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Keywords - D

· ! · 0 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

data structure
See structure

data type
See structure

data types
struct _clockadjust
· Getting and setting ·
struct _clockperiod
· Adjusting the timebase ·
struct itimerspec
· What kind of timer? ·
struct sigevent
· Kernel timeouts · The MsgDeliverEvent() function ·
· Kernel timeouts ·
shortcut initialization
· Kernel timeouts with pthread_join() ·
struct sigevent example
· Kernel timeouts with pthread_join() ·
struct timespec
· What kind of timer? ·

· An io_devctl() example that deals with data ·

· An io_devctl() example that deals with data ·

· Glossary ·
with message passing
· The send-hierarchy ·

· Comparisons ·
via message passing
· A small microkernel and message passing · Network-distributed message passing · What it means for you ·

· Base timing resolution · Timing jitter ·

detaching interrupt handlers
· Detaching an interrupt handler ·

· Message passing and client/server ·

· Characteristics of resource managers · Client/server using the global namespace · Glossary · Translating messages to devctl() or _IO_MSG · Translating messages to standard file-descriptor-based POSIX calls ·

· Step 1 ·

big picture of timer chain
· Clock interrupt sources ·
clock jitter
· Timing jitter ·
InterruptAttach() and wakeups
· InterruptAttach() versus InterruptAttachEvent() ·
InterruptAttachEvent() and wakeups
· InterruptAttach() versus InterruptAttachEvent() ·
interrupts and waking up only when required
· InterruptAttach() versus InterruptAttachEvent() ·
interrupts with unnecessary wakeups
· InterruptAttach() versus InterruptAttachEvent() ·
· An important subtlety ·
using InterruptAttach()
· InterruptAttach() versus InterruptAttachEvent() ·

disabling interrupts
· Neutrino and interrupts ·

discontinuities in time flow
· Getting and setting ·

· The library really does what we just talked about ·

· The library really does what we just talked about ·

· The basic skeleton of a resource manager · The library really does what we just talked about ·

· Behind the scenes at the library · The library really does what we just talked about ·

Dodge, Dan
· A little history ·

domain of authority
· Registering a pathname ·

· ! · 0 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

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