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Superclass for all widgets

Class hierarchy:


Immediate subclasses:

For more information, see the diagram of the widget hierarchy.

PhAB icon:

None — not normally instantiated.

Public header:



PtWidget is the fundamental superclass. All widgets belong to a subclass of PtWidget.


Geometry refers to the size and location of the widget. The following resources let you set and get the widget's geometry in various ways:

The (x, y) coordinates of the widget's upper left corner, and the widget's height and width.
The widget's width and height.
A rectangle giving the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the widget.
The grid layout data structure, which contains layout hints and settings for the widget when its container has a layout type of PtGridLayout.
The overall height.
A generic resource to set the layout data structure, which contains layout hints and settings for the widget.
The maximum size of the widget.
The minimum size of the widget.
The coordinates of the upper left corner of the widget.
The row layout data structure, which contains layout hints and settings for the widget when its container has a layout type of PtRowLayout.
The overall width of the widget.

These resources aren't displayed in PhAB's control panel; you can use the pointer to change a widget's size and location, or you can edit the values in PhAB's toolbar. Setting one of these resources causes the others to be updated automatically.

Storing arbitrary user data

You can store arbitrary data in a widget by using these resources:

When you set this resource, the widget copies the value of the pointer into its internal memory.

If you use Pt_ARG_POINTER, you can have several widgets pointing at the same data. If you free the data, you'll need to make sure that no widgets still refer to it.

When you set this resource, the widget copies a block of data of a given size into its internal memory.

Note: There's another resource, Pt_ARG_DATA, that sounds like it can be used for storing user data, but it can't. It's used internally by PhAB applications and compound widgets.

New resources:

Resource C type Pt type Default
Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_FLAGS unsigned Flag 0
Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_OFFSETS PhRect_t Struct 0, 0, 0, 0
Pt_ARG_AREA PhArea_t Struct 0,0,0,0
Pt_ARG_BEVEL_WIDTH unsigned short Scalar 2
Pt_ARG_CURSOR_TYPE unsigned short Scalar Ph_CURSOR_INHERIT
Pt_ARG_DATA void * Alloc NULL
Pt_ARG_DIM PhDim_t Struct 0,0
Pt_ARG_EFLAGS unsigned long Flag 0
Pt_ARG_EXTENT PhRect_t Struct 0,0,0,0
Pt_ARG_FLAGS long Flag 0
Pt_ARG_GRID_LAYOUT_DATA PtGridLayoutData_t * Struct NULL
Pt_ARG_HEIGHT unsigned short Scalar 0
Pt_ARG_HELP_TOPIC char * String NULL
Pt_ARG_MAXIMUM_DIM PhDim_t Struct 0,0
Pt_ARG_MINIMUM_DIM PhDim_t Struct 0,0
Pt_ARG_POINTER void * Pointer NULL
Pt_ARG_POS PhPoint_t Struct 0,0
Pt_ARG_ROW_LAYOUT_DATA PtRowLayoutData_t * Struct NULL
Pt_ARG_USER_DATA void * Alloc NULL
Pt_ARG_WIDTH unsigned short Scalar 0
Pt_CB_BLOCKED PtCallback_t * Link NULL
Pt_CB_DESTROYED PtCallback_t * Link NULL
Pt_CB_DND PtCallback_t * Link NULL
Pt_CB_FILTER PtRawCallback_t * Link NULL
Pt_CB_HOTKEY PtHotkeyCallback_t * Link NULL
Pt_CB_IS_DESTROYED PtCallback_t * Link NULL
Pt_CB_OUTBOUND PtCallback_t * Link NULL
Pt_CB_RAW PtRawCallback_t * Link NULL
Pt_CB_REALIZED PtCallback_t * Link NULL
Pt_CB_UNREALIZED PtCallback_t * Link NULL


C type Pt type Default
unsigned Flag 0

This resource specifies how the widget is anchored to its parent. The possible values are:

Anchor the widget's left extent to the right edge of its parent's canvas.
Anchor the widget's right extent to the right edge of its parent's canvas.
Anchor the widget's top extent to the bottom edge of its parent's canvas.
Anchor the widget's bottom extent to the bottom edge of its parent's canvas.
Anchor the widget's left extent to the left edge of its parent's canvas.
Anchor the widget's right extent to the left edge of its parent's canvas.
Anchor the widget's top extent to the top edge of its parent's canvas.
Anchor the widget's bottom extent to the top edge of its parent's canvas.
If a child widget has been assigned a balloon, pop up the balloon as soon as the pointer passes over the child widget; otherwise delay the pop up for 1.25 seconds.

Note: If the resize policy conflicts with the anchors, the Pt_ARG_RESIZE_FLAGS override Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_OFFSETS and Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_FLAGS.

For more information about anchors, see the Geometry Management chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.


C type Pt type Default
PhRect_t Struct 0, 0, 0, 0

The four values in this PhRect_t structure (see the Photon Library Reference) determine the anchor offsets of each of the widget's sides. (An anchor offset is the distance between the anchoring side of the parent and corresponding side of the child.)

Note: The Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_OFFSETS resource isn't displayed in PhAB because PhAB sets it automatically.

If a side is anchored, its anchor offsets, if explicitly specified, override Pt_ARG_AREA and Pt_ARG_DIM.

Only offsets that have a corresponding bit set in the Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_FLAGS resource are applied. For example, let's say you have a Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_OFFSETS resource of (5,10,20,25) with absolute anchoring and a Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_FLAGS resource of Pt_LEFT_ANCHORED_LEFT | Pt_RIGHT_ANCHORED_RIGHT | Pt_TOP_ANCHORED_TOP | Pt_BOTTOM_ANCHORED_BOTTOM. In that case, the pane's extent will be:

This remains true even as the parent is resized.

Note: If the resize policy conflicts with the anchors, the Pt_ARG_RESIZE_FLAGS override Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_OFFSETS and Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_FLAGS.


C type Pt type Default
PhArea_t Struct 0,0,0,0

A PhArea_t structure (see the Photon Library Reference) that contains the x, y, height, and width values for the widget. For related resources, see the Geometry section, above.

You can edit this resource in PhAB's toolbar, not the control panel; PhAB also sets it automatically when you move or size the widget.


C type Pt type Default
unsigned short Scalar 2

The width of the widget's bevel if the widget is highlighted and is to draw a bevel (see Pt_ARG_FLAGS, below, and the Pt_ARG_BASIC_FLAGS resource defined for PtBasic).


C type Pt type Default
PhCursorDef_t * Alloc NULL

Defines bitmaps for the cursor when the cursor type (Pt_ARG_CURSOR_TYPE) is set to Ph_CURSOR_BITMAP. You can't edit this resource in PhAB.

The widget automatically sets the hdr member of the PhCursorDef_t structure. For information, see the Photon Library Reference.


C type Pt type Default

The color of the pointer when it's inside the widget. See PgColor_t in the Photon Library Reference.


C type Pt type Default
unsigned short Scalar Ph_CURSOR_INHERIT

The type of cursor:

Inherit the cursor, not from the class hierarchy, but from the family hierarchy; that is, from the way your application nests the widgets. The cursor might even be inherited from the Photon server itself.
Use the bitmap stored in Pt_ARG_BITMAP_CURSOR for the cursor.

Note: By default, bitmap cursors aren't inherited by a widget's child regions. To change this, set Pt_ARG_CURSOR_TYPE to:

For other cursor definitions, see the cursor type table in PhCharacterCursorDescription_t.


C type Pt type Default
void * Alloc NULL

This resource is used internally by PhAB applications as well as by compound widgets. It isn't displayed in PhAB. For more information, see Building Custom Widgets.

Note: If you want to store arbitrary data in a widget, use its Pt_ARG_POINTER or Pt_ARG_USER_DATA resource. See Storing arbitrary user data,” above.


C type Pt type Default
PhDim_t Struct 0,0

A PhDim_t structure (see the Photon Library Reference) that defines the height and width values for the widget. For related resources, see the Geometry section, above.

You can edit this resource in PhAB's toolbar, not the control panel; PhAB also sets it automatically when you size the widget.


C type Pt type Default
unsigned long Flag 0

Extended flags inherited by all widgets:

Consume any event encountered, whether or not an action was performed as a result of that event. (When a widget has processed an event and prevents another widget from interacting with the event, the first widget is said to have consumed the event.)
Display help information for the widget in a balloon, not in the Helpviewer. See the chapter on Context-Sensitive Help in the Photon Programmer's Guide.
Pt_DAMAGE_PARENT (read-only)
If the widget is damaged for any reason, damage its parent instead (internal use only).
Skip this widget when performing a layout. See Using layouts in the Geometry Management chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.


C type Pt type Default
PhRect_t Struct 0,0,0,0

A PhRect_t structure (see the Photon Library Reference) that contains the extent of the widget, a rectangle that specifies the upper-left and lower-right corners of the widget. For related resources, see the Geometry section, above.

Note: A widget's extent isn't normally calculated until the widget is realized. You can force a widget to calculate its extent by calling PtExtentWidget() — see the Photon Library Reference.


C type Pt type Default
long Flag 0

Common flags used by all widgets. Except for those indicated as read-only, these flags are all read/write.

Note: PtWidgetFlags() is a convenience function that retrieves the value of this resource.

The flags include:

Any pointer button can activate the widget. Default is the left button only.
Highlight and give focus to the widget when the cursor enters its extent, and unhighlight and remove focus when the cursor leaves.
Prevent the widget and all its non-window-class children from interacting with Photon events.
If certain widgets have this bit set, and your application sets their resources, the relevant callbacks are invoked. Otherwise callbacks aren't invoked when your application sets resources. If a callback refers to this flag, its description says so explicitly.

For example, if this bit is set for a PtDivider and you use PtSetResources() to change the size of one of its children, the Pt_CB_DIVIDER_DRAG callback is invoked.

Pt_CLEAR (read-only)
The widget's brothers-in-front don't intersect with its extent.
Clip the corners of the highlighting rectangle.
Pt_DAMAGED (read-only)
The widget requires repair.
Pt_DAMAGE_FAMILY (read-only)
The widget and all its children need to be repaired.
Prevent the widget from becoming realized unless it's explicitly realized with PtRealizeWidget().
Pt_DESTROYED (read-only)
The widget has been marked for destruction.
Render a focus indicator when the widget when it gets focus.
Allow the widget to be granted focus. The widget needs to have this bit set if it's to receive key events.
Dim the widget. Setting this flag doesn't affect the widget's behavior, just its appearance. The simplest way to disable the widget is to set the Pt_BLOCKED flag in this resource.
Allow the widget to be highlighted as defined by the Pt_ARG_BEVEL_WIDTH, and the Pt_ARG_BASIC_FLAGS resource defined by PtBasic.
Pt_IN_FLUX (read-only)
A call to PtContainerHold() has been made on the widget.
Respond to clicks on the pointer's right button (i.e. enable the Pt_CB_MENU callback defined by PtBasic).
The widget is a menu item.
Pt_OBSCURED (read-only)
The widget is completely covered by one other widget, or it's completely outside its parent container's canvas.
Pt_OPAQUE (read-only)
This widget obscures everything directly behind it (i.e. it isn't transparent).
Pt_PROCREATED (read-only)
The widget was created by another widget (as opposed to an application), such as the PtList and PtText created by a PtComboBox.
Pt_REALIZED (read-only)
The widget is realized.
Pt_REALIZING (read-only)
The widget is in the process of being realized.
Force the widget to have a region.
You can select (repeat, arm, disarm, and activate) the widget. Widgets usually provide visual feedback when selected.
The widget doesn't change its appearance when set or unset. This is meaningful only when the widget is selectable.
The widget is in a “set” state. Generally, this indicates that the widget has been selected.
Pressing the pointer button on this widget causes it to toggle between being set and unset. Normally, selectable widgets act as push buttons — they become set when you press the pointer button, and unset when you release the button.
Pt_WIDGET_REBUILD (read-only)
The widget will be rebuilt (rerealized) when the widget engine is finished applying resource changes.
Pt_WIDGET_RESIZE (read-only)
The widget will be resized when the widget engine is finished applying resource changes.

The default setting of this resource is 0; that is, no flags have been set.


C type Pt type Default
PtGridLayoutData_t * Struct NULL

A PtGridLayoutData_t structure that defines additional layout data for the widget when its container widget uses a PtGridLayout type layout.

PtGridLayoutData_t has at least these members:

short flags

Combination of the following flags:

short h_span
Horizontal span of this child in a number of columns.
short v_span
Vertical span of this child in a number of rows.
PhDim_t hint
The w (width) and h (height) hints for this child widget. Think of these hints as a user defined minimum size, even if the widget could be smaller. Set w and h to 0 if you just want to apply flags to this child.
short h_weight
The portion of the extra space the widget's cell gets if its parent grows, and the widget has the Pt_H_GRAB flag set.
short v_weight
The portion of the extra space the widget's cell gets if its parent grows, and the widget has the Pt_V_GRAB flag set.
PhRect_t margin
cell margins in pixels, where:

Note: You can use PtGridLayoutDataDflts to initialize your copy of PtGridLayoutData_t. It has the following values:
  • h_span = v_span = 1
  • hint.w = hint.h = 0
  • h_weigth = v_weight = 0
  • margin.ul.x = margin.ul.y = margin.lr.x = margin.lr.y = 0

For more information about using layouts and layout resources, see Using Layouts in Geometry Management in the Photon Programmer's Guide.


C type Pt type Default
unsigned short Scalar 0

The height of the widget. For related resources, see the Geometry section, above.

You can edit this resource in PhAB's toolbar, not the control panel; PhAB also sets it automatically when you size the widget.


C type Pt type Default
char * String NULL

The meaning of this resource depends on the bits set in Pt_ARG_EFLAGS:

For more information, see the PtHelp*() functions and the chapter on Context-Sensitive Help in the Photon Programmer's Guide.


C type Pt type Default
void * Struct NULL

This resource provides a convenient method to get or set either of the Pt_ARG_*_LAYOUT_DATA resources.

When you set this resource using PtSetResource() or PtSetArg(), set the value argument to a pointer to the layout data structure you want to use. This can be one of:

You can optionally set the len argument to a pointer to the layout type that corresponds to the data structure (that is, PtRowLayout or PtGridLayout). If you set len to NULL, the layout data structure for the current layout is set. In this case, make sure that the data structure corresponds to the correct layout type, or your application might crash.

For more information about using layouts and layout resources, see Using Layouts in Geometry Management in the Photon Programmer's Guide.


C type Pt type Default
PhDim_t Struct 0,0

A PhDim_t structure (see the Photon Library Reference) that defines the maximum size that a widget can be. For related resources, see the Geometry section, above.


C type Pt type Default
PhDim_t Struct 0,0

A PhDim_t structure (see the Photon Library Reference) that defines the minimum size that a widget can be. For related resources, see the Geometry section, above.


C type Pt type Default
void * Pointer NULL

A pointer to any data that you want to associate with the widget.

For a comparison between this resource and Pt_ARG_USER_DATA, see Storing arbitrary user data,” above.


C type Pt type Default
PhPoint_t Struct 0,0

A PhPoint_t structure that stores the x and y coordinates for the widget. For related resources, see the Geometry section, above.

You can edit this resource in PhAB's toolbar, not the control panel; PhAB also sets it automatically when you move the widget.


C type Pt type Default
long Flag 0

Controls a widget's resize policy in both the x and y directions. Possible values:

Note that each ...BITS flag is a mask that represents all the bits of that type.

The default setting of this resource is 0; that is, no resize policy is in effect.

A widget's resize policy deals solely with the widget's renderable data. For a button, the data is its text; for a container, the data is its children. Any rendered data that doesn't fit within the widget's canvas is clipped.

If no resize policy is in effect, the widget's size is unbounded; it may be made as large or small as specified via Pt_ARG_DIM or Pt_ARG_AREA.

If a resize policy is in effect, the widget grows or shrinks to honor that policy. If the policy is ...ALWAYS, the widget resizes itself to fit its data—the dimensions specified via Pt_ARG_DIM or Pt_ARG_AREA don't apply. If the policy is ...AS_REQUIRED, the widget resizes itself to fit its data only if its current canvas size is inadequate to contain that data. In other words, it grows, but doesn't shrink, to fit its data.

If the widget has the ...INITIAL bit set, the resize policy is applied only once each time the widget is realized. This bit is meaningful only in concert with ...ALWAYS or ...AS_REQUIRED.

Note: If the resize policy conflicts with the anchors, the Pt_ARG_RESIZE_FLAGS override Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_OFFSETS and Pt_ARG_ANCHOR_FLAGS.

For more information about resize policies, see the Geometry Management chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.


C type Pt type Default
PtRowLayoutData_t * Struct NULL

A PtRowLayoutData_t structure that defines additional layout data for the widget when its container widget uses a PtRowLayout type layout.

PtRowLayoutData_t has at least these members:

PhDim_t hint
Contains w (width) and h (height) hints for this child widget. Think of these hints as a user defined minimum size, even if the widget could be smaller. Set w and h to 0 if you just want to apply flags to this child.
short flags

Combination of the following flags:

Note: You can use PtRowLayoutDataDflts to initialize your copy of PtRowLayoutData_t. It has the following values:
  • flags = NULL
  • hint.w = hint.h = 0

For more information about using layouts and layout resources, see Using Layouts in Geometry Management in the Photon Programmer's Guide.


C type Pt type Default
void * Alloc NULL

Data that you want to store in the widget's internal memory.

For a comparison between this resource and Pt_ARG_POINTER, see Storing arbitrary user data,” above.


C type Pt type Default
unsigned short Scalar 0

The width of the widget. For related resources, see the Geometry section, above.

You can edit this resource in PhAB's toolbar, not the control panel; PhAB also sets it automatically when you size the widget.


C type Pt type Default
PtCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of PtCallback_t structures that define the callbacks that the widget invokes whenever it must ignore an event due to being blocked.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure that describes the event that was blocked for this widget.

These callbacks should return Pt_CONTINUE.


C type Pt type Default
PtCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of PtCallback_t structures that define the callbacks invoked when the widget is marked for destruction and is no longer visible. You can use these callbacks, for example, to adjust the appearance of the widgets around the one being destroyed.

Note: In contrast, the Pt_CB_IS_DESTROYED callbacks are invoked when the widget's resources are actually being released.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure filled with NULLs.

These callbacks should return Pt_CONTINUE.


C type Pt type Default
PtCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of PtCallback_t structures that define the callbacks called when a drag-and-drop (Ph_EV_DNDROP) event is received. For more information, see the Drag and Drop chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.

Note: A widget doesn't have to have Pt_SELECTABLE set in its Pt_ARG_FLAGS for its Pt_CB_DND callbacks to be invoked.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

One of:
A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure that describes the event that caused the callback to be invoked.
A pointer to a PtDndCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

Note: Additional data is passed to Pt_CB_DND callbacks for these widget classes:

A drag-and-drop recipient typically calls PtDndSelect() when the reason_subtype is Ph_EV_DND_ENTER, and handles the data when the reason_subtype is Ph_EV_DND_DROP. The other subtypes can be generally ignored.

For more information, see the Drag and Drop chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.


C type Pt type Default
PtRawCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of raw callbacks invoked when an event that matches the provided event mask is to be passed to the widget.

Note: These callbacks are invoked before the event is processed by the widget. Contrast this resource with Pt_CB_RAW.

Because the Pt_CB_FILTER callback is called before the widget processes the event, it gives you the opportunity to decide if the event should be ignored, discarded, or processed by the widget. The return code from the callback indicates what is to happen to the event.

You can add a Pt_CB_FILTER callback to a widget in your application's code by calling PtAddFilterCallback() or PtAddFilterCallbacks(). For more information about this callback, see Event handlers in the Events chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

0 (not used).
A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure that describes the event that caused the callback to be invoked.

These callbacks should return one of:

Consume the event and prevent further propagation of it.
Ignore the event. The event is still consumed if the widget has Pt_CONSUME_EVENTS set in its Pt_ARG_EFLAGS. If Pt_CONSUME_EVENTS isn't set, the event continues through the widget hierarchy as if the current widget didn't exist.
Allow the event to be processed by the widget as usual.


C type Pt type Default
PtHotkeyCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of PtHotkeyCallback_t structures. If the widget receives a key event that matches a structure's key cap and key modifiers, the widget calls the function specified in that structure. If a function isn't specified, the widget invokes its Pt_CB_ACTIVATE callback list with a reason_subtype of Pt_CB_HOTKEY.

Note: A hotkey isn't invoked if any ancestor of the widget that owns it is blocked.

You can add a Pt_CB_HOTKEY callback to a widget in your application's code by calling PtAddHotkeyHandler(). For more information about this callback, see Hotkey callbacks in the Editing Resources and Callbacks in PhAB chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure that describes the event that caused the callback to be invoked.
A pointer to a PtHotkeyCallback_t structure.

These callbacks should return Pt_CONTINUE.


C type Pt type Default
PtCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of PtCallback_t structures that define the callbacks invoked when the widget's resources are being released. You'll find this resource useful for cleaning up variables or memory associated with the widget.

Note: In contrast, the Pt_CB_DESTROYED callbacks are invoked when the widget is marked for destruction and is no longer visible.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure filled with NULLs.

These callbacks should return Pt_CONTINUE.


C type Pt type Default
PtCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of PtCallback_t structures that define the callbacks invoked when you press the pointer button on the widget and then move out of the “hot spot” with the button still depressed.

This callback is particularly useful for initiating drag or drag-and-drop operations. For more information, see the Drag and Drop chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

The button state (the same as ptr->button_state if the code given below is included in your callback).
A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure that describes the event that caused the callback to be invoked. The event data is a PhPointerEvent_t structure (see the Photon Library Reference) that can be fetched in the following manner:
PhPointerEvent_t *ptr =
   (PhPointerEvent_t *)PhGetData( cbinfo->event );

These callbacks should return Pt_CONTINUE.


C type Pt type Default
PtRawCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of PtRawCallback_t structures that defines the raw callbacks that the widget invokes if the event it receives matches the event mask provided in the PtRawCallback_t structure.

Note: These callbacks are invoked after the widget has processed the event, even if the widget's class methods consume it. Contrast this with the Pt_CB_FILTER resource, which is invoked before the widget processes the event.

You can add a Pt_CB_RAW callback to a widget in your application's code by calling PtAddEventHandler() or PtAddEventHandlers(). For more information about this callback, see Event handlers in the Events chapter of the Photon Programmer's Guide.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure that describes the event that caused the callback to be invoked. If the widget's class methods consumed the event, Ph_CONSUMED is set in the event's processing_flags member.

These callbacks should return one of:

Consume the event and prevent further propagation of it.
Allow the event to be passed up to the widget's parent.


C type Pt type Default
PtCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of PtCallback_t structures that define the callbacks that the widget invokes whenever it is realized.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure filled with NULLs.

These callbacks should return Pt_CONTINUE.


C type Pt type Default
PtCallback_t * Link NULL

A list of PtCallback_t structures that define the callbacks that the widget invokes whenever it's unrealized.

Each callback is passed a PtCallbackInfo_t structure that contains at least the following members:

A pointer to a PhEvent_t structure filled with NULLs.

These callbacks should return Pt_CONTINUE.

Warning: main(/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/widget_ref/ptwidget.html on line 3249

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/www/www/htdocs/style/footer.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/www/www/common:/www/www/php/lib/php') in /www/www/docs/6.4.1/photon/widget_ref/ptwidget.html on line 3249