Photon events the widget is sensitive to. See Event handlers — raw and filter callbacks.”

Prerealize setup function

The prerealize setup function lets you preset a module. For example, let's say your application needs to “fill in the blanks” of a dialog before displaying that dialog. In the setup function, you would use PhAB-generated manifest names to preset the resources of the dialog's various widgets.

After the setup function runs, it returns Pt_CONTINUE. The dialog is then realized and displayed on the screen, using all the preset values.

Postrealize setup function

The postrealize function works much like the prerealize function, except that it's called after the dialog is displayed on the screen. You typically use this type of function when you need to update the module after it's become visible. PhAB's code-generation dialog provides a good example. It displays on the screen and then, using a postrealize function, updates a progress bar continuously as the application code is generated.

Note: The setup function for a menu module is called only before the menu is displayed. For most applications, you would use this function to set the initial states of the menu items. For example, you could use it to disable certain menu items before the menu is displayed.

Setup functions are stored in stub files

When you specify a setup function, PhAB generates a stub function; for information on specifying the language (C or C++) and the filename, see Function names and filenames in the Working with Code chapter.

Code callbacks

This type of callback lets you run a code function when the widget's callback is invoked.

Note: You can add code callbacks from your application's code, but it's easier to do in PhAB. For more information, see Callbacks in the Managing Widgets in Application Code chapter.

When you're creating a code-type link callback, the callback editor asks you to specify the following:

This is the function that's called when the widget invokes the callback. For the Done and Cancel types, this function is optional, so you can attach the callback just to close the module.

As described above, Done and Cancel are similar, except that a Done callback in the base window exits the application, while a Cancel callback closes the window but doesn't exit the application. There's no real difference between the Done and Cancel callback functions — they simply provide different reason codes in the callback.

For example, let's say you have a dialog with a Done button and a Cancel button. If you attach a Done-type callback to the Done button and a Cancel-type callback to the Cancel button, you could use the same code function in both and just look at the reason code to determine which button the user selected.

Hotkey—(Hotkey callbacks only)
The keyboard key and modifier (such as Alt or Ctrl) that trigger the callback. See the section Hotkey callbacks.”
Event Mask—(event handlers only)
Lets you specify which Photon events the widget is sensitive to. See Event handlers — raw and filter callbacks.”

Callback functions are stored in stub files

When you specify a callback function, PhAB generates a stub function; for information on specifying the language (C or C++) and the filename, see Function names and filenames in the Working with Code chapter.

Hotkey callbacks

Widgets support hotkey callbacks. These callbacks let you attach keyboard keys to specific callback functions. When the application window gets focus, the hotkeys become active. Pressing one invokes the appropriate hotkey link callback.

This section includes:

Hotkeys — the basics

Here's some basic information about hotkeys:

Specifying the hotkey label

Setting up a hotkey isn't enough—you need to tell your user about it! You should display a hotkey label in the widget invoked by the hotkey:

Specifying the callback

In PhAB, each widget's callback list displays an entry called “Hotkey” or Pt_CB_HOTKEY that you use to define hotkeys. Before you define the hotkey, you need to determine where to do so. Where you define the hotkey callback depends on:

Where you want a module to appear

When you define the hotkey, you can specify where the module is to appear. For example, if the hotkey is meant to display the menu module associated with a PtMenuButton widget in your window's PtMenuBar, define the hotkey in the menu button. Use the Location dialog to have the menu appear under the menu button. For more information, see Positioning a module in the Working with Modules chapter.

What widget you need in the callback function

The widget that owns the callback is the one passed to the callback function.

Where the user is going to type the hotkey

For example, if the hotkey is an accelerator for a menu item, add the hotkey to the window in which the menu is used, not to the menu module.

  • The hotkeys in a given module should be unique. If you define the same hotkey more than once, the last one is used.
  • If you're developing a multilingual application, you'll need to choose hotkeys carefully so they'll be relevant in each language, or you'll need a different set of hotkeys for each language. See the International Language Support chapter for more information.

When you select the Pt_CB_HOTKEY callback, the callback editor pops up with a Hotkey field in the link-information area:

Hotkey field

Hotkey field in the callback editor.

You must fill in the Hotkey field when creating a hotkey callback. There are two ways to set up the hotkey: one easy, the other not so easy.

Processing hotkeys

Here's how a hotkey works:

The Pt_ARG_CONTAINER_FLAGS resource of container-class widgets includes some flags that affect the processing of hotkeys:

Prevent the hotkey search from going up to the parent container.

The Pt_HOTKEY_TERMINATOR flag works only if it's set in a disjoint container-class widget.

Process key events that reach this container as hotkeys before passing them to the container's children. If the event is a hotkey, it's consumed, so it isn't passed to the children.

Disabling hotkeys

Giving the user a visual indication that a hotkey is disabled is different from actually disabling the hotkey.

To give the visual indication, use the technique appropriate to the widget:

To disable the hotkey, use one of the following techniques:

Event handlers — raw and filter callbacks

Event handlers let you respond directly to Photon events. You can attach event handlers to any widget; they're like other widget callbacks, but with the addition of an event mask. Using this mask, you can choose which events your callbacks receive.

You'll find them particularly useful for getting the Ph_EV_DRAG events for a particular window. For more information on dragging, see “ Dragging” in the Events chapter.

PtWidget defines the following event-handler resources:

Invoked before the event is passed to the widget.
Invoked after the widget has processed the event (even if the widget consumes the event).

Note: For a description of raw and filter event handlers and how they're used, see Event handlers — raw and filter callbacks in the Events chapter.

For information on adding event handlers in application code, see Event handlers in the Managing Widgets in Application Code chapter.

To attach a raw or filter callback:

  1. Select the widget, then switch to the Callbacks control panel, if necessary.
  2. Click on the Pt_CB_RAW (Raw Event) or Pt_CB_FILTER (Filter) resource to open the callback editor.
  3. The editor pops up with an Event Mask field in the link information area:

    Event mask field

    Event Mask field in the callback editor.

    The Event Mask field lets you specify which Photon events you want the widget to be sensitive to. When any of those low-level events occur, the widget invokes the callback.

    Click on the icon next to this field to open the event selector:

    Event-type selector

    Event selector.

  4. Select the events you want the widget to be sensitive to, then close the selector.

For more info, see the event types described for the PhEvent_t structure in the Photon Library Reference.

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