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Superclass for color-selector widgets
PtWidget →
PtBasic →
PtContainer →
PtCompound →
Immediate subclasses:
For more information, see the
diagram of the widget hierarchy.
None — not normally instantiated.
PtColorSel is a superclass for all color-selection widgets.
It defines a common interface to widgets that let you select colors.
To maintain consistency, any widget that implements color selection should
be a descendant of PtColorSel.
C type
Pt type
Default |
The currently selected color.
in the Photon Library Reference.
C type
Pt type
Default |
PgColorModel_t *, short
{Pg_CM_RGB} |
A list of color models that this color selector supports.
When you set a color using a color model that the selector doesn't support,
the actual color can still be calculated;
ensuring that the color model is
supported can reduce roundoff errors if the color
doesn't cleanly map between RGB and the color model in question.
In addition, this resource is useful for widgets that let you choose from
the different color models that the widget supports.
The following color models are defined:
- Red-green-blue.
- Hue-saturation-brightness.
- Hue-lightness-saturation.
A modified HSB model that's more intuitive for selecting colors in a GUI.
- Cyan-magenta-yellow-black.
Here's an example of how to set this resource:
PgColorModel_t const *models[]={Pg_CM_RGB, Pg_CM_CMYK,
PtSetResource( my_widget, Pt_ARG_CS_COLOR_MODELS,
models, 3 );
C type
Pt type
Default |
0 |
An index to the currently active model into the array of color models that
this widget supports.
Indexes start at 0.
C type
Pt type
Default |
0 |
Flags that control the widget's behavior:
- If the selector is undergoing a high-bandwidth change, do any rendering
(if applicable) in a “fast” manner.
This is a meta-flag that doesn't actually affect the behavior of
PtColorSel itself, but may be observed by subclasses
(PtColorPatch uses it to render the two-dimensional patch).
- Ensure
is always mapped (quantized) to the nearest match in the palette if a
palette is set.
The PtColorSel widget always does this matching, so
subclasses don't need to implement it.
C type
Pt type
Default |
PgPalette_t *
The color palette supported by this PtColorSel.
A palette serves these main purposes:
- It supplies the needed palette information for a palette-oriented color
- It imposes a discrete set of colors within a continuous range that this
selector must conform to.
C type
Pt type
Default |
PtCallback_t *
A list of
structures that define the callbacks that are invoked when the selected color
Each callback is passed a
structure that contains at least the following members:
- reason
- reason_subtype
- A combination of the following:
- Pt_CS_COLOR_CHANGED — a low-bandwidth change
(e.g. click, set).
If this bit isn't set, assume that a high-bandwidth change is in progress,
there might be many subsequent callbacks in a very short time.
- Pt_CS_COLOR_CHANGE_COMPLETE — a widget-specific
inference that the selection is “complete.”
For example, this bit is useful if the color selector appears in a popup
pane that you wish to dismiss automatically when the change is complete.
- event
- A pointer to a
structure that describes the event that caused the callback to be invoked.
- cbdata
- A pointer to a PtColorSelCallback_t structure that
contains at least these members:
- PgColor_t rgb — the selected color,
in RGB format.
in the Photon Library Reference.
- PgColorChannel_t const *channels —
the constituent channel values for the selected color.
You should interpret these values based on the color_model.
- PgColorModel_t const *color_model — the
color model, which you should to interpret the values stored in
the channels.
If this is NULL, the channels should be
These callbacks should return Pt_CONTINUE.
If the widget modifies an inherited resource, the “Default
override” column indicates the new value. This modification
affects any subclasses of the widget.
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